
In memory of the Jews of Tauragnai murdered by German Nazis and their collaborators
August 29, 1941 (6 Elul 5701)

ShtetLinks: Tauragnai

(Latitude 55°27´, Longitude 25°49´) Satellite Map or Road Map

Other Names

Often Confused With...

Modern Tauragnai

The Surroundings of Tauragnai (Photo taken from Utena Tourism Information website)

Historical Pictures

Students of Yavneh School circa 1930 (Courtesy Yosef Rosin)

Wooden Beit Midrash of Tauragnai (Courtesy Yosef Rosin)

Rabbi Eliezer-Tsvi Pines, religious leader of Tauragnai from 1875 to 1937 (Courtesy of Yosef Rosin)

Travel Pictures

Martha Greene

Memorial to Victims of Holocaust in Utena Region (Courtesy of Martha Greene)

Lilian Adelman

Lillian Adelman made a vow to find where her family of both sides lived and were buried. In 1994 she went to Lithuania with Sara Weiss-Slep. The pictures below are from her visit to Taraugnai, the shtetl of her grandfather Chaim-Leib Adelman. The connection between Sara Weiss and Lilian Adelman is described in the Dusiat Yizkor book.

All the pictures are courtesy of Sara Weiss-Slep, 1994.

Entrance to the town of Tauragnai

The road to the Jewish cemetery

The red lake of Jewish blood.
The locals tell that after the annihilation of the Jews,
the lake was filled with Jewish blood, and fish
could no longer live in it.

The gate to the Old Jewish Cemetery


Gravestones- Shapira and others

Gravestone of the Rabbi

Gravestones- Our elderly mother and others

Gravestone of Meshulam

Lilian Adelman at an unidentified gravestone

Lilian had no success in locating the grave of her relatives,
so she decided to adopt this one where the writing was illegible.

Web Links With Useful Information About Tauragnai


The information I have derived from the above sources indicate that the Jews of Tauragnai were probably massacred in the Forest of Rase, 2 km from Utena, on August 29, 1941 (6 Elul 5701).

Miscellaneous Research Information

Nearby Larger Towns


Tauragnai was historically part of the Zarasai/Novo-Alexandrovsk Uyezd and the Kaunas Gubernya. It is currently part of the Utena District.

Other Information

Dr. Rosin has compiled many of these shtetl histories into the book "Preserving Our Litvak Heritage...A History of 31 Jewish Communities in Lithuania", available from JewishGenMall.

Searchable Databases

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Compiled by David Izraelevitz

Updated by DI 12 November, 2017

Copyright © 2000-2017 David Izraelevitz

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