This is an abridged version of the original Tribute to Alex Kornblau sent to all
the descendants of Yitzchak Kornblau, Alex's father on July 25, 2003. . Yitzchak
Kornblau’s descendants are referred to, in this narrative, as "the Cousins". This page is hosted at no cost to the public by JewishGen, Inc.,
a non-profit corporation. If you feel there is a benefit to you in accessing
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02/21/08 by ELR
A Tribute to Alex Kornblau
by Florence Rodman Klevit
Many Philadelphians will recall spending carefree vacation days in Atlantic City
before the advent of casinos. They may also recall Kornblau’s Restaurant, a well
known landmark on the corner of Virginia and Pacific Avenues. But they probably
know little about Alex Kornblau, the founder of that popular restaurant
Alex was born in 1894 in a small shtetl called Yanov, which was then a part of
Alex was the son of Yitzchak Kornblau. Most of the Cousins did not have the
pleasure of knowing their grandfather Yitzchak. He never left the shtetl, except
for one visit to the USA in 1930, and died in Yanov in the mid-1930’s.
Yitzchak’s five brothers all immigrated to the United States. They left the
shtetl to escape discrimination, pogroms and poverty. The brothers Alex, Benny,
Jack and Harry Kornblau, our great uncles, arrived in the early 1900’s. Great
Uncle Joseph Kornblau (Fetter Yusha) arrived in 1923 with his wife and daughter,
Our great Uncles Benny, Jack and Harry Kornblau settled in Atlantic City and
became successful in resort business. A source of great pride to Harry was his
daughter, Lee, whose husband, Joseph Altman, was a popular Mayor of Atlantic
City in the 1940’s and 50’s.
Great Uncle Joseph settled in Brooklyn, and Great Uncle Alex settled in
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.
Now back to our Uncle Alex, the restaurateur. During World War I, he served in
the Austrian army. He was captured by the Russians in 1916 and sent to a
prisoner of war camp in Siberia. Upon his release from the camp he found his way
to Japan and then to Seattle, where he arrived in 1921.
Alex’s younger sisters, Pepi and Rose, had immigrated to the United States the
year before and were living in New York.
Alex’s younger brother, Morris, immigrated in 1923.
The immigration of the four Kornblau siblings (Alex, Pepi, Rose and Morris) was
made possible by their Uncles Benny, Jack and Harry Kornblau.
Fast forward to 1925. After Alex had acquired diversified experience working in
various restaurants in New York and Atlantic City, he opened several of his own
restaurants. These restaurants required top management, and so brother, Morris,
became a Kornblau partner. Soon thereafter Max Kornblau, a first cousin (son of
Alex of Wilkes-Barre) also became a partner.
Of the several restaurants that Alex opened, the one on Virginia and Pacific
Avenues became the most popular. On a typical summer evening vacationers would
stand in a long line outside the restaurant waiting to be seated. Typically
restaurants “sizzle” and then “fizzle” – but not so with Kornblau’s Restaurant
on Virginia Avenue which remained popular until its closing in the late 1960’s.
While working in New York, Alex met and, in 1925, married Bertha Winkler. They
were married for 40 years and had no children.
In February 1938, shortly before the start of World War II, Alex was able to
save from the impending Holocaust, and raise as his daughter, his 14 year old
niece, Reggie, the daughter of his older brother, Shalom, who was still living
in Yanov.
In 1945-46 Alex’s sisters, Pepi Rodman and Rose Bienstock, and brother, Morris,
who were then all in their 40’s, each became widowed within a period of eight
months. Alex then became a virtual father figure to their children, the Cousins:
Florence Bienstock (Klinger)
Joseph Bienstock,
Evelyn Bienstock (Agre)
Theodore Rodman
Florence Rodman (Klevit),
Morton Rodman
Leona Kornblau (Tanker)
Irwin Kornblau.
They will never forget how their lives were touched by Uncle Alex’s constant
care and concern, and how he was always there for them and for their widowed
parent as well.
The Cousins grew up in pre-casino Atlantic City and all graduated from Atlantic
City High School. In fact, from the early 1940’s and into the 1950’s almost
every year there was a high school graduation to celebrate.
After the war our family learned that we had only one surviving member from the
shtetl. And so, Uncle Alex, with the help of brother Morris, and sisters Pepi
and Rose, immediately filed the required papers for the immigration of Joe
Kornblau, the older brother of Reggie. He had somehow miraculously managed to
survive the war living first in Russia and then Germany and arrived in Atlantic
City in the summer of 1947 with his wife, Regina, and their two young children,
Lucy and Jack. The first cousin number then grew to 10.
Joe’s education in a gymnasium in Tarnopol had been interrupted by World War II,
and so Uncle Alex provided an opportunity for him to learn the fundamentals of
the restaurant business. After a short time he opened his own restaurant, called
Joe’s, at the corner of New York and Pacific Avenues, only a few blocks from
Kornblau’s Restaurant. Joe’s Restaurant quickly became a popular center city
For some time during the 1940’s and 50’s the Cousins lived either next door to
Kornblau’s Restaurant or within a radius of two blocks. And most of us had the
valuable experience of working in the restaurant during summer vacations from
Our jobs included cashier, host/hostess, bookkeeper assistant, food checker,
salad maker, and any other positions where needed. For many of us this was our
first job, and it gave us the opportunity to get to know Uncles Alex and Morris
as CEO’s dealing with a myriad of difficult ongoing problems. These included
dealing with serious labor and food shortages during the war years, complying
with strict liquor control regulations, working long gruelling hours, and the
many other rigors and challenges of the restaurant business. And we also got to
know our uncles as warm, genial hosts to the summer visitors and especially to
the all year round residents.
During the off season months, when the pace was less hectic, we recall Uncle
Alex and Aunt Pepi, relaxing in the sun on the Rodman porch adjacent to the
restaurant, and reminiscing about growing up in Yanov. They often spoke about
good times with childhood friends, their limited secular education, which did
not even include public high school, and eventually their decisions to leave
beloved family and shtetl. They also recalled their stormy voyages across the
ocean, and their early days as immigrants.
The Cousins have fond memories of family get-togethers growing up in Atlantic
City. We recall Seders in the home of Aunt Bertha and Uncle Alex, and we
remember observing High Holidays together in the Community Synagogue, a half
block from the restaurant at Maryland and Pacific Avenues. Alex was a founder of
the synagogue and a long time active member and officer. The restaurant was
closed on Rosh Hashanah, and after services there was always a family Kiddush
which Uncle Alex and Aunt Bertha hosted in their apartment. There were also many
outings and get togethers which Uncle Alex hosted, such as picnics at Lake
Lenape, Hanukah parties at which we were given silver dollars as Hanukah gelt,
annual visits to the Atlantic City Race Track, and much more.
In 1955 “Resort Profile” article titled
Refugee to Restaurateur appeared in the
Atlantic City Press on the occasion of Alex being honored as the “Man of the
Year” by the Brotherhood of Community Synagogue. It describes the four years he
spent in Siberia as a prisoner of the Russians during and after World War I and
highlights colorful events in his notable career as a restaurateur.
In 1964 Uncle Alex was honored on his 70th birthday with a dinner at the Seaside
Hotel for 54 members of the family and numerous friends. (see photo below). The
dinner also marked his 39 years as the operator of the popular restaurant.
During all those years Uncle Alex and Aunt Bertha lived in a duplex apartment
around the corner from the restaurant. When he became semi-retired, they moved
to a home in Margate. A car then became a necessity. In his late sixties, and
after a few minor auto accidents, Alex proudly met the challenge of learning to
drive. He was pleased with that accomplishment, and the family was very proud.
Uncle Alex died at the age of 72 after a brief illness.
From a Yizkor Book story which was written after the war by one of the survivors
of Yanov then living in Israel, we learn of the hardships of every day life in
the shtetl Yanov in the early twentieth century. And so we can appreciate all
the more that from the humblest of beginnings Alex Kornblau rose to become not
only the very successful founder and operator of Kornblau’s Restaurant, a world
renown dining institution for more than 40 years, but also a highly respected
community leader and philanthropist. He will always be lovingly remembered by
our family.
As we celebrate cousin Reggie’s 80th birthday in a few weeks, the most touching
tribute to Uncle Alex is Reggie’s. She frequently reminds us that she will be
forever grateful to him for rescuing her from the shtetl just before the
Holocaust so that she did not have to suffer the fate of most of her immediate
After this Tribute was circulated among the Cousins many of them recalled
special memories.
Our youngest cousin, Irv Kornblau, now living in Florida, e-mailed two anecdotes
about the fame of Kornblau’s Restaurant: “In the late sixties I was checking
onto a flight at the San Francisco airport, and when I handed the agent my
ticket (there were tickets way back then), he asked me if I was from Atlantic
City. When I said “yes”, the next question was inevitable: ‘Are you related…?’ ”
Irv adds: “On another occasion the same thing happened when I used a car rental
service to take my son Mark and my stepdaughter Jackie to a ball game when they
were about 9 or 10 years old. The driver asked if I knew the restaurant in
Atlantic City, and when I said "yes"…you have no idea how impressed Mark was. It
inspired him to write a biography of my Dad [Uncle Morris] for school!”
Cousin Ted Rodman, while attending college and medical school, spent several
summer vacations working in the restaurant. Ted remembers Uncle Alex not only as
a generous contributor to worthwhile causes, but also as a community activist
and enthusiastic fund raiser. Ted recalls being impressed as he observed Uncle
Alex soliciting a pledge for the Federation of Jewish Charities from Joe
Wagenheim, his main meat supplier who was also a good friend. Uncle Alex “urged”
his friend to increase his contribution by reminding him that Kornblau’s had
done thousands of dollars worth of business with him the previous year, and he
“suggested” that his friend could surely afford to at least double his
contribution (see photo below).
Ted also reminds us about the “Kornblau Special.” How can we ever forget that
tantalizing combination of corn beef, coleslaw and Russian dressing on rye bread
which Uncle Alex originated early on in his career and which has been widely
copied in our area and even beyond. In fact, this favorite remains popular in
countless better delicatessens to this day.
Cousin Reggie Kornblau Korngut remembers dining in the Stage Door Deli in New
York in the early sixties, and when she ordered a “Kornblau Special” they knew
it well, and served a perfect copy. She also remembers that in the early sixties
the Atlantic City Hospital cafeteria had as a standard item on its cafeteria
blackboard menu the “Kornblau Special.” Most of us remember that in the 1940’s
the price of a “Kornblau Special” was about 35 cents¬, an unbelievable price
Reggie still treasures a 1943 Kornblau’s dinner menu showing a price of $1.00
for a full course braised brisket of beef dinner, including dessert.
Reggie remembers that during World War II, when the purchase of war bonds was a
high priority, Uncle Alex honored every purchaser of a $500 bond with a free
lobster or steak dinner (see photos below).
Cousin Florence Rodman Klevit reminds us that in the 1940’s and early 50’s in
the heart of Atlantic City’s business district (Pacific Avenue between Virginia
and Kentucky Avenues) a distance of only seven blocks, the following seven
businesses were owned and operated by the sons and daughters of three of the
senior Kornblau brothers, namely, Yitzchak of shtetl Yanov, Joseph (Fetter Yusha)
who settled in Brooklyn, and Alex who settled in Wilkes-Barre:
Kornblau’s Restaurant (Virginia Avenue) – Alex, Morris and Max Kornblau
Bienstock’s Restaurant (South Carolina Avenue) – Rose Kornblau Bienstock
Liquor Store (South Carolina Avenue) – Millie Kornblau Green
Abe’s Restaurant and Bar (Tennessee Avenue) – Anna Kornblau Helrich
Joe’s Restaurant (New York Avenue) – Joe Kornblau
Burg’s Liquor Store (Kentucky Avenue) – Charlotte Kornblau Burg
Dave’s Produce Market (Kentucky Avenue) – Pepi Kornblau Rodman
This listing would not be complete without mentioning that during the 1940’s
Atlantic City’s very popular mayor was Joseph Altman who was the husband of
Great Uncle Harry Kornblau’s daughter Lee Kornblau Altman.
In the 1970’s the Cousins organized a Kornblau Cousins Club which grew rapidly
with the birth of grandchildren. It continued meeting regularly for many years,
usually at the spacious home of Cousins Ted and Ruth Rodman. With the exception
of two of the Cousins, who reside in Ventnor and Florida, we all live in the
Philadelphia area (Ardmore, Cherry Hill, Jenkintown, and Mount Laurel).
Our Cousin total is now only seven due to the deaths of Joe Kornblau, Florence
Bienstock (Klinger) and Joseph Bienstock.
Although admirers of the enormous success Uncle Alex achieved as a restaurateur,
the Cousins, as first generation College educated, chose not to seek their
fortunes in the restaurant industry and instead pursued careers in medicine,
law, teaching, social work, the media, and business administration. With the
exception of one still hard working cousin, we are all now retired.
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