List of Leonid Smilovitsky’s Turov Book previous publications
Referred Articles published
- A Belorussian Border Shtetl in the 1920s and 1930s: The Case of Turov, Jews in Russia and Eastern Europe, Summer, 1 (50) 2003, pp. 109-137.
- History and Origin of the Jewish Last Family Names in Turov, Journal of Federation of East European Family History Societies, Salt Lake City (USA). Vol.11, 2003, pp. 29-35.
- «Religious Life in the Pale: Case of Turov», Arkhiv evreiskoi istorii, vol. 3, Moscow 2006, pp. 143-165 (in Russian).
- Work of the Local Court in Turov Before 1917 year, Archivarius, Collection of articles of the National History Archives of Belarus, Minsk 2006, vol. 6, pp. 93-101 (in Russian).
- Zionist Underground Resistance in Belorussia: Case of Turov, 1918-1937, Repressivnaya Politika Sovetskoy vlasti v Belarusi. Collection of articles, dedicated to 70 years of the Stalin’s repressions in the USSR, Vol. 2, Minsk 2007 (in Russian).
- Struggle against Fires in Turov in 19 cent., Vestnik Mozyrskogo universiteta (Gerald of the Mozyr State University, Mozyr 2007 (in Russian).
Accepted for publication:
- Destruction of the Jewish Religious Life in Turov During Soviet Era, 1921-1941 Arkhiv evreiskoi istorii, vol. 5, Moscow 2008 (in Russian).