Kimberley, South Africa
Rosh Hashanah Circular from Barney Horwitz
Chairman, GW Hebrew Congregation
Memorial Road Synagogue
P O Box 1601 Kimberley
t: 053-8311051
f: 053-8323632
19th September 2014 24 Elul 5774
Dear Congregants & Friends
On this coming Wednesday evening we will celebrate Rosh Hashanah for the 112th time in the beautiful shul in Kimberley. The services will be led again by Nachi Ash and Yosef Shishler. This year they are bringing their own families and another two families and two single men to assist us to make up a minyan.
This is an absolutely wonderful gesture and I appeal to all congregants to make our yomtov as welcome as you can and to attend all the services.
Also a big welcome home to Kevin Allen who will be here from London and any other Congregants and guests who will be coming to Kimberley for the festivals. Nachi and Yosef create a wonderful atmosphere and have beautiful voices and a wonderful sense of humour and very few Shuls in South Africa are as heimlach as ours at this time of the year.
This year has been one of the most trying for Jewish Communities around the world with the hostilities in the Middle East and the resultant rising tensions between other faith communities and ourselves in the Diaspora. Also for us having lost at least 7 former Congregants that I can think of – Nathan Cohen, Sharon Geller, Miriam Klein, Philip Klein, Louis Awerbuck, Dan Jacobson, Mavis Milwidski and a great friend, Dawn Nates. It is good that we gather together over the holiday period and make teshuvah and remember them and the wonderful yomtavim they spent with us in the past and pray for a year that will be peaceful and blessed for all.
With this letter you will also find the page comparison form for the three most common Machzeirim, a timetable for the services during the high holy days and a Yiskor Form for use on Yom Kippur. Local members, please print and bring the page comparison to shul . If you follow the service as per the sheet, it becomes so much more meaningful to you. To all Members and Friends, please let us have your Yiskor Forms by the 2nd October 2014.
For those of you living abroad, this is an opportunity to have loved ones remembered in the Shul in which they worshipped or the Heim (Country) in which they lived and are buried. I also wish to appeal to all of you to be generous in your donations to the Shul over this period since whatever you donate you will receive in return.
Bearing in mind our small numbers, I have not formally arranged morning services on Sukkot and Simchas Torah. However, anyone who wishes to daven in Shul on those days is most welcome.
On behalf of the committee of the congregation, myself and my family I wish you all a new year filled with health, happiness, peace and prosperity and well over the fast.
Our usual Rosh Hashanah Supplement will appear in the DFA on Thursday next week - RH DFA Supp 2014.pdf. BARNEY HORWITZ – CHAIRMAN
See attached GW Congregation High Holy Days 2014.pdf here for more details