Public School in Plonsk.

     Finalization of the year of School (from Sefer Plonsk)

Farewell from Cherniker in the Night Public School- 1929. (Sefer Plonsk)

Public School, Director and teachers.(Sefer Plonsk)

Hebrew School for girls. The pupils and their teacher.

On the right of the teacher is Ana Nuta’s mother Faiga Izraelowicz. Her face is marked with a circle. Photo: Ana Nuta’s personal collection.

Tarbut School 1928/1929 (Sefer Plonsk)

School  and kitchen for poor children (Sefer Plonsk)

A view of the old School (Photo: Ana Nuta and Gerardo Weisstaub Nuta, May 2005)

Currently, Plonsk has two Primary Schools, two Middle Schools, three

Groups of Schools and College.

 The old School of Plonsk where Ana Nuta’s father was taught with his brothers and cousins, like Artek Nuta, and many other boys. Photo: Gerardo Weisstaub Nuta, May 2005.

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