The Jews of Kraków and its Surrounding Towns

Eminent Burials in Miodowa Cemetery

The list below contains the names of several eminent burials in the ulica Miodowa Cemetery. The list has been extracted from Majer Balaban's book: Przewodnik Po Zydowskich Zabytkich Krakowa (A Guide to the Jewish Monuments of Kraków), 1935, pages 103-106.

(Data entered by Bennett Weinstock)

     Name                    Died
Cwi Dawid Lewy               1832
Saul Rafal Landau            1854
Alexander Landau             1857
Szymon Schreiber             1883
Chaim Leib Horowicz          1905
Jozef Natan Kornicer         1933
Abraham Jenner               1876
Chanaja Lipa Meizels         1812
Jakob Eichhorn               1845
Izrael Meizels               1876
Mojzesz Jakob Dembitzer      1867
Eliezer Jozef Damask         1847
Jonatan Eibenschutz          1841
Majer Rapoport               1921
Michal Cypres                1879
Akiba Kornitzer              1892
Pinkas Horowicz              1920
Samuel Teitelbaum            1888
Samuel Rubin                 1904
Szymon Danzig                1837
Aron Markus                  1916
Pinkas Horowic (?)           1821
Wolf Ber Schiff              1842
Chaim Natan Dembitzer        1893
Jechiel M. Zunz (Zinz)       1882
Febus Hirsz Wettstein        1924
Emanuel Krengel              1932
Salomon Rubin                1823-1910
Szymon Menachem Lazer        1932
Dr. Szymon Samuelsohn        1809
Dr. Filip Bondy              1841
Dr. Jozef Oettinger          1895
Dr. Jonatan Warszauer        1888
Dr. Maksymiljan Kohn         1902
Dr. Jozef Rosenblatt         1917
Dr. Jozef Reinhold           1924
Dr. Szymon Samelsohn         1881
Dr. Ignacy Landau            1934
Dr. Leon Horowitz            1905
Salomon Deiches              1883
Hirsz Landau                 1904
Maks. Ehrenpreis             1912
Izak Bauminger               1921
Dr. Filip Landau             1934
Dr. Samuel Wahrhaftig        1930
Dr. W. Berkelhammer          1934
Maurycy Gottlieb             1879


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