From Martin Griss
"My grandfather is listed! Mendel Leyba Griz, and his wife Elka (we referred to her as "Ella"), also my uncle (Dad's older brother) This was done just before my dad, Itizk, was born in 1909."
From Andy Friedland
: "Thank you! My grandfather, Orel (Harry) Kravitz, and 10 members of his family are there, including his parents."
From Teresa Finer:
"Wow, this is a lot of info! I see my father's grandmother Raytsa Mikhlia Levin, along with siblings I knew of and some that I did not have before. I have not had enough time to go through the list carefully yet ... - there are so many Levins on this family list and I need to sort them all out. I can already see
some that I did not have before."
From Rabbi Pinny Lew
: "I have found my great-great-great grandparents and families listed on the latest list; Iosel and Stirka
From Mike Getz:
"Thank you for a wonderful resource - really great piece of work.."
From Neville Cohen:
" ... Your latest list is the first time I have ever seen our family name Kaganowicz in print. Listed are my grandfather Chaim Yudel and his brother Abram Ber and his family. And I always told my children that we were too poor to have ancestors!"
From Eleanor Platt:
"Several names and much of interest many thanks! Shteyn Moshe Leib noted as died is my gggrandfather. So I now have his date of death. Also the Klingman family are related to the Shteyn's but we still are unsure as to how! Is it possible that a person who had already left perhaps up to two years before nevertheless is listed?"
From Phil Shapiro
"The 1908 Revision List for Rokiskis is a Gold Mine!"
From Delight Nasatir:
"Thank you so much for the list- our Nasatir Family was well represented!! Even my husband's great great grandfather - a name for the first time - ..."
From Dave Lerner:
"Wow! Last night I diagrammed my grandfather’s family of Begun’s and learned the names and birthdates of all of his paternal cousins, aunts and uncles as well as the name of my great-great-grandmother! I still have (3) family names to analyze. Thanks as always for your exceptional work!"
From Rebecca
"Another wonderful resource, thank you so much for getting it to us. The Weinbren family are all there - Daniel's grandfather, great aunts and great grandparents. The information about his great great grandmother's father takes us back another generation in that direction, which is great. Thank you again."
From Ellen Cassedy
: "I found many family members on this list. My great-great-grandfather Wulf Levin, wife Eta Buna. Their children Goda Rocha, Riklia, Chaya Rivka, David Mickel (my great grandfather), Izrel Ber and his wife and children, Shlioma Zalman and his wife and children, Shaya Eliash. My great-grandfather David Mickel and his wife Ashna
and their children Mendel, Yankel (my grandfather), Tauba Ginda, Riklia, Sore Raykha. There are some children missing -- Shaya, Pinchas, and Aron. Also, in the Riback family, Itsik Wulf who is buried next to my great-grandfather David Mikhel. Itsik Wulf's son Yudel Idel was a business partner of my great-uncle Shaya (son of David
From Isobel
"Thanks so much for the fantastic lists. My family left Rokiskis around 1910/12 so they were all listed in 1908. My mother's name is not on the list, she was born 1905, Her
father was Abram Ziskind Manelovich who was married to Ester Gitel Shuster whose father was Chaim Shuster/Siuster, son of Nakhman, who appears on the list. It seems as though Chaim Shuster had a brother Zelman Ber Shuster/Siuster, also on the attached list. The Manelovich family, comprising my mother and her 5 sisters and their parents,
Abram and Ester Manelovich came to South Africa around 1910/12 but I don't know what happened to the rest of the Shuster family. They may have remained in
Rokiskis or gone to America or somewhere else. (Maybe someone knows) My mother never spoke of them. I never knew my grandparents and knew nothing of their family except that they came from Rokiskis. I only discovered that my maternal grandmother's maiden name was Shuster when I joined the
Rokiskis SIG some years ago and found their names on the Tax lists. What an exciting experience that was!! On those original tax lists I found that my great grandfather was Chaim, his father Nakhman and his father Shmuylo Shuster! so from my grandchildren I can trace back 8 generations on my mother's side. Isn't that amazing.
There is also a Bar family whose son Rakhmiel, married my mother's sister. Another sister married a Morris ? Berman also from Rokiskis. Not sure which of the Bermans on the list that was. Thanks so much for all your hard work and for keeping us so well informed.

We now have the additions
to the 1908 Family List and that seems to be equally successful. The
following SIG members have reported success stories on this new list:
Amanda Jermyn found Kavalskys;
Steve Silbert found some Puldes; Alice Segal found some of her Abramovich
family; Ian Cohen found his Khaitovich (Shaitovich) family; Shirley Saunders
found her Gens, Poplaks, and Gershons; and Jerry Jacobs
found some of his Yakubsons. Its always exciting to find your ancestors
in the records! |