Where Once We Walked

by Gary Mokotoff and Sallyann Sack, Avotaynu, Inc., 1991

Rokiskis, Lithuania (Rakishik, Rakishki, Rakishok, Rakiski, Rakiszki, Rekishok, Rokishki, Rokishkis, Rokishok, Rokishuk); pop. 2,013; 139 km. ENE of Siauliai; 55°58'/25°35'; AMG, COH, EJ, GUM3, GUM4, GUM5, JGFF, LDL, LYV, SF, YB, YL.

References to Rokiskis are found in:

AMG - American Gathering/Federation of Jewish Holocaust Survivors

COH - Chamber of the Holocaust

EJ - Encyclopedia Judaica

GUM3, GUM4, GUM5 - Guide to Unpublished Materials of the Holocaust Period, Yad Vashem

JGFF - JewishGen Family Finder

LDL - Latter Day Saints, Sages and Scholars by Emanuel and Neil Rosenstein, Elizabeth, NJ: 1983

LYV - Landsmanshaftn Societies on File at Yad Vashem

SF - Shtetl Finder by Chester Cohen, Los Angeles: 1989

YB - Yiskor Book

YL - Yahudit Lita by R. Hasman, D.Lipec, et al. Tel Aviv: 1967


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