Cut to the Chase
If you are already very familiar with HTML, you will be able
to edit the template quite easily. You will need to do
the following:
- Replace all occurrences of "YOURSHTETL" with your
own shtetl name.
- Replace the "other names" for with alternate names
for your shetl (in Yiddish, old forms of the local language,
etc.) Add as many lines as you need.
- Check all the links to make sure they are appropriate for
your site. If they are not, delete them and replace them with
others that are appropriate.
- Calculate the proper latitude and longitude coordinates for
your shtetl for Mapquest using the
- You can add directlookups to the JewishGen "All Country"
databases for your shtetl. Instructions are
here for the code that needs to be added.
- Replace the "mailto:" information at the bottom
of the page with your own email address, or that of whomever will
be the contact person for the page.
- Replace the "last update" date on the page.
- Create any additional pages (photographs, historical information,
etc.) that are referred to on your main page. There are no real
templates for this. You can look at other ShtetLinks sites for
ideas and guidance.
- There are some templates for putting thumbnail photos in
tabular format. Please also read the section on
scanning for guidelines on resolution,
file size, etc.
- Meta Tags -- In order for the outside world to easily find
your site, it is recommended that you use certain
meta tags on your page.
- Add a counter to your page if you
wish. There are several different options available.
- If you are using Adobe Page Mill, please see an important
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Last Update 25 Jan 2006 WSB