Tzedakah Books Project: Background

This is the initial posting of a translation-in-progress. The Ananiev Tzedakah Reports were found by journalist Julia Bondar Smilga in the State Library in Saint Petersburg, Russia. She generously shared them with our small group of Ananievers.  In the spirit of public access, they will be posted here on this Ananiev website which was added to Kehillahlinks at a few years after its creation.

Below is the 1904 list. There are several “tiers” of giving based on fund names so do NOT search alphabetically.

In addition, Julia found 1902 and 1905 and said there are more.  I began with the 1904 booklet, only because I immediately found the name of  my great-grandfather, Enoch Massion listed within.

Since it is an ongoing process with no funds, we welcome translators of Russian to continue translating the vast number of names of Jewish citizens of Ananiev listed in these pamphlets.  If there are any mistakes or typos, they are mine. Thank you to the translators who provided their expertise including Judith Springer and Daniel Khordorkovsky.

As a Hebrew speaker, Jewish educator and genealogy enthusiast, I I find this a list of richly varied names from Eastern European sources.  I also want to point out that there are numerous occasions in each list where families can be connected by names and surnames.


Andrea Massion

July 2014

Updated July 2015.



on the Activity of the Society for Assistance to Poor Jews

Ananiev, Kherson Gubernya


“It is the sixth year of the existence of this society.  It came into being under more or less favorable conditions following two consecutive, productive years of harvest which enabled the poor to find food…”

Page 8 & 9 bottom

The following were elected:

L.I. Dolgin, I.S. Gelson, N.E. Rayder, G.L. Kolbasher, B.I. Polishuk

Candidate Members: L.P. Latkov and S.H. Kh. Rabinovitch

Elected Members of the Revision Committee: Y.M. Lemberg, D.M. Dondarev and Rosenfeld

Total Income for 1904: 1,814 Rubles, 63 Kopeks

[Page 16]

Society Governing Body

Chairperson Dr. M. M. Likhterman

Assistant to the chairperson A. Kh. Sh. Krasnyansky

Treasurer I. S. Gelson

Members of Governing Body

I. M. Gertsenshteyn

I. R. Sag

P. I. Kogon

Yu. Sh. Kuris

D. A. Dubovy

G. L. Kolbasner

N. D. Reyder

Sh. Kh. Rabinovich

Secretary L. I. Dolgin

Candidate for the post of Members of the Governing Body L. P. Latkov

Members of the Revision Commission

Ya. Lemberg

D. Bondarev

Sh. Rozenfeld

[Page 17]

Active members

1 Abramovich Moshko Meerovich

2 Bondarev Duvid Meerovich

3 Bondarev Itsko Meerovich

4 Bondarev Meer Moshkovich

5 Bondareva Leya

6 Vaynshteyn Khaim Yakovlevich

7 Vitovsky Srul Khaim-Gershov

8 Volfkovich Isaak Meerovich

9 Volfkovich Berta Grigorevna

10 Geyler Yankel Benyaminovich

11 Grushevsky Itsko

12 Gertsenshteyn Yakov Meerovich

13 Gertsenshteyn Shaya Meerovich

14 Goldshteyn Shlema

15 Gelson Ilya Solomonovich

16 Gershunov Iosif Aronov

17 Gershunov Moysey Aronov

18 Gidalevich Moshko

19 Geyrus Shmerko

20 Gindin Viktor Alekseevich

[Page 18]

21 Dolgin Lev Izrailevich

22 Dolgin Anna Isaevna

23 Dubovy Duvid Arononovich [Aronovich]

24 Dikler Iosif

25 Ignatovsky Zakhary Matveevich

26 Kitsis Duvid Shimshonovich

27 Krasnyansky Khaim-Shaya Itskovich

28 Krasnyansky Aba Khaim-Shaevich

29 Krasnyanskaya Sarra Lvovna

30 Kilberg Pinkus Fishelevich

31 Kolbasner Gershko Leyzerovich

32 Krasnyansky Aba Khaimovich

33 Kogon Pinkus Itskovich

34 Kitsis Shaya Shimshonovich

35 Krasnyansky Gersh Khaim-Shaevich

36 Kaminsky Iona

37 Kleyn Srul-Leyb Refulevich

38 Likhterman Miron Markovich

39 Likhterman Sofya Moiseevna

40 Lovetsky Mendel

41 Landa Moysey Gertsovich

42 Linetsky Menashe Abovich

[Page 19]

43 Lemberg Shimon Mordkovich

44 Lenchik Iosif Shlemovich

45 Lutsker Simkha Iosevich

46 Linetsky Elya Benyaminovich

47 Latkov Leyzer Pinkusovich

48 Lemberg Yakov Mordkovich

49 Lipetsker Boris

50 Mankes Eyzer Volfovich

51 Makhlin Leyba Volfovich

52 Nemenova Feyga

53 Nayfleysh Tsal Moshkovich

54 Perelman Pesya Khaim-Shaevna

55 Polishchuk Boris Isaakovich

56 Polishchuk A. P.

57 Polishchuk M. P.

58 Patlis Aron Khaskelevich

59 Patlis Moysey Khaskelevich

60 Roytman Osip Isaevich

61 Rozenfeld Shapsa

62 Royzen Shimon Abramovich

63 Rubin Shlema

64 Ribman Moshko Khaimovich

[Page 20]

65 Rabinovich Shmul Khaykelevich

66 Reyder Nakhman Duvidovich

67 Ravva Yoyna Abramovich

68 Rabinovich Khuna Volfovich

69 Reyder Khaim Nakhmanovich

70 Stuchinsky L. I.

71 Selitrennaya Alta

72 Sas Ios Ruvinovich

73 Faynboym Gersh Khaskelev

74 Fishenzon Avrum Zelmanovich

75 Khaygrekht Mendel

76 Chamlik Khaim Mordkovich

77 Shafirovich Shlema Mordkovich

78 Shchukin El

77 Kaminsky Ya.

Members workers

1 Baytalskaya Brukha-Sura

2 Bernshteyn Aba Lvovich

3 Barer Benyamin Mordkovich

4 Vdovets Zeylik

[Page 21]

5 Gerus M.

6 Dubovaya Tuba Pinkusovna

7 Duvidovich Duvid Leybovich

8 Zilberleyb Duvid Leybovich

9 Kitsis Pinkus Shimshonovich

10 Kiselbrener Nukhim Gavrilovich

11 Kogon Leyzer Itskovich

12 Karshenboym Zus Iosevich

13 Kiper Nakhmon Itskovich

14 Kuris Itsko Shmulevich

15 Kilberg Manya Khaim-Shaevna

16 Kleyman Khaim Ikhilevich

17 Kreyman Shlema Abovich

18 Landa Gerts Gertsovich

19 Litvak Ayzik Leyzerovich

20 Lenchik Nukhim Shlemovich

21 Linetskaya Maryam Abovna

22 Mesikh Mendel Todrosovich

23 Pizik Mordko-Simkha Movshevich

24 Royzentsvet Falik

25 Ravva Revekka Khaykelevna

26 Rukhlis Iosif

[Page 22]

27 Strizhevsky Leyba Shmulevich

28 Tsybel Ios Borukhovich

29 Yanovsky Aron Leybovich

Charitable Contributions,

received for the Pesakh holiday and others.

1 Abramovich Moshko Meerovich

2 Azrikan Khaim Ioselevich

3 Bekker Naftula Khunon-Shimon

4 Babad David Solomonovich

5 Baytalskaya Brukha-Sura

6 Bekker Khonon-Shimon

7 Bobchinsky Zelman

8 Bondarchuk Leyzer Motevich

9 Barer Mayka Mordkovna

10 Broytman Moyshe Peretsovich

11 Beygelzimer Beyla

12 Bershadsky Leyb

13 Bondarev Meer Moshkovich

14 Burshteyn Yankel Ios

15 Bondarev Moshko Meerovich

16 Broytman Volf-Ber

[Page 23]

17 Balagula Moshko Khaimovich

18 Bekker Naftula Khonon-Shimonov

19 Vaynshteyn Khaim Yakovlevich

20 Vitovsky Srul Khaim-Gershov

21 Vdovets Zeylik

22 Vilkomir Usher Moshkovich

23 Vaynshteyn Eynikh Refulevich

24 Volnyansky Avrum

25 Varshavsky Z.

26 Gershteyn M.

27 Gleyzer Ayzik Volkov

28 Geyler Yakov Benyaminovich

29 Grushevsky Itsko

30 Gerus Mendel Khaim-Duvidov

31 Gleyzer Leyzer Fishelev

32 Gertsenshteyn Shaya Meerovich

33 Grabov Khaim Gershonovich

34 Gurevich Khasya Lvovna

35 Gudeysky Volf

36 Gertsenshteyn Esya

37 Grabov Luzer Itskovich

38 Geynikhovich Itsko Yudkovich

[Page 24]

39 Grinberg Peysakh Meerovich

40 Gerus Reful

41 Gerus Khaim-David

42 Gribenyuk Avrum Fredelev

43 Goylenberg Shmerko

44 Goldfeld Ikhil Duvid Berkov

45 Gutnik Khaim

46 Gerus Mendel Khaim-Duvidov

47 Dolgin Lev Izrailevich

48 Dubovy Duvid Aronovich

49 Dikler Iosif

50 Drizlikh Yankel

51 Daychman Shlema

52 Zverinsky Moyshe

53 Dayman Shlema

54 Zeltser Yankel

55 Zabokritsky Khaim

56 Kolbasner Ikhtsok Leyzerov

57 Kiselbrener Nukhim Gavrilovich

58 Kipnis Shmul Mordkov

59 Kolker I.

60 Kolbasner Duvid Leyzerovich

[Page 25]

61 Kuperman Shmul

62 Kogon Pinkus Itskovich

63 Kiper Nakhman Itskovich

64 Kogon Moshko

65 Kitsis Shaya Shimshonovich

66 Kipnis Mikhel Shmulevich

67 Kotlyar Volko

68 Kogonzon Gershon

69 Kegilukhis Shmul-Duvid

70 Kolbasner Leyzer

71 Krimon Mordko

72 Krakinovsky Movsha

73 Kitsis Shaya Pinkusovich

74 Kitsis Duvid Shimshonovich

75 Kipnis Mikhel Shmulevich

76 Krasnoliysky Leyzer

77 Kipnis Sh.

78 Kiper Aron Itskovich

79 Likhterman Miron Markovich

80 Lerner Srul

81 Lukacher Shabsa

82 Landa Moysey Gertsovich

[Page 26]

83 Lukacher A. E.

84 Lukashevsky Noikh

85 Liberman Moyshe Shmulev

86 Lemberg Mordko Yankelevich

87 Lemberg Shimon Mordkov

88 Lutsker Moyshe

89 Lemberg Mordko Leyzerov

90 Lerman Itsko

91 Lazovatsky Peysakh

92 Lyakhovetskaya Etya Izrailevna

93 Linetsky Menashe Abovich

94 Linetsky El Benyaminovich

95 Lyakhovetskaya Sura

96 Litvak Benyamin Ayzikovich

97 Litvak Khaya Itskovna

98 Liberman Liber Shmulev

99 Levenson Shmul

100 Litvak L. I.

101 Lipetsker Moyshe

102 Milshteyn Ios

103 Miler Khatskel Itskov

104 Miroshnik Simkha

[Page 27]

105 Milerman Naum

106 Masion Eynekh

107 Meerzon Yankel Tevelev

108 Mironer P. A.

109 Milgrom Yankel

110 Milter Moshko

111 Mrost F. B. (into the fund of the late Mrs. Z. V. Likhterman)

112 Nemenova Feyga

113 Nikolaevsky Ios Gilelev

114 Nepomnyashchy Simkha

115 Nudel Moyshe

116 Nayfleysh Avrum

117 Nayfleysh Menashe Moshkov

118 Nemchenko Gdal Ayzikovich

119 Nudelman Mordko

120 Nudel Khaim

121 Ovnuk Froim

122 Perelman Isaak Moiseevich

123 Prizant Yakov

124 Paster El

125 Polishchuk Boris Isaakovich

[Page 28]

126 Roytman Osip Isaevich

127 Rubin Shlema

128 Reyfman Duvid

129 Ribman Moshko Khaimovich

130 Rotsemor Sura

131 Reyder Khaim Nakhmanovich

132 Rakhtaler Leyba Moshkovich

133 Rakhman Berko

134 Rabinovich Ios

135 Raznoshchik Meer

136 Ravva Ioyna Abramovich

137 Rabinovich Khuna Volfovich

138 Rozenblyum M.

139 Reznik Bentsion

140 Rashkovsky Yakov Abramovich

141 Rozhinsky Berko Yankelev

142 Rubchinsky Binyumin

143 Stuchinsky L. I.

144 Sendler Yankel

145 Spektor Zelman Sheyvakhovich

146 Slavsky Itsko Avrum-Iosevich

147 Spektor Moyshe Sheyvakhovich

[Page 29]

148 Sandler i Paster

149 Topolsky Shmul

150 Taytsel

151 Tovshteyn Gersh Motelev

152 Teytelbaum Mordko

153 Tovshteyn Motel

154 Umansky Gdal Ayzikov

155 Faynboym Gersh Khaskelev

156 Fishenzon Avrum Zelmanov

157 Khaygrekht Mendel

158 Khodorov I.

159 Tserkovich Borukh

160 Tsap Ios

161 Chamlik Khaim Mordkov

162 Shnayderman Froim

163 Shtivelman

164 Shpigluz Freyda Yakerovna

165 Shikhvarger Yankel

166 Shikhelman Sh.

167 Shekhtman Mordko

168 Shapira Srul

169 Shapira Leyba Mordukhov

[Page 30]

170 Shoykhet Khaim

171 Shteren Aba

172 Shekhter Khaim

173 Shoykhet Khaim-Meer

174 Shoykhet Alter

175 Shapira Srul

176 Sharf Nusin

177 Shchurovsky Srul-Ber

178 Elberg Moshko

179 Yunovsky Gersh Fishelev

Additional List

of member fees for the year 1904, not included in the report

Active members:

1 Rabinovich Reyzya Khaim-Shaevna

2 Baytalskaya B. S.

3 Gerus M.

4 Kitsis P. Sh.

5 Kiselbrener Nukhim

6 Kogon Leyzer

[Page 31]

7 Kiper Nakhmon

8 Landa Gerts

9 Litvak Ayzik

10 Lenchik Nukhim

11 Kuris Yudko

12 Zilberleyb Shmul

Members Workers:

1 Rubchinsky Binyumin

2 Mesikh Mendel

3 Krasnoliysky Leyzer

[END] 1904