
Dlouhá Ves/AltLangendorf traveling guide

by Julius Müller,

Dlouhá Ves is located 4 km south of town Sušice/Schüttenhofen. Sušice was a prehistorically established gold-washing settlement which was located near merchants’ route to Bavaria. In about the same time village Dlouhá Ves (Lengthy dorp / de Longa Villa) was settled (first record 1290) around the fortress.


Dlouha Ves environs


In 1732 the fortress was adapted into a baroque-styled chateau.  In 1800 the estate became property of Joseph Schwarzenberg. Since 1930 town hall owned the castle. The building gradually deteriorated, and partly burnt. In 1949 the castle was torn down.

Jewish settlement:
The first Jewish families settled in about the 2nd half of 17th century.  In 1702 six percent of families in Langendorf were Jewish. About 20 Jewish families lived throughout the 18th century; in 1849 it was 36 families (210 people). In 1837, about 26 houses were owned by the Jewish owners. What was their profession? Mostly merchants, one tabaktrafikant, few were distillers.

 jewish quarter remnants

Remnants of former Jewish quarter

Soon after - during civic emancipation - the Jewish families moved to bigger towns. In 1880 there were 52 adults in Langendorf, (still 7% of total population). The kehilah merged with the community of Kasperske Hory in 1890.  In 1900 there were 28 adults (3%), in 1930 - 8 osob (less than 1%). (According to other source there was no Jews in 1930 whatsoever.)

- was built up at the beginning of 18th century on the eastern side of Jewish street, later refurbished into classicist style. The prayer hall was in 2nd floor, used until 1924. It burnt in 1937 and later was demolished.

current house

                   Synagogue - old picture                                       house no.83                             


Family history notes:
The Jewish quarter was located in the center of village, between the farm and the church. Some of the houses still stand. According to cadastre 1837, Bernard Schneider owned the house no. 2, Joseph Schneider owned house no. XXI., Marcus Pick owned house no. XX., Joachim Pick owned house no. 51.

Jakob, the youngest son of Löbl Schneider was born in house no. XVI. (1799). Seligman and his brother Joseph Pick were born in house no.XX. (1823 and 1826, respectively). Bernard Schneider´s children were born in house no.XXI (Joseph in 1834) and in no. 2 (Katharina in 1829, Jakob in 1836, Guttmann in 1838, Simon in 1839).

Located 300 m SE from the Catholic church. It was established at the beginning of 18th century, the oldest readable tombstone is dated 1742. The cemetery was used until the 30s of 20th century, also by the community in Kasperske Hory.

The Nazis destroyed the whole cemetery and the tombstones were transferred. In 1945 the tombstones were carried back and the cemetery was reconstructed. There is a grave of 105 year-old Mathias Kraus portrayed by Czech playwright J.K. Tyl in one his plays (1849). 

dlouha ves cemetery
dlouha ves cemetery 2

The flat isolated rural (agricultural) site has no sign or marker. Reached by turning directly off a public road, access is open to all via no wall, fence, or gate.  49 stones, none in original locations, date from 1742-19th century. The granite and limestone flat shaped stones of baroque and classicist style, finely smoothed and inscribed stones or flat stones with carved relief decoration have Hebrew and German inscriptions. The cemetery contains no known mass graves or structures. Plzen Jewish community owns the Jewish cemetery. Adjacent properties are agricultural. Occasionally, private visitors stop. Slight threat: weather erosion, pollution and vegetation.


 cadastre map

map of cadastre 1837


 map of dlouha ves

Copyright © 2010 Julius Müller


Copyright © 2011 Ann L. Fuller