Kimberley, South Africa
News 7A
Kimberley Ex-pats Newsletter no 7A
May 2016
Dear Kimberley-ites
I don’t usually follow up a Newsletter so soon (though I did last time with a 6A), but so many new people have given me their email addresses via the Facebook pages and elsewhere and asked to receive the Newsletter that I am moved to do a 7A as well. It was also good to get a warm response from several people and to know that you are enjoying receiving the Newsletter and that you are following the developments of the website for the Kimberley Community.
You like to see pictures - and that can be very much expedited if you send me some of your pictures and tell me about them. What about your birthday parties – or maybe some of the children’s pageants we did with Helen Brown always at the piano. Or maybe a Yom Kippur dance?
I was so thrilled to receive many wonderful wedding pictures and I have now redone the wedding page – which Eli will upload to the website as soon as he as time. In the meantime, I thought I would email it to you. It’s in the attachment here.
There are now 13 weddings listed with pictures on the list. The first is from 1925 when Rose Levinsohn married David Gluckman. Her brothers, Louis and Harold Levinsohn are in the picture. They both became pharmacists in Kimberley.
Wedding Rose Levinsohn to David Gluckman
Their daughter Monica (Harris) who now lives in Australia, speaks about the picture and who is in it here
It seems that there are several of the Kimberley Ex-Pats living within reach of London. I am thinking that maybe it would be nice to meet. May I invite you all to join with me on say Sunday 11 September 2016? I suggest we meet at 'Klezmer in the Park' at Regent's Park. Let me know if this is good for you and we can work out how to manage this.
Let me remind you that what we are doing on the website become more interesting when you contribute to it – a story, some family anecdote, a joke or a picture. And give us your information for the ‘families’ pages. See other family contributions here
I hope you have had a wonderful Pesach and look forward to hearing from you
Best wishes