in the Cyganow Forest (1942)

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Skala partisans


This photograph shows a group of young men from Skala who managed to escape the German invaders in 1942 and join the partisans in the Cyganow Forest just outside of Borszczow (a town northwest of Skala). They were among some 150,000 members of the resistance in what is now Ukraine and fought under the leadership of the famed Ukrainian underground leader Sidir Artemovich Kovpak.

From left to right, the heroic partisans from Skala are: Yitzkhak (surname unknown), Misza Ajzner [Misha Eisner], Miszka Zloczower [Mishka Zlochover], Jaszka Stoch [Yasha Stokh], Boris Zloczower [Boris Zlochover], Mendel Sofer [cousin of SRG researcher Martin Sofer], and Josef Kusilk.

Kovpak + Rudnev

Ukrainian resistance leader Sidir Kovpak and
his second-in-command Semyon Rudnev,
whose partisan unit the Skala fighters joined.

Credits: Text and design copyright © 2011 by Helene Kenvin . Photograph of Skala partisans copyright © by Ghetto Fighters House, used with permission [see:]. Photograph of Kovpak and Rudnev copyright © by website at We are grateful to SRG member Moshe Steinberg for bringing this photograph to our attention and to Orna Alroy of the Ghetto Fighters House for giving us permission to post the photo of Skala partisans on this website. Page created by Helene Kenvin . All rights reserved.
Updated Mar 18, 2011. © Copyright 2005 Skala Research Group. All Rights Reserved.