Gura-Humora and Environs
Association of Former Residents

The Association of Former Residents of Gura-Humora and Environs is an organization whose members are former residents of Gura Humorului, people whose ancestors came from Gura Humorului, and others who simply have an interest in the town.

The Association  was formally established in 1988, and  is based in Israel . The goal of the Association is to preserve the memory of the Jewish community of Gura Humorului through a number of actions:

Organize Conventions:

A convention is held every two years. The next convention will be held on May 16th 2000 in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Charity Fund:

A charity fund has been established to help needy former residents of Gura Humorului.

Restoration of the graveyard at Gura Humorului:

The Jewish graveyard is presently in a state of neglect with some smashed gravestones. Work on restoration will start this Summer. Sufficient funds have been contributed to start the project, but additional contributions are required.

Publication of a book about Gura Humorului:

The book has been published and is available in Hebrew, Romanian, German and English. The book has about two-hundred pages and includes some photos, essays on history, everyday life, culture, education, personal reminiscences, the World War II years, immigration to Israel, etc. There is also a very complete table of Jewish owned businesses and a Yizkor list. The Yizkor list is also to be found in the Holocaust Museum in Washington.

Copies of the book have been given to several universities and museums  in Israel and to the Shoah Museum and the Library of Congress in Washington.

To obtain a copy of the book, contact the president of the Gura Humorului Society, Jacob Yurgrau. The cost of the book is $50 which includes shipping.  I myself have not seen the actual book, just Xerox copies of most of the pages.

Mr. Yurgrau's  address is:

Yacob Yurgrau
17 Deborah Street
Kiriat Motzkin 26363
Israel (Tel: 04-8715016)

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