The Jews of Kraków and its Surrounding Towns

Rabbis and Roshim Mesivta in Kraków

The following data has been extracted from The Jewish Encyclopedia, Volume IV, "Cracow," pages 325-331 (published in 1902?):

(Data extracted by Ben Weinstock)

Rabbis and Roshim Mesivta:

Scholars and other leaders:

The kahal was abolished in 1815; but until then, the community was ruled by:

Some of those who served: R. Abraham Israel HENDELS, who died in 1660, was a kahal leader for over 50 years; physicians: Isaac; Samuel; Solomon KALAHORA (died 1597).

Dayanim or Roshim Yeshivot:


Community leaders, circa 1900:

The Jewish community of Krakow circa 1900 had a population of 25,000, ruled by a "Cultusrath" of 30 members, among whom were:


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