
1895-97 All Russia Census - Part 4

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Bazarnaia Street,  House of Averbuch
R elat.
First name
 Birthplace Reg place  Lives at  Notes 
h AVERBUCH Nokhum Rafael 35 Here . . Leather maker 
hwif AVERBUCH Sora-Sheina " 30 Kovno distr . . .
hson AVERBUCH David Nokhum 3 " here here .
hdau AVERBUCH Beilia  " 6 " " " .
hserv SHNAIDER  Ita-Dvoira Girsh 18  " " " .
hdau AVERBUCH Riva  Nokhum 1m " " " .
ZAKS Iosel Nakhman 32 Here . . Cabman
hwif ZAKS Khaia-Sora Leizar 35  " . . .
hson ZAKS Nakhman-Leizar Iosel " Here . .
hson ZAKS Aron-Iosel " " " Here .
hson  ZAKS Movsha " " " " .
hson ZAKS Sroel "  2 " " " .
h  BIRK Iokhel Meier 45 Here Here . Carpenter
hwif  BIRK Leia  Iosel 45 " " . .
hson  BIRK Abram-Borukh Iokhel 18 " " Here .
hson  BIRK Meier " 15 " " " .
hson   BIRK Shmuel " 12 " " " .
hson   BIRK Iosel " 3 " " " .
hdau  BIRK Sheina-Dina " 10 " " " .
hdau  BIRK Sora " " " " .
LEVIT  Movsha-Mortkhel Shmuel 58 Here . . Tailor
hwif  LEVIT  Beilia  Iosel 52 " . . .
hson LEVIT  Eliash-Leib Movsha  14  " Here . .
hdau  LEVIT  Dina " 19 " " . .
hdau LEVIT  Tauba  " 17 " " Here .
BERELEVICH Rokha Leizar 60 Here . . Tailor,widow
hdau  BERELEVICH Tsypa Iankel  17 " . . .
hson BERELEVICH Don " 22 " Here  . .
h ZAKS Dveira Nakhman-Eliash 22 Here . . Tailor
hbroth ZAKS David " 26 " . . .
hbroth  ZAKS Don " 23 " Here . .
h ZAKS Abel-Gilel Eliash 66  Here . . Day-laborer
hwif  ZAKS Sora Leib 60 " . . .
hdau ZAKS Rokha Abel 25 " Here . .
TSELKNER  Aron Iokhel  26  Panevezys . . Calligraphy
hwif TSELKNER  Milka Movsha 29  Here . . .
hson  TSELKNER  Iosel Aron 7m " . . .
AVERBUKH Eliash-Ber Rafael 48  Here . . Cabman
hwif  AVERBUKH Sora-Bliuma  Itsek 47 Gargzdai  . . .
hson AVERBUKH Rafal  Eliash-Ber 19 Here  Here Here .
hson AVERBUKH Tsemakh-Shloma " 17 " " " .
hdau  AVERBUKH Leia " 21 " " " .
hdau  AVERBUKH Pesia  " 11  " " " .
hdau AVERBUKH Rokha " 4 " " " .

Bazarnaia  Street:   House of Shliomovich, Meierovich, and Levit 
SHLIOMOVICH  Abram-Itsek Shlioma 65 Here . . Owner of shop
hwif SHLIOMOVICH  Krosha? Berel  60 " . . .
hdau SHLIOMOVICH  Khana-Leia Abram 18 " Here Here .
h MILNER Shlomo  Leib 50 Here . . Laborer on the  wine store
hwif  MILNER Leia-Riva Iankel  36 " Here Here .
 hson  MILNER Berel-Vulf  Shlomo 21 " " " .
hson MILNER Iankel-Leib " 10 " " " .
hson  MILNER Mortkhel-Khaim " 2 " " " .
hdau  MILNER Sheina-Sora " 23 " " " .
hward GRAD Mina Leib 60 " " " Widow
MEIEROVICH Meier Srol 75 Here  Here . Shingle maker
hwif MEIEROVICH Mira Srol 75 " " . .
h SHTEINBAKH Srol Afroim 30 Josvainiai . . Owner of shop
hwif  SHTEINBAKH Ester  Abram 28 Here . Here .
hson SHTEINBAKH Berel  Srol  7 " Josvainiai " .
hson SHTEINBAKH Leib " " " " .
hdau  SHTEINBAKH Sima " " " " .
hdau  SHTEINBAKH Elka " 1 " " " .
h ZINGER  Mikhel Iankel 30  Here  . . Butcher
hwif  ZINGER  Khaia-Feiga Meier 30 " Here . .
hson ZINGER  Uria-Borukh Mikhel " "  Here .
hdau ZINGER  Leia " " " " .
hdau ZINGER  Rokha-Elka " " " " .
hdau ZINGER  Dvera " 1m. " " " .
h ZAKS Osher Zund(el) 50 Here . . Butcher
hwif ZAKS Tamara Tevel 45 " Here  . .
hdau ZAKS Khana-Leia Osher 11 " " Here .
hdau ZAKS Fruma-Elka " 7 " " " .
hdau ZAKS Golda-Ester  " " " " .
h ZAKS Vulf Zund(el)  45 Here . . Cabman
hwif ZAKS Sheina  Shlomo 42 " Here Here .
hson ZAKS Shloma-Iokhel Vulf  20 " " " He is studying Talmud
hdau ZAKS Golda-Rouza " 11 " " " .
FIDLER  Dovid-Leib Simel  34 Here Here  . Shoemaker
hwif  FIDLER  Tema Beniamin 30  " " Here .
hson FIDLER  Khemia-Mendel  Dovid  7 " " " .
hdau  FIDLER  Sora " 3 " " " .
hdau FIDLER  Khaia-Tauba " " " " .
  LEVINZON Shaia  Zusman 44 Here  Here . Accountant
hwif  LEVINZON Eta  Iosel 40 Kedainiai " . .
hson LEVINZON Moisei Shaia  15  Here " Here .

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