Kimberley, South Africa


Videos about Kimberley

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On this page we offer you to listen again to our Zoom Reunions and other relevant videos (The latest at the top) 

Cemetery blessing 4 February 2024

Kimberley Zoom, 5 September 2021 David Levinsohn, David Friedman  

Kimberley Zoom, 29 August 2021  Natalie Sussman Daphne and Trevor Toube, Joy Capon

Kimberley Zoom 14 February 2021:  Barney spoke of hopes and fears for Kimberley for the future

Kimberley Zoom 21 February: first reunion most common comment – you look just like to dad/mom!

Kimberley Shul 110th anniversary, September 2012

110th anniversary celebrations SABC



At the second Kimberley reunion, timed to suit people in California, we were joined by 30 devices many with more than one person. (Comment from many: You look just like I remember your mom / dad!). Visitors this time included Norma and Milton Friedman, Norma’s brother David Levinsohn and David Friedman (no relation to them but a second cousin to me) and Mark Horwitz from Los Angeles. Lucille Freedmannée Friedman, Milton’s sister came in from San Francisco. Delia and Bobby Benn were there from Baltimore and Cherille Berman from Boston. also Carol Moss (née Goldberg, granddaughter of Mr and Mrs B). Two Odes daughters and Leon Chonin and also Bernard and Helen Benjamin joined from Toronto. Joy and Linda née Capon were with us, also David Diamond and Daphne Gillis and Marion Shild (Lewis) joined form Cape Town. Trevor Toube and I from London. We had Itamar Shein, Theo Klevansky and Shirley Olswang (granddaughter of Reverend Moross, joined from Israel. We had David and Adele Cohen (son of Cecil Cohen of Kimberley) join us (probably from Vancouver). Even Eli Rabinowitz from Perth stayed up to be with us. From Kimberley we were so pleased to have David and Shirley Allen again – also their son, Gary Allen from Johannesburg. And we welcomed Barney Horwitz– and also his cousin (or uncle) Jonathan Joseph from London (Jonathan’s granny was Polly Horwitz). (I’m sorry if I have left anybody out)

Barney shared with us situation of the Kimberley community and the problems faced by South African Jewry - specially in the smaller communities. We could show our appreciation to him for all he and his small team, representing about 20 Jewish people in Kimberley, are doing. He hopes the community will be viable for the next 10 to 15 years. For the future after that, he has ideas and hopes to preserve the synagogue in a fitting way. Barney said he would be happy to join hands with and have support from Ex-Pats in this mission. Several Ex Pats who have experience and contacts, would be happy to meet regularly to work towards the best outcomes.

Geraldine Auerbach MBE, London  February 2021