Kimberley, South Africa
News 2
Dear Kimberley Ex-pats
Letter no 2, sent 14 October 2013
Thank you to all who wrote back to me after the first Newsletter – and what interesting reading it makes. It gives a picture in microcosm of what Kimberley-ites have achieved and how far they have spread. Only 1 of the 8 respondents (so far) was still in South Africa (Johannesburg) Two live in London, two in Israel, one in Canada and one in the USA. (One did not fill in all the questions yet.) Just over half the respondents were female. Most left straight after school for Uni or to work (coming back for holidays only.) Scholastic achievements ranged from matric to PhD and occupations from volunteers to a financial analyst, teachers, an art curator and a professor. How they summarised growing up in Kimberley varied quite a bit. … I was pleased with some offers of help that we will take forward.
If you are one of those who has been meaning to fill in the questionnaire and send it to me – well there is another chance – and I have thought it quite useful to ask a few more questions like what was your maiden name, (if applicable) where was your partner born and how many children do you have and where do they live. You can now find the questionnaire here
One of the lovely things Kimberley wise – two really – were that we (certainly some of us) received two welcome letters from Kimberley – one from Barney Horwitz before Rosh Hashanah, and one from Arnie Rauff after Sukkot showing us the wonder of a beautifully decorated Sukkah and clearly overwhelmed by the meaningful high holidays orchestrated by Rabbi Moshe and the bochrim. Arnie's letter at the end of this Newsletter. Barneys address can now be seen here It was really nice to be kept in the loop – so thank you Barney and Arnie.
I am still struggling to compile a comprehensive mailing list – so please contact your Kimberley friends and associates in case they are not on the list – or maybe they have a new address. I am sorry if some of you may be getting it more than once as its difficult for me to check. I also realise that some of those that are getting it may not have any connection with living in Kimberley, if that is so – and you don’t want to receive these then please tell me and I can (try to) take you off the list. I would love to hear from you
Best wishes
Arnie’s letter follows
Dear Geraldine, Wed 14 Tishrei 5774 - 18th Sept2013
.................."and then there were only 12" ……. but a happy ‘heimlich togetherness that could not be breached by the few remaining Jews here, who on their own could but never do it!
From that you will have gleaned we “imported“ our minyanim for the High Holy Days! And what a wonderful meaningful few days indeed!
During the recent Rosh Hashanah festival, we had the privilege of Rabbi Moshe Silberhaft here, to share Yomtov with us; together with Nachi Ashe, Yossie Shishler, their families and six supporting Bochrim from Nachi’s Chabad, (at the Torah Academy in Johannesburg).
Nachi and Yossie have been assisting us over the High Holy Days for the past 12 years. They provide such amazingly wonderful and purposeful services. And so, every year now we go forward with renewed vigor, the five of us left standing, to look forward to the challenges for us to “keep the doors” open!!
Our Sukkah decorations were superb, the best we have had in at least 20 years – so very kindly and thoughtfully arranged by Mrs Claire Theunissen, the amazingly dedicated Principal (of many years) for the Hebrew Play Centre, at the synagogue Minor Hall, ……..and personally hand decorated items by the 40 odd “tiny tots”. Not one of those 40 little ones are Jewish ! Sad sad stuff indeed.
Clair’s Play Centre is filled with Jewish insignia, SHALOM signs and many other distinguishing symbols – her enthusiasm to perpetuate this Centre has done this G W Hebrew Congregation proud.
If there is anyone in town or out, who may require more info or whatever, about the congregation, I will try and assist.
Good year to all
Arnold Rauff,
You note I sign as TRUSTEE – one of my privileged appointments of many decades!
For this instance, I chose that “title” when offering to assist, rather than – CHAIRMAN of the Burial Society!
(that would be assistance with a “dead” serious connotation) and likely “not go down” so well!!! )