Bukovina and Austro-Hungarian Maps
Maps Compiled by Hans Van Weezel
1 Roman province of Dacia (106 - 271 AD)
2 -GrandDuchyOfTransylvania Josephinische Landaufnahme
3 -Migrations-526
4 -Europe-814-Colbeck
5 -1200px-Popoare Migratoare In Romania Secolele IX -XIII.svg
6 -European-Populations-in-890
7 -Peoples-of-Europe-in-900
8 -Europe-circa-1000
9 -Europe-12th-Century
10 -Europe-1360
11 -Europe-1500-Colbeck
12 -Europe-circa-1559
13 -Europe-1560
14 -Central-Europe-Religions-1618-to-1923
15 -Europe-1740
16 -Europe-circa-1740
17 -Marele Principat al Transilvaniei, 1769-73
18 -Central-Europe-1786
19 -Europe-1808
20 Rumania 1855
21 -Europe1815
22 -Europa-Sprachgebeiten-circa-1914
23 -Ardealul Bucovina pe harta colonelului Teodorescu, Bucuresti 1915
24 -Ardealul Bucovina pe harta colonelului Teodorescu, Bucuresti 1915-1
25 -Die-Aufteilung-Zenraleuropas-vor-und-nach-dem-Ersten-Weltkrieg
26 -Bucovina in time.
27 -Hungarian migration
28 Greater Romania Historic Regions 1918–1940
29 Romania Mare-1933
30 Enciclopedia Romaniei 1938 vol 1 pg 425 1236
31 Austria hungary 1911 and post war borders
32 Austria Hungary ethnic 1911 (1)
33 Austria1914physical
34 Austria-Hungary map hu (1) DxO
35 Austro-Hungarian Monarchy 1914 DxO
36 Bukowina 1914
37 Carte ethnograph1880
38 kuk Bukowina
39 Landkarte Oesterreich-Ungarn
40 Literacy in Austria-Hungary (1880)
41 Osterreich-Ungarn 1898
42 Romania 1930 ethnic map EN
44 Ethnic-map-of-Romania-2011
45 Religions in Austria-Hungary, Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas, 1881,
46 Romania general map-en
47 Romania territory during 20th century