The following entries for Janów residents was found in the 1930 voters list of
people registered /eligible to vote on the Sejm [Polish parliament] elections
held in 1930.
House # 140:
House # 204:
House # 176: This page is hosted at no cost to the public by JewishGen, Inc.,
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02/20/08 by ELR
Entries from the 1930 Janów Voters List
Submitted by Florence Rodman Klevit
This is by no means a complete list. If you have names to add please contact us
Kornblau, Schulim, 40 years old, a merchant
Pesie, 32 years old
Fink, Mortko, 57 years old, a merchant
Perla, 57 years old
Dr. Landes, Robert, 38 years old, medical doctor
Sabina, 31 years old, his wife
Kornblau, Eisig, 63 years old, a merchant
Bosia, 56 years old
Binie, Erde, 39 years old
Anna, 38 years old
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