Jodłowa is included in the Kolbuszowa Region Research Group (KRRG). Shtetlach were interwoven together like a tapestry and the Jewish people of neighboring shtetlach linked by marriages, trade and marketing. They shared schools, cemeteries, kosher butchers, bakers and more. Smaller shtetlach registered their birth, marriages and death in a nearby larger shtetl. One should research the neighboring area as well as an individual shtetl. The KRRG web site has resources and information that is relevant to many shtetlach. To search for family links and learn more about neighboring shtetlach, please visit the Kolbuszowa Region Research Group (KRRG).
Variant shtetl names: Jadłowa, Yodlava
KRRG Coordinator: Susana Leistner Bloch
Administrative District: Pilzno
Judicial / Tax District (Subdistrict): Jodłowa, or Brzostek - depending on the time period
Location: |
History and Geography:
Logan J. Kleinwaks Galicia Genealogy Indexer
Gesher Galicia Resources:
Links and Databases:
Jodlowa Municipal Office
District Debicki
Region Podkarpacie
33-165 Jodlowa
tel. 0-14 683-30-46
fax 0-14 683-30-44
Website :
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© Copyright 2015 Kolbuszowa Region Research Group. All rights reserved.
Web Master: Neil Emmer
Coordinator: Susana Leistner Bloch
Compiled by Susana Leistner Bloch.
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Last updated: January
17, 2017