When the Germans entered Seduva in the summer of 1941

chapter 2

Then, on 25-26 August 1941, all the Jewish men, women and children were transported to the forest Laudiski (Liaudiškiai), about 10 kilometres south west of Seduva, one site 400 meters north of the Seduva road and a second site 900 meters north west of the same road, close to a path in the forest.

surroundings (south) of Seduva
3 marked killing spots :

One spot south of Seduva (near Kaulekiskiai, red cross X(2) ), see chapter 1
and two spots south west of Seduva (near Liaudiškiai, the red cross x(1) )

There, in the heart of the forest, the Germans and their collaborators murdered all the Jewish citizens, a total of 664 men, women and children. The names of some of the killers were Ramnauskes, Valavičius, Jonas Tomkus, Klemensas Rožėnas, all from Seduva.


Shulamith Noll survived this massacre (her story can be read in chapter 1).

 When we were in the Laudiski forest, in the summer of 2005, under guidance of Danute AneleZilinskiene,  we noticed, that the plaque on the memorial stone was gone, stolen. ( like in Rozalimas and in Pakruojis).

Pictures made in 2005

missing plaque
Marija was devastated by the disappearing of the plaque.

On the initiative of a number of Jews who survived, especially with the help of Isaac Balkar, memorial tombstones were erected at all the sites where the Jews of Seduva had been murdered.

The killing spot.

Immediately, the three Lithuanian women, f.l.t.r., Danute Anele, Marija and Birute,  started cleaning the  mass grave of the Jewish citizens of Seduva. I was very  touched by their initiative.

Will they set an example?

In 2015 we visited this spot again. The old monument (from Soviet times) was replaced by a new one.
This spot and the one 900 meters further in the woods have new monuments. End May 2015 the monuments (by scultor Romas Kvintas) were unveiled.

Monument on the second spot

Monument on the third spot (to be found at 900 m from the second spot


That they their never will be forgotten

click here (by courtesy of Jon Seligman, November 2011)


O God, full of mercy, Who dwells on high, Defender of widows and Father of orphans, grant proper rest on the wings of the Divine Presence- in the lofty levels of the holy and the pure ones, who shine like the glow of the firmament- for the souls of millions of Jews, men, women and children, who were brutally and tortuously murdered, gassed and cremated, or buried alive, for the sanctification of Your Name. Holy and pure were they all, among them scholars and saints as majestic in Torah as the cedars of Lebanon. May the Master of Mercy shelter them in the shelter of His wings for eternity and may He bind their souls in the Bond of Life.May their resting place be in the Garden of Eden.Hashem is their heritage. May He remember their martyrdom, and may their righteousness stand in merit for us and all Israel.Earth, do not cover their blood! Do not silence their cries! In their merit may the scattered ones of Israel be gathered to their possession. May the martyrs’ righteousness forever be before Hashem. May they repose in peace in their resting places and rise at the end of days to life. Now let us respond: Amen.

to chapter 3

Copyright © 2008 Dora Boom

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