Birth Record from Husiatyn, Galicia
Birth Certificate of Meschilem Sühhsie Singer
submitted by Linda Epstein
Translation of Birth Certificate of
Meschilem Sühhsie Singer
Submitted by Linda Epstein
Date of birth: 14 March 1886
Location: Husiatyn [no house number]
Date of bris [circumcision]: 21 March 1886
Location: Husiatyn [no house number]
Child’s given name: Meschilem [Meschulam] Sühsie
Sex: Male
Born legitimate or illegitimate: Illegitimate
[In American known as Samuel Sigmund SINGER]
Father: Marcus TARNORÜCKI married according to the Jewish rite, merchant in
Mother: Gittel SINGER, married according to the Jewish rite, daughter of
Alter and of Perl SINGER from Husiatyn
Signature of Official/Witness, place of residence: Moses HOROWITZ, Sandek
[witness / person who is given the honour of holding the baby during the
Signature of Mohel: Lazar SCHECHTER
Signature of midwife: Ester SCHOTTER
Remarks: I recognize my fatherhood of the child. Marcus TARNORÜCKI. As
witness and name certif. Mendel POHORYLES.
Dated Kopyczynce, 17 May 1920.
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12/19/08 by ELR
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