Kimberley, South Africa
Sacks, Marc
Marc Sacks
2Town/City/Shtetl Name
Rwanda /Kigali
3Siblings: how many, names, birth year, what they do, where are they now
43 words that exemplify what it was like growing up there
hot and trains shunting
5Date left
6Age when left
7Reason for leaving and where went
Father got a job in Johannesburg
8Where I went
9Scholastic achievements, degrees, qualifications and where they are from
B.Com Hons Rhodes Rand Afrikaans University
10Where live now
Coffee Produces
12Marital status
13Name of partner
Tanya Franchi
14Place partner born
15What partner did/does
La Rustica Restaurant
16Place and date of wedding
Johannesburg 1996
17CHILDREN How many, names, year born, where they live and what they do
2 children ,Joshua Sacks ,student at University of British Columbia Canada , Gabriella , University USA Califonia
18FATHER Name, year born, where born, when he came to this town, his occupation, when he died, at what age, where buried
Ivan Sacks 1931 ,Kimberly , Insurance Broker , Died 1996 at age 66 , Buried Johannesburg
19MOTHER Name, year born, where born, when she came to this town, her occupation, when she died, at what age, where buried
Murielle Gafennowitz, born 1934 Johannesburg , teacher , died 84 in 2018 , buried in Johannesburg
20PATERNAL GRANDPARENTS Names, years and places of birth, where they came from (and if they lived in this town - what years), what they did, when they died, at what age and where buried
Julius Sacks . born Cape Town , 1920- 1968 Kimberly /Died 1972/ lived 24 Park road Kimberly Zafarine Issacs Kimberly /Daughter of Rev Harris Issacs died in Kimberly 1965 and burred in Kimberly
21MATERNAL GRANDPARENTS Names, years and places of birth, where they came from (and if they lived in this town - what years), what they did, when they died, at what age and where buried
Joseph Gaffenovitz, Born Finland Died in 1961 Johannesburg , Diary Farmer ,buried in Johannesburg,Ester Jacob, 1965