Ashtabula, Ohio
41.8651° N, 80.7898° W

Jewish Life in Ashtabula in the 21st Century

Congregation Tifereth Israel continues to exist as Ashtabula County’s only synagogue well into the 21st century. In 2010, the Association of Religious Data Archives estimated that Ashtabula’s Jewish population numbered 32 individuals.82 Despite the modest number of Jews now living in Ashtabula, Tifereth Israel remains an active congregation in the community sponsoring interfaith events and other educational opportunities. The local Jewish community also continues to hold an annual Hanukkah party and it participates in national events such as Shabbat Across America. Individually, Jews continue to contribute to Ashtabula’s civic, economic, and social life. Richard Coblitz is the current president of Tifereth Israel, and Jeffrey Brodsky serves as a lay religious leader. These members of Tifereth Israel Congregation carry on a 150-year-old legacy of Jewish life and civic engagement in Ashtabula.

82 “County Membership Report, Ashtabula County,” Association of Religious Data Archives, 2010,