of Jewish GI's: David "Mickey" Marcus This page is hosted at no cost to the public by JewishGen, Inc., a non-profit corporation. If you feel there is a benefit to you in accessing this site, your
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Mickey (David) MARCUS
Marcus' family is from Suchostaw, and Marcus (Colonel in the
U.S. Army and General in the Israeli Army) died seven hours before the truce
with the Arabs became effective on June 11, 1948. Two movies have been made
about Marcus: "Blackwell's Island" about Marcus' work as LaGuardia's
Commissioner of Corrections and "Cast A Giant Shadow" about Marcus'
work as one of the leaders of the fledgling Israeli army. Marcus was a military
adviser to FDR, one of the liberators of the camps at Dachau and Buchenwald,
chief of the war crimes branch of the War Department for organizing the
Nuremberg Trials, and one of the chief organizers of the new state of Israel's
armed forces. In May of 1948 Marcus was appointed by Ben Gurion to be Commander
of all forces on the Jerusalem front.
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