Emigrees from Vengrov purchased five burial plots in cemeteries around the New York-New Jersey area. There are two plots in Beth David Cemetery (Elmont, New York) and one each in Mt. Lebanon Cemetery (Glendale, New York), Mt. Zion Cemetery (Maspeth, New York), and Beth Israel Cemetery (Woodbridge, New Jersey).
These plots were purchased by the First Vengerover Benevolent Association (Erste Wengrover Kranken Unterstuetzung Verein, established August 29, 1896); Congregation Kol Israel Anshei Wengrower; the First Wengrower Ladies Society (established July 31, 1926); and the Erste Vengrover Congregation Pincus Noach.
The photograph at the left and information about the Vengrov burial plots are reproduced here courtesy of the on-line Museum of Family History. The Museum website has photographs of the Vengrov society gates at each of the five Vengrov cemetery plots and the names of the people buried in each plot. It also has an overall list of the surnames found on the gravestones at all five plots.
Credits: Text and page design copyrighted © 2008 by Helene Kenvin. Photograph of the First Wengrower Unterstuetzung Verein cemetery gate in Beth Israel Cemetery (Woodbridge, NJ) copyrighted © 2006 by The Museum of Family History. Page created by Helene Kenvin. All rights reserved.