The Jews of Kraków and its Surrounding Towns


Expanded Vital Records

Marriages: 1831

Year    Akt     Husband              Surname (H)              Age (H)    Bach/W     H Father                          H Mother        H Mother's Father          House (H)
1831    6       Ensel                BADER                    19         b          Josef                             Goldy           [Ensel] BIRNBAUM           122
1831    57      Leybel               BAUMINGER                18         b          Isaak                             Sary            TENENBAUM                  59
1831    52      Abraham              BERGER                   28         b          Berk                              Judessy         Szyia                      130
1831    4       Salomon              BLUMENSZTOK              19         b          Lieber                            Lieby           Pinkus                     118
1831    26      Lazer                BONART                   23         b          Bonem BONART (died)               Hanny           Szmuel                     46
1831    2       Leybel               BRAUS                    30         w          Zacharias                         Doby            [Nathan]                   143
1831    39      Judka                BROMBERGER               30         b          Kalman                            Chaji                                      150
1831    58      Samuel               BUCHERER                 30         b          Szory ?                           Jachetty                                   34
1831    35      Jozef Scholem        CUKERMAN                 30         w          Salomon                           Freidli                                    96
1831    3       Mozes                EBERSOHN                 22         b          Schachne                          Hanny           Moses                      18
1831    37      Mayer                FELDMAN                  22         b          Jakob                             Temerli         Abraham                    104
1831    43      Jozef                FIALA alias KOPS         53         w          Moses KOPS alias FIALA            Dyny            Herschl                    147
1831    40      Marek                FISCHER                  21         b          Binem                             Sary            ROSENZWEIG
1831    22      Isaak                FOGLER                   23         b          Herschel                          Reisli          Fischer                    131
1831    42      Joachim              FROMER                   21         b          Aron (died)                       Eidli           LANDAU                     57
1831    10      Samuel               GESANG                   48         w          Nathan PFEFFER                    Tauby                                      23
1831    21      Szachne              GLUCKLICH                23         b          Samuel                            Mindli          HAMMERSZLAG                35
1831    45      Berek                GLUCKLICH                25         b          Samuel                            Mundli          HAMMERSCHLAG               199
1831    30      Abraham              GOTTLICH                 40         w          Faybus                            Scheindel
1831    50      Herschel             GROSS                    24         w          Joel                              Blumy           Szaija                     134
1831    28      Mendel               GRUNBERG                 23         b          Efraim                            Itli            Moses                      32
1831    47      Jakob                JASMIN                   32         w          Jakob                             Blumy           Zanwel RYCHTER?            49
1831    38      Samuel               KAMSLER                  23         b          Markus                            Bayli Sara      FUNKELSTEIN                139
1831    8       Abel                 KLEIN                    24         b          Isaak KLEINFELD                   Mechy                                      63
1831    18      Hertz                KOHN                                b          Leon                              Rykli
1831    49      Jakob                KURTZWEIL                24         b          Markus                            Dwory           Jozef                      23
1831    19      Izaak                KWASTEL                  24         b          Liebler                           Ester           GORLITZER                  87
1831    12      Lieber Samuel        LANDAU                   18         b          Moses Jakob                       Malki           GOLDSTOFF                  131
1831    46      Lebel                LIEBGOLD                 25         b          Berk                              Feygli          Leybl                      70
1831    14      Wolf                 LUST                                w          Jozue                             Hanny                                      41
1831    25      Wolf                 LUXENBERG                15         b          Berl                              Anny            ROSENBLUM
1831    56      Aaron                METZNER                  24         b          Lazar                             Doby            Aron                       169
1831    24      Faywel               ORGLER                   25         b          Szachny                           Racheli         Chaim                      128
1831    60      Isaak                PAWLINGER                19         b          Aaron                             Rywka           Juda                       93
1831    7       Monisch              PERELMAN                 18         b          Lazar                             Doby            Abraham                    68
1831    5       Aron                 PROBSTEIN                23         b          Naftali                           Cyrli           Kalmus                     163
1831    53      Markus               RAPAPORT                 19         b          Markus (died)                     Hanny           ZWILLING                   96
1831    1       Schachne             RITTERMAN                18         b          Chaym                             Bayli           Markus                     123
1831    51      Moses Meyer          ROSENBLUM                21         b          Herschl SCHMALHOLZ                Ester           Israel                     27
1831    31      Samuel Mayer         ROSENZWEIG               22         b          Jakob                             Ester           EISENBERG                  108
1831    36      Samuel               ROTENBERG                18         b          Berk                              Sary Gitli      Lazar                      64
1831    20      Szabse               RYGEL                    20         b          Beniamin                          Nuchy           Jozef                      104
1831    59      Israel               SALOMON                  24         b          Leybla Sulem                      Cortli          BASZELS                    68
1831    16      Lipa                 SALZBURG                 21         b          Symon                             Cypy            Dan                        79
1831    44      Kalman               SCHENKER                 24         b          Gotzel                            Malki                                      25
1831    33      Herschl              SCHERER                  23         b          Leman                             Chaja           Herschl
1831    9       Samuel               SCHLAGLIED                          w          Wolf                              Tebely                                     140
1831    54      Zussman              SCHONKER                 21         w          Dawid                             Hendli                                     90
1831    29      Majer                SILBERSTEIN              24         w          Moyzes                            Lai                                        84
1831    34      Isaak Hiel           SONNENSCHEIN             22         b          Lazar                             Maryi                                      93
1831    48      Wolf                 TAUBER                   23         b          Judy                              Hendli          Samuel                     57
1831    27      Dawid Samuel         THORN                    53         w          Samuel                            Culki           Ichkowicz                  143
1831    55      Eysyk                TRYBER                   23         b          Moyzes                            Chawy                                      56
1831    13      Samuel               WACHTER                  20         b          Feiwel                            Bayli                                      23
1831    15      Salomon              WASSERMAN                21         b          Handel                            Bayli           Michal                     34
1831    23      Jakob                WETSTEIN                 19         b          Chaim                             Kreisli         Herschl                    76
1831    17      Peysach              WETZNER                  24         b          Lazar                             Doby            Aron                       169
1831    11      Beniamin             WEXEL                    26         b          Aron                              Rudy            Gotzel                     24
1831    32      Samuel               WINKLER                  43         w          Feibus                            Chai
1831    41      Enoch                ZYSER                    28         b          Schachno                          Hindy                                      66
Wife                  Surname (W)                Age (W)      W/ Spnst     Wife's Father                             W Mother               W mother father         House (W)   Notes
Chai Sara             LEDNICER                                s            Eisyk                                     Malki                  MANDELMILICH            68 
Sara                  FENDLER                    15           s            Samuel                                    Racheli                JUNGER                  29
Itla                  SZAJOWICZ                  24           s            Wigder                                    Feigli                                         120
Gitla                 KNOPFWEL                   20           s            Herschl                                   Hanny                  PITZELE                 56
Ester Feigel          WEXLER                     18           s            Herschel                                  Rebeki                 HOCHWALD                46
Malka                 TYLLES                     24           s            Jakob                                     Rywka                  Moses                   143         widower of Itli Michal
Tauba                 KRAUS                      23           s            Sender                                    Itli                                           123
Cypa                  blank                      22           s            Joska SZMULOWICZ                          Feigli                 Elias
Susla                 LAKS                       17           s            Chaym                                     Netli                  Herschl                             widower of Reisli LEINSASS
Sara Marya            PALASZ                     18           s            Elkan                                     Tauby                  Dawid                   199
Ester                 STOMNICKA                  18           s            Wolf Herschel                             Hany Ryfki                                     81
Laja                  LANDSUM                    18           s            Jakob Judy                                Racheli                Herschl                 147         widower of Schaindel KAMMACHER
Rachel Szeindel       EINTRACHT                  21           s            Majer                                     Ruchomy Rywki          Joel                    140
Chaja Cyrla           GRUNSPAN                   20           s            Berk                                      Hindy                  Isaak                   79
Rachel                ERBER                      19           s            Nachman                                   Mechessy                                       79
Ester                 FEDER                                   w            Abraham                                   Rachel                                                     widower of Chai Lazar, widow of Wolf DUNKELBLUM
Reisel                ROSENSTRAUCH               21           s            Kalman                                    Chai                   Mendel                  73
Chaja                 SOBEL                      19           s            samuel                                    Rywki                  Leybel                  48
Dwora                 GRONER                     19           s            Abraham                                   Feigel                 Zelig                               widower of Gitli TAFFET  
Cyperl                WERMAN                     20           s            Abraham WERMAN/WARMER                     Ester                  Markus                  48          widower of Fromet WERMAN, sister of Cyperl
Ester Perla           WEBER                      20           s            Chaim                                     Goldy                                          46
Sara Scheindel        RABER                                   w            Isaak RABER ARENDS                        Laja                                                       widow of Berk Markus NEUBERGER
Witta                 ROSIN                      21           s            Wolf (died)                               Freidli                                        179         Freidli now married to Mozes WOLFGANG
Chaja Malka           CYNER                      21           s            Mendel                                    Feigel                                         70          Mechy now married to Berk FEINTUCH
Feigel Chaya          MARKUSFELD                 18           s            Schachne                                  Scheindel              EBERMAN                 89
Hinda itla            DRECHSLER                  18           s            Chaym Markus                              Matki                  Manel
Keila Rachel          KRAUSMAN                   24           s            Herschel                                  Scheindel
Hanna Reisel          SILBERFELD                 17           s            Natan                                     Sary                   Herschel                199
Itla                  LIEBERMAN                  20           s            Salomon                                   Rachely                                        199
Chai Sara             LUSTGARTEN                              s            Wolf                                      Tauby                  Markus                  80          widower of Maryi Fiszel
Scheindel             WOHL                       17           s            Markus
Laja                  WEKER                      16           s            Abraham                                   Sary                   Moyzes                  90
Rywka                 ALEXANDROWICZ              22           w            Josel                                     Dobress                GOMPLOWICZ                          widow of Michal POLNER  
Kaila Tauba           HOCHSTIM                   18           s            Abraham                                   Riwki                                          115
Feigel                HOLLAU                     16           s            Samson                                    Rachel Lei             KWALWASSER              68
Hendla                ROSENSTRAUCH               23           s            Naftali                                   Chawy                                          88
Dwora                 KORNBLUM                   24           s            Salomon                                   Blumy                                          66          Hanny now married to Baruch STIEL
Ester                 ISENBERG                   21           s            Moses                                     Rachel                 HERSCHBERG              20
Feigel                OBSTFELD                   21           s            Dawid                                     Ester                  Moyzes                  140
Basia                 BERGZWEIG                  21           s            Jakob                                     Chawy                  Lenik
Gitla Dina            THORN                      19           s            Dawid                                     Breindli               Mozes                   143
Lea                   CYNER  


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