Ashtabula, Ohio
41.8651° N, 80.7898° W


Primary Sources

Brody, Howard. “Life and Times of a Jewish Farm Boy.” Cleveland Jewish News. July 29, 1996.

Charter Issued to and Other Proceedings Concerning Corporations Vol 1 (Charleston, WV: The Tribune Printing Company. 1903).

Guth, Douglas. "Remembering." Cleveland Jewish News. October 31, 2008.

Lebowitz, Mike. "A Biblical Find."
News-Herald (Willoughby, OH). November 07, 2004.

Ohio Federal, State, County, Township and Municipal Officers (Springfield, OH: The Springfield Publishing Company; State Printers. 1907).

Newspapers Utilized

American Israelite (Cincinnati, OH).
B’nai B’rith Messenger (Los Angeles, CA).
Cleveland Jewish News (Cleveland, OH).
Daily Gazette (Xenia, OH).
Dover Daily Reporter (Dover, OH).
Jewish Independent (Cleveland, OH).
Jewish Review and Observer (Cleveland, OH).
Ohio Jewish Chronicle (Columbus, OH).
Reform Advocate (Chicago, IL).
Star Beacon (Ashtabula, OH).
Y.M. & W.H.A. Weekly (Pittsburgh, PA).

Secondary Sources

Berger, Arnold. “The Geneva Ohio Jewish Farmers.” Cleveland Jewish History.

“County Membership Report, Ashtabula County.” Association of Religious Data Archives. 2010.

Eskenazi, Joe. “Junkyard Jews,” Jewish News of Northern California (San Francisco). August 20, 2004.

“History.” Arthur Louis Steel Company. 2021.

“Jewish Population in the United States, 1961.” American Jewish Yearbook.

Massarik, Fred and Alvin Chenkin. “United States National Jewish Population Study: A First Report.” American Jewish Yearbook.

Neuman, Johanna. “Modern Jewish History: From Ghetto to Glamour - How Jews Redesigned the Fashion Business.” Jewish Virtual Library.

Oppenheim, Samson. “The Jewish Population of the United States.” American Jewish Yearbook.

Ray, Terry and Allen Ray. Failure to Comply (Bloomington: Xlibris. 2013).

S.B., Goodkind. Eminent Jews of America (Toledo: The American Hebrew Biographical Company. 1918).

“Statistics.” American Jewish Yearbook.

“Tifereth Israel Congregation.” Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism. 2020.