Memorial Monument & Hazkarah Gatheringsin Mt. Hebron Cemetery (Flushing, NY)"Dedicated to the everlasting memory of the Jewish Martyrs of Belchatow innocently slaughtered by the Nazi Murderers During the 2nd World War"
"29 Menachem Av 5702 / August 11, 1942 Harry Naparstek, Chairman" [Added later] ![[Photograph of dedication of monument in 1951]](images/Mt_Hebron_Belchatowers.jpg)
Members of the Independent Belchatower Young Men's Benevolent Association gathering at the dedication of the monument, 1951 ![[Photograph at the dedication]](images/Mt_Hebron_dedication.jpg)
Zalman Pudlowski, Hiller Bell, and Luzer Buganski (Above photos courtesy of Hiller and Phyllis Bell) ![[Photograph of the monument in Mt. Hebron Cemetery, 2001]](images/Mt_Hebron_monument.jpg)
Photographs From the Hazkarah (Memorial Service) Sunday, September 23, 2001![[Hiller Bell waiting for all to gather around]](images/hazkarah_1.jpg)
| ![[Hiller Bell speaking to the gathering]](images/hazkarah_2.jpg)
| From left: Hena Lipman, Hiller Bell, Ezra Hershman, Bruce Jacobi | Hena Lipman, Esther Haneman, Phyllis Bell, Hiller Bell, Roni Liebowitz (in back), Ezra Hershman | ![[Hiller Bell reading remarks, with Avrom Berkowicz]](images/hazkarah_3.jpg)
| ![[Roni Seibel Liebowitz speaking to the group]](images/hazkarah_4.jpg)
| Hiller Bell, Bruce Jacobi (back row), Abe Berkowicz, Bruce's mother-in-law | Hena Lipman, Esther Haneman, Hiller Bell, Roni Liebowitz, Bruce Jacobi, Abe Berkowicz, and Bruce Jacobi's mother-in-law |
Hazkarah -- Sunday, September 1, 2002
After the Hazkarah, on a rainy Sunday afternoon, some members of the landsmannschaft gathered for lunch. From left to right: Esther Haneman, Elaine (Berkowitz) Ingino, Hena Lipman, Mimi Weitzman (Esther Haneman's daughter), Bella Baum, Sharon (Berkowitz) Kupfer, Harold Weitzman (rear, Esther Haneman's son-in-law), Rose Fridlich, Bree Kupfer, Abe Fridlich, Sam Jacobi (rear), Mira Taube Stillman (daughter of Abraham Taube), Bonnie Berkowicz, Hiller Bell, Lou Baum (rear), Phyllis Bell, Michael Berkowicz (rear), Jerry Stillman, Roni Seibel Liebowitz, Abe Berkowicz. Hazkarah -- Sunday, September 21, 2003
| Michael Berkowicz reads the story of the Belchatower Jews being transported and killed at the Chelmno Death Camp. |

Some members of the landsmannschaft gather for lunch. Standing in back, from L to R: Murray Naparstek, Michael Berkowicz, Sam Jacobi, Harold Weitzman. Seated on left, from L to R: Lou Baum, Roni Seibel Liebowitz, Dan Berkowicz, Abe Berkowicz, Bella Baum. Seated on right, from L to R: Mimi Weitzman, Linda Berkowicz, Bonnie Berkowicz, Phyllis Bell, Hena Lipman, Gigi Silberberg (Hena's daughter), Hiller Bell, Esther Haneman. Hazkarah -- Sunday, September 12, 2004 
| After Hiller Bell's unveiling, Bruce Jacobi reads the story of the Belchatower Jews being transported to Chelmno and how they were killed there, while the rest of us listen attentively. |
Some members of the landsmannschaft gather for lunch: 
From left to right: Sonia Huberman Rubin (daughter of Hanna Moss and David Huberman), Lou Baum, Abe Fridlich, Gigi Lipman Silberberg, Bella Baum, Elaine Berkowitz Ingino, Rose Fridlich, Bonnie Berkowicz, Abe Berkowicz, Roni Seibel Liebowitz. 
Back row, from L to R: Harold Weitzman, Mimi Haneman Weitzman, Hena Lipman, Esther Haneman, Phyllis Bell, Hetty Martin, Sekhor Puranapanda, Karin Vanoppen. Front row, from L to R: Venkat Puranapanda, Arjun Puranapanda, Nisha Puranapanda, Hazel Bell Puranapanda. Hazkarah -- Sunday, September 11, 2005 
| After Abe Berkowicz's unveiling, Bruce Jacobi once again reads the tragic story about how the Belchatower Jews were killed at Chelmno. |

Some of the people who attended the Hazkarah and Abe Berkowicz's unveiling. 
Some members of the landsmannschaft gather for lunch. Back row, next to window, from L to R: Elaine Berkowicz Ingino, Bree Kupfer, Sharon Berkowicz Kupfer, Roni Seibel Liebowitz, Sam Jacobi, Arjun Puranapanda, Hazel Bell Puranapanda, Daniel Berkowicz, Jeremy Corrado. Front row, from L to R: Rose Fridlich, Abe Fridlich, Bonnie Srolovitz Berkowicz, Michael Berkowicz, Phyllis Bell, Nisha Puranapanda, Venkat Puranapanda, Linda Berkowicz, Noah Berkowicz. (Above photos courtesy of Roni Seibel Liebowitz)
 Click on the Title Page of the Belchatower Memorial Book and Monument Committee Journal (above) to read the contents and see the photographs of the Belchatowers who erected the monument in 1951.
This page last revised September 12, 2005.