Buffer Family

Berko and Perel Buffer had three children that we know of - Abraham (1848-1924), Chaya (about 1865 - about 1930), and Chaim Mayer (1865-1920).  Different family members spelled the family name differently and you can find Buffer, Buffert, Bofert, Bufford, and Buffet.




 Abraham Buffer family


Back Row, l to r:  Chassie Buffer (1890-1970), Itzhak Buffer (1886-1966)

Front Row, l to r:  Abraham Buffer (1848-1924) and his wife, Sarah  
Misner Buffer  (1857 - 1915)

Shmul Buffer and his family, who never left Poninka.  We do not know how he is related but the photo belonged to Esther Buffer Franzel.  And the family resemblance of the daughters to the Poppichs is very strong.




Esther Buffer Franzel and Morris Franzel, with children Pauline and Sam,  
c. 1910

(Esther and Morris (Moishe) were not related to each other but were both first cousins of Morris (Manes) Pepper (Poppich).  When Morris (Manes) arrived in New York in 1910, he lived with Esther and Moishe, as the family called him.)


Photos courtesy of Linda Cantor

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