Vital Records Success Stories
From Ben Davidowitz - " I've only had time to take
a quick look but immediately found the
marriage records of my paternal grandparents, birth information for my father and his
siblings and...I think, I have found my Grandmother's Mother's first name." |

From Rebecca Weinbren - date 1889 February 06, name
VEYNBREN Bentsel, father Leyzer, grandfather Yankel, town Moletai
"It's Daniel's grandfather Benjamin Weinbren, his great grandfather Elazar and
his great great grandfather Jacob. I'm absolutely moved to tears. I never thought
we'd find them. And they arrived on my twin children Bethany and Jacob's first
birthday." |

From Andrew Friedland - "I found the marriage record of
my great-grandfather and great-grandmother (my guess based on the birth of the first child
was only off by only two years). And I think I found the death record of my gg-grandfather." |

From Bill Saxton - "I had FOUR hits from the lists -
three confirming info I already had and one
NEW Zakshtein which opened yet another door. So, it was quite worthwhile for me."

From Amanda
Jermyn - ... I found several relatives on the Rokiskis deaths
list you sent. The relatives I found were: Hena
Kruk, my great-grandmother; Ruvin
Ruch, his wife Rochel Kavalsky was my grandmother's sister; Liba
Ruch, wife of Avraham Koppel Ruch; Michel
Ruch, son of Leib Ruch; Rochel
Ruch, sister of my grandmother Riva Kavalsky; Chona
Zelik Ruch, son of Pesach Ruch, who appears to have died of
Many thanks for sending
this. For the first time I've been able to see my mother's birth record!
She is listed as Rocha Frieda Krukas, born 1929, now Ray Kriger
Katz, and her sister is listed there as Hene Reize Krukas (Anne
Kriger). Our cousin Reuben Ruch is listed as Rubinas Ruchas.
There are also several other Ruch relatives. The interesting thing is
that although the birth years are correct, the day and month listed in
the records are after the birth dates as we know them. I'm wondering if
these are the dates that the babies were registered rather than the
actual dates they were born. In any event, these records are wonderful
to have!

From Stephen
Gaffin - Because I wrote my family tree I had long suspected
that we GRACES from Rokiskis and Kamajai are an unusually long-lived
group. Linda's recent distribution of Rokiskis death records gave
me a chance to look further. I know it's not a rigorous or
even a serious data analysis, but I pooled the ages at death of those 36
records of people with the same surnames or descendents of those with
the same surnames of my family, out of the 763 named records shown.
Interesting results:
MEAN AGE at Death was 66.78 years
MEDIAN AGE at Death was 71.00 years (there was a death in infancy that
brought the mean down)
Standard Deviation was 18.48 years

From Jules
Feldman - I too found relatives on the list - Yocheved Naimark,
daughter of Motel Ber Gurvich, died 20 May 1936, in Rokiskis. She
was the sister of my great grandfather, Zalmna Hurwitz of
Rokiskis. Elija Naimark, her husband, died 26 March 1936.

Ben Rabin - A hit for me - my maternal grandfather Leibe
Heerske, incorrectly recorded as Leibe Girsas. I
have 3 cousins and a brother named after him, Leon
Harry, Leonard Harry, and Harry Leon. The
surname Brukas (Bruk) has been anglisized to Brook(e) by most of the
family except one member in the USA who has retained the name Bruk.
I have
found my mother and father’s wedding records!!!! They
married 8 May 1928 and arrived in
South Africa
on the 9 July 1928.
While I know
quite a lot about my mother’s ancestry and her descendants, this is
the first evidence of my father that I have come across.
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