The Census of 1900 showed Krosno with a total population of
4410, composed of 961 Jews (Israelisch), 61 Griech.
Katholisch and 3380 Rom. Katholisch. Neighboring towns with
a large Jewish population included Czudec with a total
population of 1214 (410 Jews), Niebylec 687 (343 Jews),
Jedlicze 560 (125 Jews), Korczyna 5422 (1026 Jews) and
Iwonicz 2775 (68 Jews).
For most of the shtetls in the Krosno area, there are some Jewish records available in the local USCs (these are similar to record centers in the town hall); in Krosno, for instance, there are vital records from 1900 to 1942, in Zmigrod there are vital records dating back to the late 1880s (see the zmigrod page for the exact listing); there are also records in the Archives at Sanok.
The following list of current
Galician records was taken from the wonderful
"Jewish Roots in Poland: Pages from the Past and Archival
Inventories" by Miriam Weiner:
In Przemysl there are Notary records and in Lvov there are land records but they are not likely to easily yield jewish genealogical data.
Also see the Polish Geographical Dictionary, the 1891 polish business directory and the 1929 Krosno business directory.....(read on......)
The 1891 Galician Business Directory contains many listings for Krosno. You can access it directly or see all the databases that JewishGen has combined in the Poland All Country Database.
Click here to visit the 1891 Galician Business Directory: The JewishGen 1891 Galician Business Database
or, better yet, click here to visit JewishGen's All
Country Poland Database: The
JewishGen all Country Poland Database
Return to Table of Contents
The Business Directory of 1929 shows that Krosno Jews were not illiterate farmers, but included many tradesmen and well-educated professionals. Unfortunately this list only represents about 75% of the names. Those left out will be added when received. The original directory was written in polish and french; the translation into English was provided by the editor.
(Polish) Miasto, powiat, siedziba sadu powiatowego, sad
okr, Jaslo, 10454 mieszk......
(French) Chef-lieu de distr., siege du trib. De diast, trib.
D'arr-t Jaslo, 10454 habit. Rail ligne de Jaslo-Stroze.
Autorites et services de l'Estat et autonomes: Starostie,
Command-t de la police de distr., Bureau des Impots et
contrib., Ciasse du tresor, Bureau du cadastre, Direction de
la voirie, Office du placement, Inspection de
l'enseignement, Municipalite, Office de diestr. Eglises et
ecoles; 3 Cathol., couvents de Franciscains et de Capucins,
gymnase, 2 ecoles normales d'instrituteurs, ecole de
tissage, ecole profession complementaire. Institutions:
Ciasse des malades de distr. Et pharmacie. Assoc. profess.
Et corporations: Assoc. cath. Des commercants, assoc. des
commercants, juifs, assoc. des aubergistes et cabaretiers,
corps de metiers, corpor. des cordonniers et de
bouchers-charcutiers, societe agricole regionale. Marches:
le lundi. Foires: tous les 2 mois. Centre tres important de
l'industrie petroliere: mines de petrole et extraction du
gaz de terr, raffineries de petrole. Fabr. De machines,
verreries, fonderie de cloches, filature, moulins, scierie,
The following is the beginning of an English
translation...I will try to improve it with time
The following trades and tradesmen were listed, first in Polish, and then in French; we have translated the trades into English (only surnames were extracted; company names were omitted). WYSZYNK TRUNKOW
SURNAME | FIRST | TRADE (Polish) | TRADE (French) | TRADE (English) |
Ader | E | Akuszerki | Sages-femmes | Medical Midwife |
Ader | J | Fryzjerzy | Coiffeurs | Hairdresser |
Altholz | M | Bizuterja | Bijoutiers | Jewelers |
Altman | L | Kuchenne naczynia | Art. De cuisine | Cooking Items |
Amsterdam | Ch | Kuchenne naczynia | Art. De cuisine | Cooking Items |
Argand | I | Bizuterja | Bijoutiers | Jewelers |
Balser | R | Nabial | Cremiers | Dairymen |
Bargiel | Ant | Lekarze, Suchodolska | Medecin | Physician in Suchodola |
Baumring | Jak | Lekarze, Korczynska | Medecin | Physician in Korczyna |
Beim | S | Blacharze | Ferblantiers | Tinsmith |
Berger | J | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Bergman | S | Budowlane przedsieb. | Entrepr. De constructions | Construction |
Bergman | J | Cegielnie | Briqueteries | Brickyard |
Bidus | F | Kowale | Forgerons | Blacksmiths |
Bieder | A | Obuwie | Chaussures | Boot Dealer |
Bienia | S | Mlyny | Moulins | Mills |
Bobrowski | T | Geometrzy | Geometres | land surveyor |
Bogacki | Stef | Drogerje | Drogueries | Chemist |
Brejtowicz | M | Bydlo-handel | March. De bestiaux | Cattle traders |
Brozyna | Zofia | Lekarze Dentysci, Rynek | Dentists | Dentist, inRynek |
Buchholz | A | Lekarze | Medecin | Physician |
Cwiertniak | K | Blawaty | Tissus | Fabrics |
Czech | S | Agentury | Agents | Merchandiseagent |
Czerwienka | J | Fryzjerzy | Coiffeurs | Hairdresser |
Dunikowski | St. Dr | Naftowe przedsiebiorstwa | Exploitations petrolieres | Gas Mine |
Dym | B | Blawaty | Tissus | Fabrics |
Dym | P | Maka | Farines | Meats |
Dymnicki | Stan | Lekarze (gin) | Medecin | Physician |
Dzidek | W | Akuszerki, Suchodolska | Sages-femmes | Medical Midwife |
Englender | E | |
>Piwo | Beer bottler |
Erlbaum | J | Blawaty | Tissus | Fabrics |
Ertel | Ch | Obuwie | Chaussures | Boot Dealer |
Feiler | R | Forograficzne zaklady | Photographes | Photographer |
Feilhart | L | Blawaty | Tissus | Fabrics |
Feuerlicht | M | Jaja | Oeufs | Egg merchant |
Feuerlicht | J | Nabial | Cremiers | Dairymen |
Findberg | S | Blawaty | Tissus | Fabrics |
Finpowicz | F | Kamasznicy | Tiges p. Chaussures | Leather for Shoes |
Fischbein | B | Blawaty | Tissus | Fabrics |
Fischbein | D | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Fiszbein | R | Galanterja | Merceries | Haberdasher |
Frankel | S | Galanterja | Merceries | Haberdasher |
Friedman | B | Apteki | Pharmacies | Pharmacist |
Gabanski | - | Mechaniczne warsztaty | Mecaniciens | Mechanic |
Galkar | - | Nafta | Petrole | Gas |
Gartner | E | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Gebel | M | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Gierucki | F | Konie - handel | Marchands de chavaux | HorseTrader |
Gizik | J | Kowale | Forgerons | Blacksmiths |
Gleicher | N | Blawaty | Tissus | Fabrics |
Gleicher | A | Galanterja | Merceries | Haberdasher |
Gluch | F | Galanterja | Merceries | Haberdasher |
Goldsztein | A | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Goldsztein | S | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Halpern | R | Galanterja | Merceries | Haberdasher |
Hirschfeld | A | Bizuterja | Bijoutiers | Jewelers |
Hirsprung | L | Obuwie | Chaussures | Boot Dealer |
Hirszfeld | N | Cegielnie | Briqueteries | Brickyard |
Hirszfeld | S | Meble | Meubles | Furniture |
Horowitz | M | Blawaty | Tissus | Fabrics |
Janocha | F | Obuwie | Chaussures | Boot Dealer |
Janowska | S | Drogerje | Drogueries | Chemist |
Jurys | A | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Just | H | Nafta | Petrole | Gas |
Kanner | A | Agentury | Agents | MerchandiseAgent |
Kanner | Galanterja | Merceries | Haberdasher | |
Kaska | R | Fotograficzne przybory | Fournitures pour la photographie | Photography Equipment |
Kaska | R | Forograficzne zaklady | Photographes | Photographer |
Katz | K | Budowlane materjaly | Materiaux de construction | Construction materials |
Katz | Drzewo | Bois | Wood for Heating | |
Kaufman | M | Blawaty | Tissus | Fabrics |
Kaufman | W. J. | Blawaty | Tissus | Fabrics |
Kazalski | St. | Nierogucizna - handel | March. De porcs | PigTraders |
Keil | J | Czapnicy | Fabr. De casquettes | Cap Maker |
Kleinberger | J | Blawaty | Tissus | Fabrics |
Kleiner | M | Obuwie | Chaussures | Boot Dealer |
Kleinman | L | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Kliniec | J | Ciesle | Charpentiers | Carpenter |
Klotz | Ch | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Kolko rolnicze | Kooperatywy | Cooperatives | Cooperative | |
Korb | Ch | Kuchenne naczynia | Art. De cuisine | Cooking Items |
Kornreich | A | Blacharze | Ferblantiers | Tinsmith |
Krajewski | M | Lekarze | Medecin | Physician |
Krukierek | S | Fryzjerzy | Coiffeurs | Hairdresser |
Krukierek | J | Mlyny | Moulins | Mills |
Kubit | J | Ciesle | Charpentiers | Carpenter |
Kukierek | J | Betonowe wyroby | Fabr de produits en beton | Concrete Maker |
Kuliga | F | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Kutek | A | Bednarze | Tonneliers | Cooper |
Kwasny | J | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Lam | O | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Landau | D | Nafta | Petrole | Gas |
Lang | Ch | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Lenik | W | Drukarnie | Imprimeries | Printer |
Lenik | K | Koszykarze | Vanniers | Basketmaker |
Lenik | W | Ksiegarnie | Librairies | Book dealer |
Leser | H | Blawaty | Tissus | Fabrics |
Lewicki | Z | Lekarze (chir) | Medecin | Physician |
Lieber | I | Budowlane materjaly | Materiaux de construction | Construction materials |
Lindenberg | E | Blawaty | Tissus | Fabrics |
Lorens | A | Lekarze, Rynek | Medecin | Physician, in Rynek |
Majerowicz | O | Galanterja | Merceries | Haberdasher |
Mankowski | B | Budowlane przedsieb. | Entrepr. De constructions | Construction |
Margiel | Ch | Blawaty | Tissus | Fabrics |
Margulies | M | Ekspedycyjne biura | Expediteurs | Shippers |
Maslyk | J | Mlyny | Moulins | Mills |
Mechel | D | Blacharze | Ferblantiers | Tinsmith |
Mende | W | Czapnicy | Fabr. De casquettes | Cap Maker |
Metzger | R | Czapnicy | Fabr. De casquettes | Cap Maker |
Miesowicz | M | Bizuterja | Bijoutiers | Jewelers |
Mieszkowski | J | Apteki | Pharmacies | Pharmacist |
Mikos | T | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Mrugala | Fr | Maszyny | Machines | Machinery |
Mrugala | F | Muzyczne instrumenty | Instruments de musique | Musical instruments |
Munz | Ad | Mechaniczne warsztaty | Mecaniciens | Mechanic |
Munz | A | Mosieznicy | Dinandiers | mfgr or dealer in copper products |
Musial | J | Geometrzy | Geometres | land surveyor |
Musial | W | Hotele | Hotels | Hotels |
Musial | W | Jadlodajnie | Restaurants | Restaurants |
Nagiel | T | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Neuman | M | Blawaty | Tissus | Fabrics |
Niepokoj | J | Cegielnie | Briqueteries | Brickyard |
Nord | S | Galanterja | Merceries | Haberdasher |
Nowak | J | Mlyny | Moulins | Mills |
Nowakiewicz | K | Bron | Armuriers | Armor Makers |
Nussbaum | W | Galanterja | Merceries | Haberdasher |
Odzynski | R | Mechaniczne warsztaty | Mecaniciens | Mechanic |
Olechowski | J | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Oling | S | Kuchenne naczynia | Art. De cuisine | Cooking Items |
Orzechowski | J | Ciesle | Charpentiers | Carpenter |
Paczosa | W | Mlyny | Moulins | Mills |
Patla | J | Kowale | Forgerons | Blacksmiths |
Pelczanska | A | Akuszerki, Suchodolska | Sages-femmes | MedicalMidwife |
Pinkas | J | Blacharze | Ferblantiers | Tinsmith |
Pinkas | J | Kuchenne naczynia | Art. De cuisine | Cooking Items |
Pleznar | J | Ksiegarnie | Librairies | Book Dealer |
Plodzien | I | Bandazysci | Bandagistes | mfgr of Surgical Bandages |
Podwale | Budowlane przedsieb. | Entrepr. De constructions | Construction | |
Polski Bank Przemyslowy | Banki | Banques | Bank | |
Prokopik | P | Fryzjerzy | Coiffeurs | Hairdresser |
Ptak | K | Akuszerki | Sages-femmes | Medical Midwife |
Pudelko | J | Kowale | Forgerons | Blacksmiths |
Ringler | A | Obuwie | Chaussures | Boot Dealer |
Robaczynski | S | Cukiernie | Confiseurs | Confectioner |
Rossler | N | Kuchenne naczynia | Art. De cuisine | Cooking Items |
Rossler | P | Kuchenne naczynia | Art. De cuisine | Cooking Items |
Roth | H | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Rubenfeld | L | Cukry | Bonbons | Candies |
Rubin | M | Maka | Farines | Meats |
Rucki | A | Nierogucizna - handel | March. De porcs | PigTraders |
Rypien | J | Blawaty | Tissus | Fabrics |
Sagan | I | Kowale | Forgerons | Blacksmiths |
Schamroth | S | Maszyny | Machines | Machinery |
Scheiner | N | Galanterja | Merceries | Haberdasher |
Schmalz | B | Hotele | Hotels | Hotels |
Schmalz | B | Jadlodajnie | Restaurants | Restaurants |
Schmutz | N | Blawaty | Tissus | Fabrics |
Serwa | Br | Fryzjerzy | Coiffeurs | Hairdresser |
Siatecka | H | Akuszerki | Sages-femmes | Medical Midwife |
Siegel | Z | Lekarze | Medecin | Physician |
Singer | P | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Slaczka | Ant | Lekarze, pow. | Medecin | Physician |
Sladtfeld | Ch | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Slomiak | A | Kaflarze | Carreleurs | ? |
Solecki | J | Murarze | Macons | Mason |
Spindler | M | Malarze | Peintres | Painters |
Steigbugel | H | Galanterja | Merceries | Haberdasher |
Stein | S | Kuchenne naczynia | Art. De cuisine | Cooking Items |
Steinbugel | M | Obuwie | Chaussures | Boot Dealer |
Steinmetz | H | Meble | Meubles | Furniture |
Stiehl | Jonas | Lekarze, Franciszkanska | Medecin | Physician |
Storch | S | Galanterja | Merceries | Haberdasher |
Suchon | W | Akuszerki, Podwale | Sages-femmes | Medical Midwife |
Swietnicki | J | Malarze | Peintres | Painters |
Szeligowska | A | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Szubra | S | Murarze | Macons | Mason |
Tabisel | H | Budowlane materjaly | Materiaux de construction | Construction materials |
Tabiszel | H | Drzewo | Bois | Wood for Heating |
Teich | M | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Tepege s.a. | Maszyny - fabryki | Fabr de machines | Machine Parts(?) | |
Tepper | A | Galanterja | Merceries | Haberdasher |
Tomaszewski | S | Blacharze | Ferblantiers | Tinsmith |
Trattner | M | Kuchenne naczynia | Art. De cuisine | Cooking Items |
Trenczer | L | Bydlo-handel | March. De bestiaux | Cattle traders |
Trenczner | Cz | Obuwie | Chaussures | Boot Dealer |
Usiejowa | M | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Weinfeld | I | Obuwie | Chaussures | Boot Dealer |
Weisner | D | Budowlane materjaly | Materiaux de construction | Construction materials |
Weisner | D.I | Drzewo | Bois | Wood for Heating |
Weissman | S | Cukry | Bonbons | Candies |
Weissman | M | Ekspedycyjne biura | Expediteurs | Shippers |
Weklar | M | Akuszerki | Sages-femmes | Medical Midwife |
Wilf | L | Miod | Miel | Honey |
Wilk | J | Cegielnie | Briqueteries | Brickyard |
Wilk | K | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Wilk | J | Murarze | Macons | Mason |
Wojnar | M.R. | Krawcy | Tailleurs | Tailors |
Wojtynkiewicz | W | Apteki | Pharmacies | Pharmacist |
Wozniak | Lekarze | Medecin | Physician | |
Wysocki | F | Instalacje | Ajusteurs | Arbiter, adjuster |
Wysocki | F | Mechaniczne warsztaty | Mecaniciens | Mechanic |
Zajdel | J | Betonowe wyroby | Fabr de produits en beton | Concrete Maker |
Zitronenbaum | S | Bar | ||
Zuzak | F | Malarze | Peintres | Painters |
Prior to the advent of civil registration (required by Austrian law in the late 1700s, but not adhered to in Galicia until the early 1800s), information regarding the inhabitants can often be found by looking at town records. Especially in the cases of those towns that were "owned" by nobility, the town records still exist, and sometimes contain treasure troves of information regarding the inhabitants. These records exist in the Polish Geographical Dictionary, copies of which are at the New York Public Library and the Library of Congress; microfilms of these volumes are also available through the Mormon Family History Centers. I would suggest, if you wish to find information from "your" shtetl in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, by researching the Polish Geographical Dictionary, that you begin with the Fall 2000 issue of Avotaynu.
The following was taken from Avotaynu's Fall 2000 Issue (Avotaynu: The International Review of Jewish Genealogy, published by Gary Mokotoff) . In this issue various Jewish Genealogical Resources are examined. One of the articles was entitled "Tips on Translating Entries from Slownik nGeograficzny" by William F. Hoffman; this article originally appeared in the May 2000 issue of Rodziny, the Journal of the Polish Genealogical Society of America.
"If f one had to name the one Polish-language source most often consulted and translated by Polish-American genealogical researchers, it surely would be the Slownik Geografizcny ... (Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland...16 volumes, 1880-1904). Eventually, research requires locating the town or village one's ancestors came from...Let us look at some samples....for a village in Galicia.
In fact, this entry is for two villages with the same name, which illustrates a point you must understand to use the Slownik well; many, many place names are not unique. If there is one village called X, there may be 5 or 10 or 20 with the same name. You must have aditional details-the name of the gmina or powiat or province it was in, the nearest large town....-or you will have no way of knowing which X marks the spot for you! Here there are two places named Wroncanka..."
"Wrocanka (1) a village in Jaslo county, on a small tributary of the Jasiolka from the left bank, 3.5 miles south of Tarnowiet (parish and railroad statiion between Jaslo and Krosno). With the landed estate (of Konst. Pilinski) it has 104 houses and 574 Roman Catholic inhabitants. The landed estate has an area of 494 morgs, half farmland and half forest, and the minor estate has 708 morgs of land. In 1581 (Pawinski, malopolska) it was the property of Salowski..."
"W[rocanka], a village in Krosno county, on the right bank of the Jasiel, elevation 312 meters above sea level, 4.3 km. West of Miejsce and 8.3 km southeast of Krosno. Near Wrocanka the roads to Rymanow and Dukla cross. With the landed estate it has 153 houses and 833 Roman Catholic inhabitants......Wrocanka was once a village owned by the king, settled on the basis of German law, and it was originally settled by Germans. In the 1665 Sanok district inspection report...we read: The owner of this village is His Excellency Stanislaw Zawisza, jointly with Her Excellency Konstancya of Kozieglowa, his spouse, with a degree of consent received of King Jan Kazimierz and dated Warsaw on 14 January 1651...In this village there are 7 peasants settled....The manorial farmstead's yield.........the sum on which the kwarta is to be paid to the Crown treasury, under the debts described in the common law....The wooden church existing today was built in 1770. The village ...belongs to the parish (in the diocese of Przemysl, deanery of Krosno). It borders on the south with Rowne, on the east with Rogi and Miejsce, on the northwith Glowienka and on the west with Nizna Laka.
Fascinating, isn't it? Again, the details are to be found
in Avotaynu's Fall 2000 Issue (Avotaynu: The
International Review of Jewish Genealogy, published by
Gary Mokotoff) . For more information about Avotaynu,
visit their web site at
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Do you have roots in Krosno or the surrounding area??? Would you like to connect with others researching the same community? Click the button to search the JewishGen Family Finder database. If you are not already registerred with JewishGen, please do so. It's free and painless! and that way you can add the surnames you are researching to the list, so that others can find you!!
My GGGGF, Ephraim or Froim ( Yiddish version of Ephraim)
Leibner Halevi was born in Western Galicia, Poland. He
made a living by tending to the local markets and fairs
where he sold or bought clothing. The items were then
repaired, dyed if necessary and resold at the next market.
Life was difficult for the Jew had to pay everywhere fees
and purchase permits in addition to the regular taxes that
were imposed on Jews. He was married to Rachela and they
had a son named Shragai Feibish Leibner (the combination
of these first names was very popular among Jews in Europe
and they signify light) was born in Korczyna, Galicia in
1821. We have not been able to establish whether Shragai
Feibish had brothers or sisters, although there are
several Leibner families in the area. He continued his
father’s occupation. He went from market to market,
selling and buying clothing and furs that were then fixed,
repaired, dyed and resold. He married Sheindel Gross a
native of Korczyna. They soon gave birth to Nathan Nuta
(Nussan as pronounced in Yiddish) halevi Leibner. He was
born on April 18,1843. Then the family gave birth to
Esther Leibner and Rachel Yette Leibner in Korczyna in
1853. Nathan went to cheder and learned to be a Jew. He
also helped the parents with the clothing business. The
girls also helped their mother and assisted with the
business. Sheindel (Gross )Leibner died at a very young
age and Shragai Feibish remarried. His second wife was
Chana Gittel Grau. She was born in Korczyna in 1833 and
will die in the hamlet in 1891. To the best of our
knowledge, there were no children of this marriage. Nathan
continued to work with his father and also studied a bit
of torah at the local synagogue. Matchmakers soon began to
visit the Leibner home and a match was found for Nathan
Leibner. Her name was Pearl Feige Tzimet from Zmigrod,
near Jaslo. Her parents were Joel or Julius and Gittel
Yente Tzimet. of Zmigrod. The Tzimets were a
well-established and large family in Zmigrod. The young
couple took up residence in the hamlet of Zmigrod and
Nathan continued the family business tradition. Esther
Leibner was also married to Wolf Beer in Korczyna and so
was Rachel Yetta to Yehiel Aaron Weinberger. The latter
used the name Leibner. Pearl Leibner gave birth to Ephraim
Leibner in 1868, named in honor of Nathan’s grandfather.
She then gave birth to Sheindel Leibner on April 30 1873,
named in honor of Nathan’s mother. Complications set in
and Pearl Tzimet Leibner passed away leaving Nathan
Leibner with two small infants and a business. Nathan
called on his sister Esther to come to Zmigrod to help
him. She was recently widowed and there were no children.
She closed everything and left Korczyna for Zmigrod. She
did say goodbye to her father Shragai Feibish who was
still living in Korczyna and to her sister Rachel Yette
Leibner-Weinberger and her family. In 1875, Nathan Leibner
married Reisel (later Rose) Achtsam and they had nine
children of whom six survived:
Menachem Mendel Shaul Leibner called Mendel for short, b.
Oct 1876 in Zmigrod, d.Jan 26,1926 in NYC
Rachel Leibner b. February 11th 1879 in Zmigrod
Burech Leibner b. Oct 18,1881 and died within days in
Joseph, M (Morris) Leibner b. in 1885 in Zmigrod
Emma Leibner b.1886 in Zmigrod, and
Etta Leibner b. in 1892 in the USA.
Nathan Leibner struggled to make a living and maintain his large family. Poverty and oppression were the lot of the Jew in these hamlets. Nathan decided to leave Europe and arrived in NYC on March 15,1886. He started to peddle merchandise from door to door. He then brought over Rose and the children to the USA in 1888. His sister refused to leave Zmigrod and refused to send the older children to the USA. Letters went back and forth and finally Esther send Sheindel or Jenny to the States where she later married Harry Krill and Mendel Shaul Leibner. Ephraim Leibner she kept in Zmigrod so that she would have a “ kaddish sayer” when she will pass away. Rachel Yette Leibner and Aaron Weinberger in Korczyna had also a large family but many children died in infancy, the survivors were: Fradel, Lea,Itzhak and Ephraim Yehiel Leibner. The patrich of the family Shragai Feibish Leibner passed away in Korczyna in 1913.
Nathan applied for citizenship and was naturalized in
1900. He also left peddling and went into the fish
business. He established Mother's Fish Products and
their labels appear to this day on various products in
the supermarkets. In Zmigrod, Ephraim Leibner lived
with his aunt Esther and continued tending to markets. He
married Shprince Findling, member of a large family in
Zmigrod. The family grew with the arrival of several
children. Then the sad news arrived from the USA that Rose
died On January 14th, 1905. Nathan married again in 1906,
he chose Anna Cohen. They gave birth to a son, Sidney
Leibner who was born on Oct.10th, 1910 in NYC. Nathan
Leibner died on December 15th, 1929 in NYC. Anna Leibner
died on Feb 18th,1944. Rose Leibner, Mendel Leibner,
Nathan Leibner and Anna Leibner are buried at Washington
cemetery in the Zmigroder section. All members of Ephraim
Leibner’s family were killed in the shoa except for
Pauline Leibner who left for the USA where she married
Philip Klein and Jacob Leibner who married Serl Lang in
For more information, email Bill Leibner, Jerusalem,
Israel Return to Table of Contents
For more information, email Bill Leibner, Jerusalem, Israel Return to Table of Contents
We are indeed fortunate to find Alexander
Bialywlos-White, a native of Krosno. He has supplied this
web site with many of the wonderful photographs of Krosno people.
The photograph below is a wonderful portrays
Rabbi Moshe Twerski of Krosno, with Chesidim.
Alexander told us a little of himself and his family:
My name is Alexander Bialywlos-White; I was born June 1923
to Mendel Bialywlos and Leah Platner-Bialywlos. My
siblings were Mania (Miriam)Bialywlos born 1922, Schlomo
(Salomon) Bialywlos born 1925, and Heniek (Chaim Hirsch)
Bialywlos born 1931, all born in Krosno.
Most of my family were killed by the Nazis. My mother and sister were shot by the Nazis in 1942 together with a number of other Jewish people from the Ghetto in Krosno which included the Rabbi Schmuel Fuehrer. My Father died in Auschwitz May 1944 where he was evacuated to from the Krakow-Plaszow CC during the so called "naked parade". My brother Schlomo was shot in the Ghetto of Jaslo in February 1943, where he was working with a group of others in cleaning up and sorting the clothes left from the Jews "resettled" to the Belzec Extermination Camp. My brother Heniek was killed in Auschwitz in the summer of 1943 where he was sent after the liquidation of the Rzeszow Ghetto. He had been sent to the Rzeszow Ghetto upon liquidation of the Krosno Ghetto Dec 4, 1942. I myself survived at Schindler's camp in Bruennlitz, Sudetenland.
Today I am in contact with some cousins from the area. First is Moniek (Mike) Fruhman who lives in Melbourne, and his brother Mark (Mociu) Fruhman from Manchester,England. And then, of coure, my cousin Rifka Platner who lives in Tel Aviv (now Rifka Rand).
For more information, please email Alexander Bialywlos-White
Surnames: RAFF / SICHERMAN/ MEISNER/ KATZ / FISCH / GRUNSPANN / GREENSPAN / EICHNER / ZWICK / HILLER from Zmigrod Nowy / Bukowsko / Dukla / Dynow / Korczyna, Poland.
Great-Great Grandparents: Aron and Itte KATZ, who were day laborers in Korczyna. They had at least one child. Her name was Chaje (Chaya) Sara and she was my great-grandmother.
For More Information, email Debbie Raff, Calif.
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Dawid GOLDMAN married Minnie MARGOLES ( born circa. 1861). They had 6 children, born in Korczyna: Izzy, Jack, Hilda, Anna Harry and Louis.
According to his birth certificate, Louis was born Jan 23, 1880 in Korczyna, in House #641. He married Fanny Stecher in December of 1912 in NYC. Fanny was born Dec 21, 1894 at 275 Rivington Street in NYC. Louis died in NY on Apr 27, 1976
Virtually all of the Feit families who immigrated to the United States since the mid-1880s from Austria /Poland are Jewish and originated from about 73 villages and towns in the southeastern corner of Poland. Most of these villages are clustered around Brzozow, Sanok, and Krosno and extend northward for about 60 miles along the River San – including Przemysl (near the border with Ukraine), Lezajsk, Rudnik, Nisko, Tarnobrzeg, Rozwadow and Radomysl. Other Feits branches stem from Rymanow and Jasienica Rosielna.
Galician Jews adopted fixed hereditary surnames after the 1787 law of Kaiser Joseph II. Based on data extracted from hundreds of documents and databases, marriage and death certificates, naturalization records and information from Feit descendants, I have been creating family trees and searching for common ancestors to link together as many branches as possible. With a focus on older generations, my file now contains more than 8,000 individuals, with many name duplications, in 380 unconnected branches. The earliest known birth date is 1800 (Jacob Feit) and more than 1,500 individuals have known or estimated birth dates before 1900. Additional clues from descendants and Polish records are needed to merge more branches.
The tree of the Feit brothers Isidore and Jacob from Krosno, Rymanow, Trzesniow and Brzozow contains 399 individuals. Two FEIT Family Tree Project reports are available upon request. The database contains more than 1,200 different surnames. A FEIT Family Photo Album was also created.
For more information, please email me by clicking my name
Bette Stoop
December 2013
Jack Nagal "lost his youth and most of his family to the Holocaust...He died Oct 12 in Los Angeles at the age of 96, survived as a property developer for some of the same reasons he survived concentration camps: He kept a reserve of cash to cover the unexpected, and he knew when to grab an opportunity".
"His wealth allowed him to contribute to Jewish causes, including the Simon Wiesenthal Center, where he served as a trustee."
"Jan Jakub Nagel, the oldest of four children, was born Dec. 7, 1921 in Krosno, Poland. His father was a landlord and part owner of a lumber mill....when Germany invaded Poland in September 1939, the family loaded up a horse-drawn wagon and set off for Romania, only to turn back after finding the roads clogged....Eventually young Jan and his father paid smugglers to guide them to refuge in Bardejov, Slovakia"
"In early 1945 he was shuffled to a camp near Dachau and put to work building underground bunkers. In May the Americans arrived. An African-American soldier "the first black person we ever saw" told them the war was over...his father, mother and brothers were dead. Eventually he found his sister Gloria in Sweden."
"He is survived by his wife, his sister, four children,
15 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren"
A remarkable story.
Translators note: The story you are about to read was written in Hebrew by a surviving daughter of Bendet Akselrad of Korczyna and Krosno. The family was well established and had extensive roots and history in Korczyna and vicinity. It contributed heavily to the Jewish community and provided leaders for the Jewish community of Korczyna and Krosno for several generations until these communities and their Jewish inhabitants were destroyed by the Germans during WWII.
Bendet Akselrad born on April 14th 1886 and killed on July 15th 1943 at the Szebnie concentration camp in Poland. He was the head of the Jewish community in Krosno for many years and also served as the head of the Korczyna Jewish community.
Cila Axelrad nee Freifeld, wife of Bendet
Akselrad. She was born in 1888 and killed in Krosno,
Galicia in 1943
My father was Bendet Akselrad head of the Jewish communities of Korczyna and Krosno, Galicia, Poland. He was married to Cila Freifeld and they had five sons and a daughter. My oldest brother was Shmuel who was born in 1909 and married to Klara Rosenberg from Debice and they had a daughter named Irenka born in 1935. My second brother was Shalom born in 1911. The third brother Avraham was born in 1922. The fourth brother was Yehuda born in 1924 and the fifth brother was Levy born in 1930. I, Bertha Akselrad was born on the 24th of Mai 1932.
I will presently try to describe the family as far as my memories permit it since I was a small youngster at the time as my birthday indicates. The family revolved about my father who was devoted to the community. He was a gentle person who had a great deal of patience and listened to everybody who came to the house with a problem and the Jews of Krosno and Korczyna had many problems mainly survival problems in a sea of anti-Semitic environment.
As a child I loved the Jewish holidays of Purim, Passover and Friday nights. My father always brought home dinner guests from the synagogue that joined us at the table and shared our meals. Dinners were always interlaced with conversations and discussions. To this day, people that knew my father praise him for his patience, understanding and assistance in solving problems. These people describe to me in great detail his deeds that were unknown to me. These comments make me feel proud of my parents and family.
They also helped me to better understand my father since the people in question dealt with him personally while I was a mere child on the sidelines. Many influential Polish gentiles visited our home and discussed ways and means to avoid or smooth sore spots within the Krosno community amongst Jews and Christians. The Polish population was very anti-Semitic and the slightest incident could turn into a major riot or a pogrom as often happened in the country. The Jews wanted to avoid confrontations at any costs and merely desired to continue with their life that was very difficult for they were discriminated at every step of the way. Even gifted Jewish youth could only dream about positions or jobs in governmental or public offices. Anti-Semitism was deeply embedded amongst the polish population and was even transferred from generation to generation with minor changes.
Father devoted most of his time to the community and considered this task to be his "raison d'etre" or essence of life. He left his various businesses in Krosno to his older sons while he devoted himself to the needs of the Jewish population. The oldest sons Shmuel and Shlomo graduated the school of commerce and administration and managed the various family businesses. Bendet Akselrad was also a graduate of this school. Schooling was very limited to Jews and some trades or professions were closed to Jewish students and in some instances a few Jewish students were admitted as a token of Jewish presence. Mother also helped my father since she received the people who came to the house while father was not at home. She spoke to the visitors and made notations that were relayed to father on his arrival. My brother and I also had important jobs for we ran to open the door whenever the bell rang. Many of the family discussions revolved around the impending war and my parents and older brothers were very perturbed by the news events of the day. I was terrified and expected the worst especially when I heard the screechings of Hitler on the radio. I had bad feelings but did not really understand what was happening.
The Polish-German war started in September of 1939 and my brother Shalom was immediately drafted at night and I was unable to say good-bye to him. Time passed and we heard nothing from Shalom. Then a Pole came to our house and told the family that my brother was seriously injured in his legs and is treated at a hospital in Stanislawow, Eastern Galicia. Of course, he received a nice reward for the information. Father took with him Avraham and Yehuda and they left the house in the direction of the city where Shalom was supposedly convalescing. He left the community affairs in the hands of Shmuel, his oldest son. They soon arrived to Stanislawow and discovered the hoax. Shalom Axelrad was not in the city. But they did meet many Jews from Krosno who fled to this area prior to the arrival of the Germans. The Akselrads decided to return home but Russian forces now occupied Stanislawow as part of the partition of Poland by Germany and Russia. It took some doing and they managed to reach Krosno. Here a postal card awaited him from his son Shalom who was a prisoner of war in a German camp. Shalom continued to send postal cards and in one of them he informed us that he will soon be sent home. Our joy was boundless.
Father was very busy with the community and was assisted by his elder sons. The city of Krosno had received many Jewish refugees from many places who needed help and temporary lodgings. The Jewish economic situation in the city was very bad for many Jewish businesses were confiscated and Jews were not permitted to circulate freely in the city. The situation worsened with each day, a white armband with a Star of David had to be worn, anti-Jewish rules and regulations appeared daily. The situation assumed alarming proportions and my father and brothers barely coped with the situation. They tried to help with whatever they could and the Jews needed all the help that they could get. The fact that father and brothers spoke fluently German for the family lived for many years in Vienna and had Austrian citizenship, gave them the ability to use the language to help the Jews of Krosno.
The Germans refused to deal with Jews and especially those that did not speak German. Every demand had to be written and submitted to the Germans in their language. The Akselrads were busy drafting and writing all kinds of requests for the Jews of Krosno. They also had to follow up these requests and I saw my father's face when he returned with a negative answer. Although I was small, I began to hear strange and meaningless but frightening words like concentration camps, ghetto, searches, and Gestapo. I did not understand these words but feared them for they were uttered in fright. I began to mature rapidly as children do in such special circumstances.
One evening father came home and I saw the sadness in his eyes. Mother told me that they wanted to talk to me privately. Father told me that he found a special place for me with a fine Polish family that wanted to take me to their house. He told me that they would like me very much. I listened seriously but did not really understand what was taking place. Mother packed a bag with clothing. The next evening, my brother Shalom took me to the family. During the walk he explained to me how to behave in the new home and to be a good and obedient girl. He instructed me to listen and fulfill all the commands of the new family. He also told me that I now have a new name that I must use. Furthermore, you must not cry or ask to return home. We shall visit you when we can. Parting was very sad, I saw the tears in my brother's eyes and I barely restrained myself from crying. Still we parted sadly and I entered the new home.
The family was very happy to receive me. I saw a grand father, a grand mother where I will remain in hiding for the duration of the entire war. My parents and my brothers occasionally visited me except for Avraham. The later went one day to buy bread and disappeared never to be seen again. The family visits continued and then suddenly they stopped. My mother Cila Akselrad went to purchase food where she was caught and shot in 1943. My father Bendet Akselrad was shot on July 15th 1943 in the concentration camp of Szebnie. My brother Shmuel, his wife Clara, their daughter Irenka, and Shalom Akselrad were caught in Warsaw with faked Aryan papers and killed. Avraham Akselrad survived the concentration camps and managed to reach New York where he passed away in 1991 after a lengthy illness. He never established a family. My brother Yehuda Akselrad joined the partisans and fought with them until 1943 when he was killed in the vicinity of Warsaw. My brother Lewy was killed in Krosno in 1943. Thus, I was the sole survivor of the family in Krosno and lived with the Polish family.
I missed my parents and brothers and kept dreaming about them. I saw them almost every night in my dreams and was very happy only to awaken to the bitter reality that I was alone. I was very sad since I wanted the dream to continue but to no avail. I remained in the house with grandfather and grandmother while the couple went to work. I helped in the house with everything that I could since I tried to please everybody in the family. I was always afraid that I may be kicked out of the house. This fear lingered on and frequently prevented me from sleeping. Slowly and steadily I became attached to the Christian family.
The war ended in 1945 and nobody came to take me home. The entire family apparently was killed and nobody was left except for myself. I was very sad when at the age of thirteen I became aware that I was the only survivor of the entire family. This was also the year that I had to start school for the first time and I wanted to be like all the other children, namely Christian. I wanted to be accepted and not shunted. The family encouraged me in that direction. Presently I loved the family and was very attached to it. I went to the priest in Krosno and asked to be baptized. He was very surprised and told me that he knew my father. He asked whether there were any survivors in the family and I replied that I was the sole survivor. The priest baptized me on September 5th 1945 and the same month I started school for the first time. I was admitted to the seventh grade in the elementary school for which I was prepared by a private teacher since I had to make up a great deal of schooling. I was a very diligent student and loved to go to school and to study. I made many friends and wanted to be accepted. I tried to make up for all the lost time that I was locked up. I finished elementary school and received a certificate. I was registered to continue schooling next year meanwhile I enjoyed the summer recess during which time I met my friends and took trips with them.
One day, my brother Avraham was informed that I survived the war and lived in Krosno. He came to Krosno with Yehoshua Drucker, captain in the Polish Army. The latter devoted himself to searching surviving Jewish children who lived with Polish families and returning them to surviving members of the family or to place the children in a Jewish orphanage. I did not want to join my brother since I was attached to my new family and did not want to leave them. My brother sensed my decision and decided to petition the court (for custody since I was still a minor). The judge ordered me to stay for two weeks at the Jewish orphanage with my brother Avraham. The orphanage was at Zabrze and I was very homesick and wrote letters to the adopted family but never received a reply. They also wrote letters to me but I did not receive them. The orphanage knew that the Poles will try to return me to the family so they stopped all correspondence between us. Shortly thereafter, I was sent to France with a transport of Polish Jewish children. I remained in France for two years and then we went to Israel in 1948. I was sent to the agricultural school "Mikveh Israel" and in 1950 I joined the army. In 1953 I married and raised a family. I have two sons and 4 grandchildren. I live in a private home at Kiriat Ono and tend to my garden and floors. I spent my time attending lectures and reading books.
Bertha Akselrad in 1946 in France at the orphanage. She is the author of the short family story. Dated 1/4/08 Signed Batia Eisenstein nee Akselrad
I was born on May 5, 1932, in Krosno, Galicia, Poland. My parents were Bendet and Cila nee Freifeld Akselrad. I had five older brothers. I was the sheltered baby of the family and their worries about my well being greatly increased with the German occupation of the town. The Jewish economic situation in Krosno went from bad to worse with each day. My parents decided to seek shelter for me with a non-Jewish family named Krukierek. Our family was well acquainted with this family whose sons worked at our sawmill in Krosno. The family responded positively to the inquiries.
My mother packed a suitcase of clothing and I packed a small suitcase of items that were dear to me. I took some notebooks, pencils, coloring pencils and some other nick knacks that were precious to me. One evening, my brother Shalom took me to my new family. I cried all the way while my brother talked to me about behaving nicely to the family members and to be obedient and respectful. The separation was very difficult and painful. My brother tried his best at soothing my feelings by stating that the family would always be in touch and visit me at the new home. As to my question about why I had to leave the house, there was no immediate answer. Shalom merely said that the family selected a nice and safe place for me where I would be treated as a member of the family. His words gave me some confidence and I ceased crying. We then entered the new home and I was greeted warmly.
I saw a grandmother, a grandfather and a young couple who would be my new parents. The couple had no children of their own; thus perhaps the incentive to adopt a child and the joy of seeing me in their home. Of course, I was very sad since I was left alone when my brother left. The new family named me Basia (typical Polish Christian name). I cried the entire first night and was unable to fall asleep. I had a hard time adjusting to the idea that I was left alone with a new and strange family. No longer would I be able to rejoin my dear and beloved family. I rose early in the morning and went to the yard. I approached the gate and looked at the path that we used the previous night, but nobody was in sight.
I stood there and cried, hoping to see a familiar face, but no one appeared. I continued to stand or sit there for hours each day in the hope of seeing someone from the family, but in vain. I was depressed and entered the home only when grandfather called me to eat but I had no appetite. Grandmother understood the situation and tried to alleviate my fears by saying that my old family would probably visit me during the day or tomorrow. This of course did not alleviate my depressed feelings but it showed me that someone cared. Needless to say, I was very happy when a member of the family visited and brought a gift from the old home. They always promised to visit me as often as they could to cheer me up, for they saw my red and swollen eyes. They tried to visit often and indeed everybody visited me except my brother Avraham. He went to buy bread and disappeared, never to be seen again. The visits always ended in sadness for I was left alone with my depressed feelings
Suddenly my family stopped visiting me. It seemed like it vanished from the face of the earth. The year was 1943 and indeed some members of the family were caught by the Germans and killed while others were no longer in the city. I had the feeling that I would never see my dearly beloved family. At night I dreamed that my family visited me and was very happy, but on awakening I realized that it was a mere dream. I slowly became attached to the new family and became more familiar with them. They worried about me and were constantly fearful that an informer might reveal my existence to the Germans. The home of the new family was located in a rural area in the vicinity of the airport of Krosno. Still there was fear that someone might spot this young girl in the courtyard. The Krukierek family decided that the risks of being exposed were serious and took the necessary steps. They began to shift my hiding places. Sometimes I slept hidden in a straw bed in the attic. Others times I was hidden in dark places that affected my vision on seeing light.
On nice evenings, I would emerge and play a bit in the wheat field. Some evenings, grandmother would give me a basket and send me to pick potatoes. I dug the potatoes by hand in the dark so that no one would see me. I picked the big ones and left the small ones in the ground so that they would continue to grow, as grandmother Veronika instructed me to do. I would return with a basket full of potatoes and then clean them before entering the kitchen. Grandfather was pleased with the work and would always say that I earned my keep for the day and would give me an extra heavy slice of bread. I was very proud of my achievements and accepted wholeheartedly these compliments.
Grandfather was rather economical with his compliments; thus I relished them when I received one. Potatoes and cabbage was the standard food of the day for the family. Sunday was a special menu that consisted of potatoes, cabbage and rabbit meat. The latter were raised on the farm next to the cows and roosters. At night I picked potatoes and during the day I tended to the daily house chores. I always volunteered to do extra chores in order to ingratiate myself with the family. The fear of being rejected was always on my mind. I spent a great deal of time peeling potatoes and when I did a good job, I received a slice of bread. I did all the chores with devotion for I craved attention. I wanted to be accepted. Thus, I was very busy in the house, for grandfather had a leg injury and limped, while grandmother was weak and tired easily. The young couple left for work early in the morning and returned home late at night.
In addition to the regular house chores, I also mended clothing, helped prepare the feed for the cows and did many other kinds of work in the house. Of course, there was less work during the winter when the fields were covered with snow and I spent my time in hiding in the cowshed. The weather was freezing. I spent my time talking to the rabbits and roosters. It seemed to me that they answered but I was not sure if I heard them. I was very lonely and continued to talk to the small animals for I had no friends.
This was a difficult period, for the Germans increased the intensity of their searches and my adopted family was seriously frightened by the new policy. They even considered throwing me out of the place. I was terrified and could not fall asleep for fear of winding up in the street. Grandmother cared a great deal for me and stated that she would assume full responsibility for my protection. Furthermore; she stated that she would leave the house if I were thrown out. Grandmother's threats worked and she saved me. She asked her son Kazek to hide me at the mill where he was a guard. The sawmill belonged to our family prior to the war but was now owned by a German named Schmidt, and Kazek watched the place. He built a hiding place and one night took me from the house in a bag of sawdust.
The hiding place was under a wooden floor amid sawdust. Kazek's brothers also worked at the mill. They all married and left the household. Only grandmother, grandfather, their married daughter, Jozefa, and myself lived in the house that was near the sawmill. Kazek brought me to the hiding place and gave me instructions how to behave during the day when the Polish workers tended to their jobs. He also showed me how to position myself in the hiding place so as not to arouse suspicions. I could not sit, move or turn in the dark hiding place. During the day it was still bearable but at night it was frightening. I kept dreaming about my killed parents and brothers. I had the premonition that they were all killed. I did not want to dream but could not help myself. The dreams continued and I always awakened to stark reality. Furthermore, rats occasionally promenaded on my body and I could not do a thing about it for there was no room for my hands to move. I was left with the terrible feeling of the creatures walking about me.
For several months I continued to sleep in sawdust under the wooden floor. Autumn was approaching and with it came the rains. Everything was wet and dreary. The cold weather became a reality. Still I had to stay in hiding during the day for fear of being spotted by a worker or by a customer who came to buy wood. Only at night could I slowly venture out As a result of my hiding position, I could barely walk. I was depressed and the thought of ending my life frequently crossed my mind but I was a coward. I did not divulge these thoughts to Kazek for fear of embarrassing him after all his efforts on my behalf.
Winter approached and the family decided to return me to the house. They still hid me here and there but within the house for it was bitter cold outside. I also became accustomed to my new Christian family and realized then that I would never return to Judaism. I no longer wanted to belong to the persecuted and humiliated Jewish people. Grandfather always told me that the Jewish people had always been persecuted throughout history. Even the Arabs were killing the Jews in Palestine. I heard and saw all these things. I saw how Jews were being persecuted while the Christian children played and had fun. I felt jealous and felt ashamed at having been born a Jew.
These thoughts persisted and became stronger as time passed. Suddenly, the roar of shells shook the entire area for we were near the Krosno airport. The Russians shelled the entire area prior to their advance and for several days the cannon fire could be heard and then silence. The area was liberated but nobody came to take me home. I started school for the first time in 1945 and was registered as a Christian student. I excelled in my studies since I devoted myself wholeheartedly to schoolwork. I was a very good student and easily made friends. I felt a certain compensation for all the years spent in terrible deprivation. I also decided to convert to Catholicism, the deed pleased the family and gave me further security at home.
A high-ranking Polish officer named Yehoshua Drucker appeared at our home during the winter of 1945. He was a representative of Rabbi Kahane, Jewish military chaplain of the Polish Army. His mission consisted of returning Jewish children hidden in Christian homes to the Jewish fold. He spoke to my new family and then to me about traveling to the Jewish orphanage in the city of Zabrze. I refused since I was determined then never to return to Judaism and abandon my Christian family that I now considered my own. I stood my ground and refused to budge.
My brother Avraham Akselrad survived the camps and slowly recovered from his poor medical condition. He soon became aware of the fact that his sister Berta had survived the war and lived with a Christian family in Krosno. He made his appearance in 1946 with Yeshua Drucker at our house. My brother, of course, knew the Krukierek family from before the war. They spoke to me about traveling to the Jewish orphanage in Zabrze but I refused. I was determined to stay with the family. I even refused to talk to them. I left the house and hid in the bushes until I was certain that they had left the house. Then I returned home and was furious at my brother for trying to separate me from my new family. Avraham Akselrad saw that he was getting nowhere and decided to seek legal redress since I was a minor. The court heard the case and forced me to stay with my brother at the orphanage in Zabrze for a period of two weeks. The family presented a huge bill of expenses for my upkeep during the war years to my brother. The bill had to be paid to the court as deposit in case I did not return to the family. My brother did not have the necessary cash but he assigned his share of the family property to the Krukierek family if I did not return to their house. My share was untouched since I was a minor. Then the court began to implement the decision.
The separation was very painful since I did not want to leave the family and travel to the orphanage. The family was also reluctant to let me go and stated that only parents could change the status. Furthermore, they told me not to worry and they would get me back one way or another. I left with the certainty that the family would retrieve me.
The orphanage was aware of the situation since I was not the only child retrieved from a Christian home. They kept us under strict surveillance. All my daily letters were never mailed nor did I receive letters from the family. Of course I knew the reason but could do nothing about it. Still I felt homesick for my family. The orphanage soon sent me with a transport of Jewish children to France where I remained for two years. I then arrived in 1948 to Israel. I was sent to the school named "Mikveh Israel" to study the Hebrew language. During the process I also adopted the Hebrew name of Batia that was close to my original birth name of Berta. I stopped using the Polish name Basia.I was drafted in 1950 and three years later I was married. I have two married sons and four grandchildren.
I continued to write to the Krukierek family and even maintain correspondence with the grandchildren and great grandchildren of the family. Jozefa died in 2002 at the age of 92. I assisted her with whatever I could. I continue to correspond with the younger members of the family that do not even know me. But it is important for me to maintain contact with my past.
Signed Batia Eisenstein Dated June 8 2008
William Leibner loosely translated the story written in Hebrew
He suvived terrible experiences in the Shoa. He slowly recuperated from all these terrible experiences and went home to Poland to see if there were survivors. He soon discovered that his sister Batia is alive and lives with the Christian family that took her in during the war. Batia Akselrad left the Polish home and went to live at the orphanage of Zabrze where she would be close to her brother. Soon Batia left Poland with a transport of children to Palestine. Awraham left Poland and applied for entry to the USA. He arrived in New York City on October 24th 1949. Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society told him that his papers of admission were conditional on his settling in Galveston, Texas. Awraham was not anxious to go to Texas but had no choice in the matter. He headed via Chicago to Galveston Texas where he arrived on October 26th 1949. He was met by a representative who helped him to settle down. Here he started to work as a tailor and received his social security number. 457-48-6753. He later moved to NY where he was naturalized on March 25th 1955. He visited Israel several times and saw his sister. He died of heart complications on January 22, 1991 in NYC.
William Leibner
put your family information and photograph here! Just email
Up until 2019, Phyllis Kramer (OBM) developed and maintained this KahilaLink. Phyllis did a wonderful job documenting and sharing information about this shtetl. Starting in July 2021 Jeff Alexander is trying to fill Phyllis’ shoes. Please contact Jeff Alexander for anything related to this shtetl
Copyright © (2022) Jeffrey Alexander. All rights