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Copyright © 2017 Martin Davis
This site is dedicated to the memory of the Jewish community of Bălţi who lost their lives in the Shoah. The site aims to offer a glimpse of what life was like in the shtetl in an area on the eastern fringes of Europe; which had all of the elements of a fully functioning, caring and progressive Kehilla within a Moldovan town. If you do have more information about either the former Jewish community of Bălţi or the surrounding villages and hamlets, in the districts listed below, please send them to martindavis@hotmail.com. Rîşcani  • Glodeni  •  Făleşti  •  Sîngerei  •  Ungheni as well as the current municipality of Bălţi in Moldova
About this site
This site is hosted at no cost to the public by JewishGen, Inc., a non-profit corporation. If you feel there is a benefit to you in accessing this site, your JewishGen-erosity is appreciated.
Bălţi (Belz) Jewish Cemetery containing more than 20,000 matzevot (grave stones) - photo courtesy of Brock D. Bierman