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JewishGen KehilaLinks Project Policy

  1. JewishGen KehilaLinks Project Mission
  2. Definition of a 'Kehila'
  3. Designation of Kehila Project
  4. Region and District Study Groups
  5. Basic KehilaLinks Page Requirements
  6. Locations of KehilaLinks Pages
  7. Copyright Protected Material
  8. Static Lists
  9. Links
  10. Prohibited Material
  11. Ensuring the KehilaLinks Requirements are Followed
  12. Copyright Violations

I.   JewishGen KehilaLinks Project Policy

The mission of the JewishGen KehilaLinks Project is to serve as a virtual memorial to places which once had a Jewish presence. This will be accomplished by encouraging individuals and organization to create webpages containing information, pictures, databases, and links to other sources providing data about that place.

The project is overseen by Susana Leistner Bloch (previously, jointly with Barbara Ellman, z"l), Directors Special Project - KehilaLinks and managed by richard L. baum.

II.   Definition of 'kehila'

For the purposes of the KehilaLinks project, a 'kehila' is any location anywhere in the world which had or currently has a Jewish presence.

III.   Designation of a KehilaLinks Project

  1. All KehilaLinks sites must first have signed a KehilaLinks Donor Agreement on file with JewishGen before any material can be placed on a JewishGen web server.

    By signing the KehilaLinks Donor Agreement, the site manager/creator acknowledges responsibility for both the site's maintenance and for obtaining the appropriate permissions for all material to be included in the site.

  2. Each KehilaLinks page will be listed on the KehilaLinks Index Page based upon today's geographic location, and it will be identified by its contemporary name and, when relevant, by its former names, as well.

    • Because a locality was subject to historical boundary changes and could have been included within the boundaries of more than one country during its existence, any KehilaLinks Page may be linked reciprocally to/from any SIG or Research Group focusing on that particular country or region, at the discretion of that SIG or Research Group.
  3. Only one KehilaLinks page will be listed per town. If more than one person or group is interested in the same town, they will be encouraged to coordinate and collaborate together. Any disputes in such instances will be arbitrated by the KehilaLinks Vice President..

  4. Final approval for a KehilaLinks site rests with JewishGen's Vice President for KehilaLinks.

IV.   Region and District Study Groups

Individuals, Special Interest Groups (SIGs), and Regional Research Groups all have a right to set up "Region and District Study Groups" for any geo-political administrative unit they choose.  Such units may be a town, a county or district during a particular historic period, or defined as being encompassed by a reasonable working geographical radius.  All are acceptable and may be determined at the discretion of a group or individual in order to work cooperatively on research and the creation of KehilaLinks Pages.

  1. All Region and District Groups will be listed only on the "Region / District Studies" KehilaLinks Index Page

  2. The places within these areas will be listed on the respective KehilaLinks Index Page for the modern country containing that town — only if:

    1. the locality meets the KehilaLinks Project's definition of kehila;  and
    2. the Region or District Group has actually created and placed online a substantive KehilaLinks page for that town; and
    3. the resultant effort has the approval as per Section III.4 above.

    The link on the KehilaLinks Index Page will point to the specific KehilaLinks page for that town, and not to the Group's home page.

  3. Any person who has created or will create a KehilaLinks Page for a locality within an area defined by a group shall not be compelled to be part of that group.

V.  Basic KehilaLinks Page Requirements

Each KehilaLinks page should have original material, i.e. the material should not be a copy or imitation of other material found on the internet. Relevant links are permitted.

The following items must be included on the site's Home (Main) Page:

  1. Naming the webpage:

    1. The Home webpage should list the current name and country as listed in the KehilaLinks Directory. Example: Kopychintsy, Ukraine

    2. The name in Yiddish or "better known" name can also be added. Example: Kopyczynce

    3. All alternative names of the town / village should also be posted Example:
      Alternative names: Kopychyntsi [Ukr], Kopyczynce [Pol], Koptchintz [Yid], Kopychintsy [Rus], Kopitshinets, Kopychintsa, Kopeczynce, Kopychintse, Kopychyntse, Kopycynci

    4. Coordinates (Longitude and Latitude) for the town must be listed. Example: Coordinates: 49° 06' N, 25° 56' E

    5. Update date and/or "Created date": The main page should have a "last update" date that is CURRENT.

  2. KehilaLinks Index Link:   All KehilaLinks sites must have a link back to the main KehilaLinks Page and/or the JewishGen Home Page.

  3. Creator Identification: Each KehilaLinks site's Creator must be reachable and identified by name and/or a linked e-mail address on the town's home page. The KehilaLinks site's creator, or someone designated and authorized by the site's creator, is responsible for ongoing maintenance of the site.

  4. JewishGen-erosity Link:   A link to the JewishGen-erosity page at that are appropriate to the research interests of readers is required, along with the following text: "This page is hosted at no cost to the public by JewishGen, Inc., a non-profit corporation. If you feel there is a benefit to you in accessing this site, please consider supporting our important work by clicking here: JewishGen-erosity."

  5. The following items must be included on ALL KehilaLinks Pages:
    All KehilaLinks pages includes Home/Main page, secondary pages, pages with photos, and PDF Files.
    1. KehilaLinks Logo:

      All KehilaLinks pages are required to use one of the standard JewishGen KehilaLinks logo. The placement and size of the logo is left to the person creating the webpage to decide where it fits within with the overall design of the webpage. If you decide to make the logo smaller make sure the words are clearly readable. Under no circumstances shall a KehilaLinks logo be uploaded to the site's folder. Either of the following logos may be used:

      1. Original Logo: The Original logo has a white background. You can see an example at: Krakes
        The Original KehilaLinks Logo is located on the KehilaLinks server and must be referenced as: <IMG src="/images/KehilaLinksLogo.jpg">  

      2. Transparent Logo:: The Transparent Logo allows the background color of the webpage to show through and if you are using a colored background you might prefer it. You can see examples at: Anyksciai

        The Transparent KehilaLinks logo is located on the KehilaLinks server and must be referenced as: <IMG src="/images/KehilaLinksLogo.transparent.png">  

    2. Copyright: The copyright notice at the bottom of the pages. Example: Copyright 2017 Creator's Name

VI.   Location of KehilaLinks Pages

  1. All KehilaLinks Project pages will be housed on the JewishGen servers.  Pages housed on offsite servers will not be considered part of the JewishGen KehilaLinks Project.

  2. KehilaLink pages not on the JewishGen servers are not entitled to use the trademarked terms "JewishGen" or "KehilaLinks", or use the JewishGen or KehilaLinks logos.  Offsite pages are also not able to link directly to the JewishGen databases.  (Direct database access from non-JewishGen servers has been disabled, for security purposes, to prevent data mining and viruses).

X.   Copyright Protected Material

JewishGen cannot post any copyrighted material without the permission of the copyright holder.  Since we have no blanket permissions from any source, you are responsible for getting that permission.  Your responsibility for any permissions is defined in the generic JewishGen Donor Agreement at

  1. All material provided by the KehilaLinks page creator is understood to be copyrighted by the creator and is covered by the Copyright on the page.

  2. All copyright protected material must contain the legend "Permission to print granted by [insert name of person or organization] on [insert date]".

  3. Any donated text must properly cite the source (author(s), title, publication date/place, archival source citation, etc.) and have a Donor Agreement on file with JewishGen.

  4. Photographs of any recognizable living persons require permission either of the person or the owner of the photograph. (The rule of thumb, for the time being, is that on pictures taken before 1925, all persons who appear to be adults can be considered to be no longer alive).

XI.   Static Lists

KehilaLinks pages should cooperate with existing JewishGen programs; not compete with or duplicate them.  In order to avoid duplications of effort and data, to promote uniformity, and to provide ease-of-use for researchers, the following JewishGen publishing standards and policies apply to lists of data:

  1. Databases:
    Any static lists containing at least 1,000 records should ALSO be submitted to be incorporated within the relevant JewishGen databases. Please review the "Contributing Databases to JewishGen — Guidelines for Contributors" and contact the Database Project Manager to proceed.  Reciprocal links between the relevant databases and KehilaLinks pages are recommended and encouraged — see the KehilaLinks documentation.

  2. Researchers' surnames of interest:
    Lists of researchers and their surnames and towns of interest may not be included — all researchers should be encouraged to list their surname and town interests in the JewishGen Family Finder (JGFF) instead, and the KehilaLinks Page should provide a direct link to the JGFF, as described in the KehilaLinks documentation.

    This policy is in place to protect the privacy of researchers, by ensuring that their names and contact information can not be captured and reported via web search engines, thus making them readily accessible to spammers.  The use of the JGFF also helps to ensure that all contact information is always up-to-date.

  3. Cemetery and Burial Data:
    We require that all burial data must be submitted to the JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry (JOWBR).  However, we realize that a visual perusal of a static list of this type can be a useful way of making connections, so burial lists may also be presented in static form on a KehilaLinks Page.  A few photographs showing tombstones as an example of what they look like, and what condition they are in, are permitted.

  4. Family Trees:
    Extensive family trees should not be placed on KehilaLinks pages.  Instead, they should be submitted to JewishGen's Family Tree of the Jewish People (FTJP).

XII.   Links

All links to external web sites must be genealogically related. KehilaLinks sites cannot link to commercial vendors, with the exceptions noted below.  If there are any questions, check with the KehilaLinks Coordinators.

  1. Suggested Links: Links to external websites may be used to enhance or provide additional resources or information only when the primary purpose of the site is not commercial.  Here are specific links that are suggested to be included:

    • JewishGen Family Finder (JGFF)
    • Searching All JewishGen All Country Databases (includes JGFF, JOWBR and, Yizkor Book Necrology Database). Instructions are located at
    • Special Interest Group (SIG) - The Special Interest Group for the town can be identified by searching the JewishGen Communities Database at or by reviewing the list of SIGs at
    • Independent Organizations Hosted by JewishGen -
  2. External Websites: Links to external websites may be used to enhance or provide additional resources or information only when the primary purpose of the site is not commercial. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Some specific examples might help ensure clearer understanding of when a link to a commercial site is permitted:

    • If a publisher is willing to grant permission for the inclusion on a KehilaLinks Page of a copyright protected portion of a book far greater than what would be "fair use", then we permit a link to that publisher's site or business address.
    • If the KehilaLinks Page included a mention of a book, a hyperlink to the publisher or online book sales website would be allowed.
    • If a commercial site provided a free resource of genealogical interest, there could be a link to that commercial site.
    • If the same commercial site instituted a fee to access the above resource, there could be no link to the site, but the URL could be listed on the KehilaLinks Page as a genealogical resource.

  3. Professional Researchers and their addresses may be listed as a resource, but they may neither be recommended nor criticized, and there may be no live link to their e-mail addresses.  Additionally, the following disclaimer is required: "This listing implies no warranty on the part of JewishGen or this KehilaLinks page and is provided only as a convenience.  All researchers are encouraged to investigate each professional listed privately, thus performing due diligence prior to engaging in any contractual arrangement."

XIII.   Prohibited Material

  1. Page Creation Programs and Hit Counters:  No commercial mentions of the program used to create the page, or the program used to create a hit counter, are permitted.  For more detail on page usage, set up Google Analytics for your site.

  2. Yizkor Book Material:  No material from a published Yizkor Book may appear on a KehilaLinks Page — all Yizkor Book material should appear only on the JewishGen Yizkor Book Project site.  Reciprocal links between the KehilaLinks Pages and the respective material about a locality on the JewishGen Yizkor Book Project are recommended and encouraged.

  3. Travel Agencies:  No links to travel agencies are permitted.

  4. Negative Comments:  No negative comments about a researcher, archive, or organization is permitted on any site hosted by JewishGen.

  5. Items for Sale:  No items for sale may be handled through a KehilaLinks page. 

  6. Mailing Lists:  If there is a mailing list associated with a place, the KehilaLinks page may include a suggestion to "join a mailing list", linking to the subscription site.  However, no JewishGen-hosted page may contain the logo of another organization or a link mentioning that organization.

  7. Records Acquisition:  No KehilaLinks page may solicit funds or promote a project to facilitate the acquisition of records on behalf of an individual or small group of people.  Any records acquisition project must be directed towards the acquisition or indexing of a complete body of records, which will provide a future lasting benefit to the entire JewishGen community.  These records will be placed in a JewishGen Database.  A link to a specific JewishGen-erosity page may be used as a source of fundraising for an approved records acquisition project.

  8. Fundraising:  There can be no fundraising or solicitation for any non-JewishGen project or organization, no matter how worthy.

XIV.   Ensuring That The Requirements For KehilaLinks Are Followed

  1. Before embarking on any new project, KehilaLinks webmasters and coordinators are advised to consult with the KehilaLinks Vice-President and Project Coordinator, so that duplication of other projects, either in negotiation or under construction, does not occur.

  2. FTP access may be granted to a KehilaLinks webmaster under the internal guidelines established by JewishGen.  No new pages will be linked to a KehilaLinks Index Page until the KehilaLinks Vice-President has had a chance to review and recommend inclusion.

  3. Non-adherence to the requirements should be brought first to the attention of the KehilaLinks Vice-President and Project Coordinator to enable correction, if necessary.  If it is not possible to accomplish correction within 7-10 days, the KehilaLinks site should be hidden until such time as the necessary corrections are accomplished.  If satisfactory corrections are not made within one month of their having been brought to the attention of the KehilaLinks site creator, it shall become the responsibility of the JewishGen Management or KehilaLinks Vice-President to take appropriate action.  (See Copyright Violations, below).

  4. All new KehilaLinks sites will be reviewed by the KehilaLinks Vice-President and Project Coordinator, before being listed on a KehilaLinks Index Page.  All modifications to an existing KehilaLinks page should be brought to the attention of the KehilaLinks Vice-President and Project Coordinator as soon as they are added, and the Project Coordinator or his/her designee will conduct the review.  Anything requiring correction will be addressed expeditiously by the KehilaLinks site creator and only in the event of a serious problem will the page be hidden until corrected.

XV.   Copyright Violations

From time to time, JewishGen is notified of a potential copyright violation on a KehilaLinks site.  We recognize that everyone is doing their due diligence to ensure that the copyright laws are respected.  We also recognize that not all complaints are justified or accurate.

However, in any case, the following policies will be followed should there be a complaint regarding a violation of copyright.

These policies have been reviewed by JewishGen's legal counsel in order to protect both you, the donor, and JewishGen, and in no way reflects the quality of the work and the appreciation JewishGen has for the labor of love that volunteers are putting into JewishGen's KehilaLinks Project.  We hope you will work with us quickly and efficiently, so that we can properly investigate the complaint and be able to render a proper legal judgment.

When a complaint is received, the actions stated below will be taken by the KehilaLinks Project Coordinator or by an officer of JewishGen, or by both:

  • JewishGen's Management will be notified immediately of the complaint.
  • The material that is in question will be temporarily hidden.
  • The complainant will be notified that the above action has been taken temporarily until an investigation is undertaken.
  • Based on the recommendations of JewishGen Management, the challenged material will be permitted to go live again, or a request will be made to permanently remove the material.

By consensus: Susana Leistner Bloch, Barbara Ellman, Avraham Groll, Warren Blatt July 27, 2017

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