Holocaust Memorial in Jewish Cemetery in Tolstoye4850 (Tluste)

This photograph of the Holocaust memorial in the Tolstoye (Tluste) Jewish cemetery was taken by Tosia Szechter Schneider during her 1997 visit to Horodenka, Tolstoye, and vicinity. Mrs. Schneider is a survivor from Horodenka, some of whose Jews--including her mother--were sent to the Tluste ghetto and died there. The Hebrew inscription, translated by Tosia Schneider, reads: "In memory of the martyrs of Tluste and surroundings who were annihilated by the Nazis in the years 1942-1943 and to remember all the martyrs who are buried in this cemetery. Erected by the survivors from Tluste." [The image was downloaded from the web, processed, and cropped.]