The Cemetery

Click on 
Ananiev Photo Album above for more photos of the cemetery.Ananiev_Photo_Album.htmlshapeimage_1_link_0

    There were two Jewish cemeteries in Ananiev. The upper one pictured here contains mostly Soviet-era families with birth and death dates ranging from 1884-1999.

The lower cemetery is no more. In its place is a department of transportation, built around 2001. The Jewish community members who would speak of it said that they conserved as many gravestones as they could haul up the grassy hill to the modern cemetery. I saw no signs of any and did not pursue the matter because it seemed a moot point. Stam. The grave markers are gone; the early cemetery does not exist.  After all, we had only just appeared now in 2005. Why hadn’t we come sooner? they asked. I said Kaddish at the edge of the cinderblock transportation building lined with trees and worked to leave my frustrations behind.  Sigh.

Photographs of the picnic are a click away. See Ananiev Photo Album above.

Jewish Cemetery in Ananiev

1 May 2005

It is customary for Ukrainians to gather in the cemetery at noon every May 1st for a picnic. The Jews are no exception and we were invited to join them after the morning parade and memorial to the fallen Ukraine soldiers of World War II.

To view the list of surnames from the upper cemetery, click here (Soviet era to present) compiled by 
Andrea Massion and 
Alex Dunai, Cemetery_Surnames.htmlCemetery_Surnames.htmlshapeimage_4_link_0shapeimage_4_link_1

Copyright © 2008 Andrea Massion