The Diener Family
The Dieners were a large family who, by the time of WWII, had lived in Gorodenka for many generations. Nisan Diener and his wife Leah Sonnenblum had five sons: Menachem Mendel, Yosef, Pesach, Anschel and Baruch.
The following group photo depicts Nisan and Leah's son Anschel with his descendants. Seated at center is Anschel Diener with wife Sarah Kofler (left). Anschel and Sarah are surrounded by their children, respective spouses, and grandchildren. Back row (l-r): Chaim Hirsch Marguiles (husband of Rose Diener), Leon Diener, unidentified sister of Milek Talmud; Saul Diener; Milek Talmud (husband of Malka Diener). Middle row (seated, l-r): Rose Diener Marguiles, matriarch Sarah Kofler Diener, patriarch Anschel Diener; Henka Diener (wife of Saul); Malka Diener Talmud. Front row (l-r): Abraham Marguiles (son of Chaim & Rose); Barbara Marguiles (daughter of Chaim & Rose); Schlomo Diener (son of Saul and Henka). The only pictured family members who survived the Holocaust were Leon Diener, his sister Rose Diener Marguiles, and Rose's daughter Barbara Marguiles.
Anschel Diener and Family
The picture below shows Saul Diener (son of Anschel, one of the five Diener brothers mentioned above) and his wife Henke. Both were killed in the Holocaust.
Saul and Henke Diener
Jay (Yudel) Diener (son of Baruch, one of the five Diener mentioned above). Jay left Gorodenka well before WWII. First he moved to Canada, later settling in New Jersey, U.S.A.

Jay (Yudel) Diener
Menachem Mendel Diener (son of Baruch).

Rabbi Mendel Diener
Photos courtesy of Barbara Bobrow. Captions by Barbara Bobrow and Deborah Dworski.