Pope John Paul II - A Letter of Condolence
On April 8, 2005, the Wielkie Oczy
Foundation sent a letter of condolence on the death of Pope John Paul II
to the people of Wielkie Oczy through Father Josef Florek, the local
parish priest. Here is the English translation of that letter and the
Polish original..
To Wielkooczers,
The members of Wielkie Oczy Foundation, descendants of
Jews of Wielkie Oczy, send their heartfelt condolences to all residents
of our home village upon the death of Pope John Paul II, blessed be his
The Jewish people will always remember the Holy Father
as their great friend. During His pilgrimage to Poland in 1979 John Paul
II prayed in Auschwitz for the victims of the Nazi camps, including the
Jewish victims. In 1986, he became the first pope to visit a Jewish
prayer house, the Great Synagogue in Rome, where he and the Chief Rabbi
prayed together before the Holy Ark containing the Torah scroll. In
December 1993, the Holy Father led the Vatican in extending official
recognition to the State of Israel. He denounced anti-Semitism as a
"sin against God and man" and referred to the Jewish People as
"our elder brothers in faith."
Karol Wojtyla was born in Wadowice, whose population of
10,000 included 2,000 Jews. He was a sad witness to the Holocaust as he
watched friends and neighbors disappeared and murdered by German
As the Holy Father Karol Wojtyla remembered us and our
suffering, the Jewish people now remember him and pray for the repose of
his soul.
We share in your great sorrow.
Stephen Landau, USA
David Majus, Israel
Rabbi Murray Stadtmauer, USA