Cohen Family
There are two interesting family
stories about the Cohen Family of Rokiskis which describe their global
wanderings from Lithuania to Ireland, Britain, South Africa, Australia, New
Zealand and the U.S. Be sure to read
The Kohnowitz
Family of Rokiskis
by Harvey Cohen and the
by Neville

Morris J.
Cohen, brother of Jonas Cohen, born in Rokiskis, died in New Zealand |
Cohen, son of Rachel and Jonas Cohen, nephew of Morris, born in
Rokiskis in 1863, died in Australia in 1939. Herman was a brother
to Abraham (in the next photo), |


L to R:
Hyman Cohen, Abraham Cohen, Beatrice Cohen, Libby Cohen, Lillian
Abraham and Libby are
the grandparents of the children in the photo. Abraham was born in
Rokiskis in 1855 and died in 1930 in the U.S. |
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