Plonsk Poland Residents with surname beginning "N"


Ana Nuta found at Yad Vashem these names:

1) Mania, Mindl or Menuka GLOBUS (nee MERETYK) was born in Plonsk in 1903, to Yitzak and Chana. She married Jakob GLOBUS and they went to live in Warsaw, was in Ghetto of Warsaw and he was murdered by a shot from the nazis 25/04/1943at her 40 years old. And had children: Balbinka or Bila (11) and Faiga Ita (4). Testimony. She had two, the first from her brother in law Melekh GLOBUS. 30/6 / 56, and from her husband Jack (Jacob) GLOBUS 31/12/75.
2) Chana MERETYK (nee MAK) was born in Plonsk and was widower of Icek Leib MERETYK. They lived in Plonsk, but during the war she was in Warsaw, Was in Ghetto of Warsaw where she was murdered by the nazis. Testimony was gived her son Petr MERETYK who live in USA.
3) Lova NACHMAN (nee MERETYK ) was born in Plonsk to Chana. She went to live in Warsaw married Shimon, was in Ghetto of Warsaw where she was killed by the nazis. Testimony was gived by her borther in law Jack (Jakob) GLOBUS 19/5/81
4) Golda WIDAVER (nee MEREDYK) was born in Plonsk to Chana. She married León WIDAVER. They went to live in Warsaw, was in Ghetto of Warshaw where she died. Testimony was gived by her brother in law Jack (Jakob) GLOBUS.


Ana Nuta found in Yad Vashem this name from a person from this family: Lova NACHMAN (nee MERETYK) was born in Plonsk to Chana. She was married Shimon and went to Warsaw. She was in Warsaw Ghetto where she was murdered by the nazis. The testimony was given by her brother in law Jack GLOBUS, 19/5/81 who lives in USA.



This family is researched by Zipi Erdan. Ana Nuta found these names at Yad Vashem:

1) Majer David NADULEK, was born in Plonsk 2/03/1889. He lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and was murdered in Auschwitz in 30/06/1944. This information is based of the List of Victims from the Netherlands courtesy of the Association of Yad Vashem Friends in Netherlands, Amsterdam.
2) Dwora NADULEK (nee CUKIER) was born in Plonsk 17/09/1898 and was murdered in Auschwitz Camp of Extermination 12/02/1944. The information is in the same List of Victims…like the other.
3) Feibish NADULEK was born in Plonsk in 1931, to Leibl and Tzila NADULEK. Was single, University student, lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was murdered in Auschwitz in Dec.1942. Testimony was gived by his brother Yitzkhak NADULAK,3/04/1999.
4) Sara NADULEK was born in Plonsk to Yitzak and Dvora in 1903. She married GOLDBROKH. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and was taked by the nazis to Auschwicz with her daughter Miriam from 12 years old, where they were murdered in 1942.
Testimony was gived by her borther in law Avraham CHERNIKER, 7/05/55.
5) Michla NADULEK was born in Plonsk 16/07/1923 to Leibl and Tzila, was aingle and pupil. He lived in Plonsk , was in Ghetto of Plonsk, and then was taked by the nazis to Auschwicz in Dec.1942 where he was murdered. Testimony was gived by his borther Yitzak NADULAK 13/04/1999.
6) Haia NADULEK, was born in Plonsk in 1921, to Khaia Tzila. Lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taked to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered in Dec.1942. Testimony was gived by her brother Yitzak NADULAK, 13/04/1999, who was a survivor.
7) Rywka NADULEK (nee KULAS) was born in Naszelsk in 1896 to Tankhum and Gitel KULAS . She married Shlomo NADULEK and went to live in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and was taken by the nazis to Miedzyrzecz Camp where she died in 1942 with her daughter Ester (17). Testimony was gived by her relative Dina Khaia ERLIKHMAN, 23/03/57.
8) Shlomo NADULEK was born in Naszelsk in 1890 to Efraim. He married Riwka KULAS. They went to live in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and was taken to Miedzyrzecz Camp where he died in 1942. Testimony: was gived by her relative Dina Khaia ERLIKHMAN, 23/03/57.
9) Dawid NADULEK was born in Plonsk and married to Rakhel HOLTZMAN. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk, and then was taked with his childrens Alina, Dina and Meir NADULEK, to Auszchwitz Camp. Testimony was gived by his borther in law Arie HOLTZMAN, 10/08/56.
10) Hirsh NADULEK was born in Plonsk in 1900 to Yehoshua Aizik. He married Sara GOLDBROKH. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then were taken to Auschwitz with his daughter Miriam from 12 years old and were murdered there in 1942.
Testimony was given by his brother in law Avraham CHERNIKER, 7/5/55.
11) Rachel NADULEK was born in Plonsk to Zeev and Khana Zysl. She married David NADULEK, they lived in Plonsk, was in Plonsk Ghetto and was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered. Testimony was given by her brother Arie HOLTZMAN, 10/8/56.
12) Haja NADULEK was born in Plonsk in 1921 to Arie and Tzirel, single, she lived in Plonsk, was in Plonsk Ghetto and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered. Testimony was gived by her brother Yitzak NADULAK 7/2 /56 who was a survivor.
13) Leib Arie NADULEK was born in Plonsk in 1896 to Yaakov. He married Tzirel LERIK. They had many children: Moshe (3), Malka (16), Ita (14), Noakh (12), Shraga (10) and Yoheved (6). All they were lived in Plonsk, were in Ghetto of Plonsk and were taken by the nazis to Auschwitz Camp of Extermination where all they were murdered. Testimony: was gived by his son and brother Yitzak NADULAK, 3/5/56 who survived.
14) Tzila orTzirel NADULEK (nee LERIK or LERICH) was born in Nowy Dwor in 1894. She married Leib Arie NADULEK, lived in Plonsk, was in Plonsk Ghetto and then was taked to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered in Dec.1942. Testimony was gived by her son Yitzkhak NADULEK, 10/04/1999 who lives in Jerusalem, Israel and was a survivor.
15) Ester NADULEK was born in Plonsk to Leibel and Tzila, was single and a pupil. She lived in Plonsk , was in Plonsk Ghetto and then was taked by the nazis to Auischwitz Camp where she was killed in Dec.1942. Testimony was gived by her brother Yitzak NADULEK 13/4/99 who was survived and live in Israel.
16) Malka NADULEK was born in Plonsk in 1927, was single and student. She lived In Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk, and then the submitter didn’t know more. Testimony from her brother as she perished in the Shoáh, Yitzak NADULEK 13/4/99 who was survivor and live in Israel.
17) Bluma SERENO (nee NADULEK) was born in Plonsk to Yakov and Hadasa. She married Yaakov SERENO. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and was taked to Auschwitz-Birkenau where she was murdered 12/12/1942 at the age of 50. Testimony was gived by her daughter Sara SERENO KROIN, 1/5/99 who was a survivor and lives in Israel (in the page of Testimony was her address).
18) Fajga ROZENBERG (nee NADULEK) was born in Plonsk in 1887 to Shimshon They went to live in Nowy Dwor, Warsaw, was in Ghetto of Warsaw and was taken to Treblinka Camp. Testimony was gived her son Yehuda ROZENBERG, 3/2/ 56.



Geraldine Winerman look for this family from Plonsk and Ana Nuta found in Yad Vashem these names:

1) Frida NAPARSTEK was born in Czerwinsk, Plonsk, in 1912 to Yehuda and Rakhel NAPARSTEK. She was single, went to live In Warsaw, was in Ghetto of Warsaw where she died in 1943. The testimony was given by her acquaintance Yehudit ROZEN, 15/05/57.
2) Mordka NAPARSTEK was born in Plonsk on 2/06/1900. He went to France but during the war he was deported with Transport 9 from Drancy Camp in France, to Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp where he was murdered 22/07/1942. List of Deportation from France found in the Le Memorial de la Deportation des Juifs de France. Beate et Serge Klarifeld: Paris 1978. Gives testimony his son Nathan NAPARSTEK, 26/02/2001 who live in Paris, France.
3) Chaskiel or Yakhezkel NAPARSTEK was born in Czerwinsk, Plonsk, to Moshe Nathan and Shifra. He married Gitel WCOLEC. They went to live in Bilsck, Plock and during the war was in Warsaw Ghetto and from there was taken to Treblinka Camp of Extermination in 1942 where he was murdered. The testimony was given by his grandson Avraham GOLDFARB, 30/04/97 who live in Israel.

Ana Nuta found in Yad Vashem from this family these persons:

1) Frida NAPARSTEK was born in Czerwinsk, Plonsk, in 1912 to Yehuda and Rakhel. She was single and went to Warsaw, was in Warsaw Ghetto where she died in 1943. The testimony was given by her aquaintance Yehudit ROZEN, 15/05/1957.
2) Mordka NAPARSTEK was born in Plonsk on 2/06/1900. He went or escape to France, but the nazis taken him and deported from the Drancy Camp in France to Auschwitz Camp in the Transport N° 9, 22/07/1942 where he was murdered. Le Memorial de la deportation des juifs de France. Beate et Serge Klarsfeld, París, 1978. The testimony was given by his father Nathan NAPERSTEK in Paris, France where he lives.
3) Chaskiel NAPARSTEK was born in Czerwinsk, Plonsk to Moshé Natan and Shifra ZUKERMAN. He married Gitel W.COLEK and they went to live in Bielsk, Plock. During the war they were in Ghetto of Warsaw and from this place was taken to Treblinka Camp of Extermination in 1942 where he was murdered. The testimony was given by his grandson Avraham GOLTZFARB, 30/4/97.



Ana Nuta obtained this information from Yad Vashem:

1) Rachel PASHKOVITZ (nee NEIER) was born in Plonsk in 1885 to Baruch NEIER. She married to Yaakov. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghett6 of Plonsk and then in Ghetto of Warsaw where she died. The testimony was gived by her brother Zeev PASKOVITZ.
2) Jecheskel Yitzak NAIAR or NAJAR was born in Plonsk. He married to Feiga MELOCHIK. They went to live in Naustadt, and during the war he was taken to Auschwitz Camp where he was murdered in 1942 with his two children:
Fishel (8) and Zelig (10). The testimony was gived by his niece Miriam IOHANES, 16/1/57.
3) Moshé Sender NEIMAN, or NAIAR or NEYER was born in Sochocin, Plonsk, to Mordekhai and Gitel or Gizela, but the submitter didn’t know when or where they perished in the Shoáh.The testimony was gived by his niece Khana NEIERMAN KLAGSBALD, 27/04/1999.


FAMILY AIZIK- NELKIN: Information given to Ana Nuta by Gal Vardi who lives in Israel, and Nitsan Vardi who lives in Denmark. They sent her a picture and put it in the link of photos. Simcha AIZIK and Shoshe NELKINS daughter, Rachel BEIT HALACHMI (nee NELKIN) was Gal and Nitsan Vardi great grand mother. They immigrated to Palestine in 1906, so they had a big branch of the family who survived the Shoáh. Simcha AIZIK was the founder of the Hovevei Zion Group in Plonsk. This Zionist group wrote and spoke Hebrew already, while in Poland. They had three children: Eliezer NELKIN, Tzvi (Hersh) Leib NELKI and Rachel BEIT HALACHMI. Eliezer NELKIN had Yoma and Tili (Tehila) NELKIN. The firs of them had Shlomo and Tzagrir NELKIN; the second had Shalom and Me'ir NELKIN. Rachel BEIT HALACHMI & Yecheskel BEIT HALACHMI had Esther Itzhar (1911-1991) married Dov ITZHAR. Tirza VARDI and David VARDI had four children Nitsan VARDI , Ishay VARDI, Gal Vardi and Ikzhar VARDI. Nitzan married Hanne and had Daniel and Sara VARDI. Ishay married Orit Cohen and had Adi, Sol and Hilah VARDI. Gal married Efrat VARDI and had Tom, Or, Tal and Gaia VARDI. Ikzhar married Shuli VARDI and had Li'or, Gil'ar, Tamuz and another one. The head of this branch from Plonsk was Rachel who was born in Plonsk as NELKIN. The family had different business in Plonsk. All the children were already born in Palestine or in the United States. Gaia and Nitsan VARDI sent Ana Nuta a picture from Rachel with her husband and give her all the names, and other photos. Ana Nuta found in Yad Vashem this information: SZLOMO NELKIN who was born in Plonsk, married Gitel. He was in the Ghetto of Plonsk during the war and then he was taken to Treblinka Camp of Extermination where he was murdered by the nazis. This testimony was given at Yad Vashem by Aliza Brutchia HOCHMAN-STRAZ in Apr. 13, 1999 and she lives in Israel.


FAMILY MOSZKOVITZ - NEUMANN: Information provided by their Chana NEUMANN.

Zalman NEUMANN from Plonsk married Etta Flume (Chana's grandparents from father's side) Zalman had brothers and sisters.

Rose NEUMANN married Leib GOLDSTEIN. She was Rose Goldstein (nee Neumann). She was Chana's grandaunt, because she was her father's sister.

Pessa NEUMANN married Haim MOSZKOVITZ. Only four were survivors, and after the war two went to Israel and two to the United States; From Zalman's brother's she doesn't remember the names. Only one child was survivor and went to Israel. Her father was a survivor from Auschwitz and went to the USA after the war, in 1948. He had a great family but only six of them survived. Chana lived in Israel about 20 years ago. She didn't marry and didn't have children. She didn't know very much about her mother's family. She knows her mother has brother and sisters but she didn't know if any survived. Her mother and father were first cousins. Only Rose GOLDSTEIN (nee NEUMANN) remembers the family of Plonsk.

Ana Nuta searched Yad Vashem finding the following Moszkowitz family information.

1) Chaim MOSZKOWITZ was born in Nowi Dwor Masowiecki, Warszawa, Poland, in 1894 to Moshé and Rivka. He married and went to Plonsk to live there. He was in the Ghetto of Plonsk, and then was taken by the nazis to Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp of Extermination where he was murdered., at 46 years old. The testimony was given by his son David Moshkovitz in March.10, 1957 who live in Israel.

2) Pesia MOSZKOWITZ (nee Noiman or Neuman, because Noiman is the Yiddish pronunciation) was born in Plonsk in 1896 to Herch NOIMAN or NEUMAN and Sura or Sara GUTMAN. She married Chaim or Khaim MOSZKOWITZ. They lived in Plonsk and were in the Ghetto of Plonsk, and then the nazis took all to Auschwitz where they murdered her and her children: Yosef age10 years old; Khana Liba 8; and Yaacov 6. Pesia was 42 years old. The testimony was given by her son and brother David Moshkovitz in March 10, 1957.

3) Josef MOSZKOWITZ was born in Plonsk in 1928 to Chaim and Pesia, was in the Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp of Extermination where the nazis murdered him. The testimony was given by his brother David Moshkovitz in Aug.8, 1956 who live in Israel.

4) Mirjam GURFINKEL (nee MOSZKOWITZ) was born in Plonsk in 1918 to Chaim and Pesia. She get married and died with her son Ziskind age 1 year old. The testimony was given by her brother , who was a survivor, David, in March 10,1957.

5) Hana MOSZKOWITZ was born in Plonsk in 1930 to Chaim and Pesia.He was in the Ghetto of Plonsk like all her family, and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered. The testimony was given by her brother David, in Aug.18,1956.

6) Jakov MOSZKOWITZ was born in Plonsk in 1931 to Chaim and Pesia, he was in the Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp, like all his family. The testimony was given by his brother David in Aug.18,1956

7) Mindl LAZENSKI (nee MOSZKOWITZ) was born in Gliojeck, Chiechanow, Warsaw. To Tzvi and Frumet. She got married and went to live in Plonsk. She was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where was murdered by the nazis. The testimony was given by her aunt Khaja Shifman in Febr. 7,1978.

8) Yehoshua MOSZKOWITZ was born in Plonsk in 1906, to Meier and Rakel Moszkowitz, he married Rakhel . was in Ghetto of Plonsk where he died. The testimony was given by his cousin Rivka Profman in 1957.
9) Rakhel or Rachel MOSZKOWITZ was born in Plonsk in 1901, and married Yehoshua. They had many children. She was in Ghetto of Plonsk
And died in 1942. The testimony was given by her cousin Rivka Profman in July.9, 1957.

10) Blima MOSZKOWITZ was born in Raziaz in 1915 to Meier and Rakhel. They live in Plonsk after and she was single. She was in the Ghetto of Plonsk. The testimony was given by her brother Moshé Moshkovitz in June.22, 1955.

11) Hela, Chela or Khela MOSZKOWITZ was born in Plonsk in 1918.She get married and was murdered with her children: Yosef from 2 years old, and another unknown 2 years old.They were twins. All were in the Ghetto of Plonsk and taken to Auschwitz Camp where they were murdered.
The testimony was given by her brother in law David Moshkovitz in March 1957.

12) Meier MOSZKOWITZ was born in Mlawa in 1899, to Israel Shmuel and Gitel Rivka. He married Rakhel Yta KOVALSKI and they had many children, four of them were murdered with them: TZVI, YEHOSHUA DAVID 19, MOSHE BER, 19 and BLUMA MENUKA,19 in Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1942. The testimony was given by his son and brother Moshé Moshkovitz in June 21, 1955.

13) Yeshua David MOSZKOWITZ, who was born in Raziaz in 1905, to Meier and Rakhel Ita. He married Rakhel SZPERLING and they went to live in Plonsk . They were in Ghetto of Plonsk. They died with their kid Gitel Rivka who was born in Plonsk in 1937. The testimony was given by his brother Moshé Moszkowitz, Jun. 11, 1955

14) Rakel Yta MOSZKOWITZ (nee KOVALSKI) was born in Raziaz In 1899, to Yitzkak and Bluma Kovalski. She married Meier MOSZKOWITZ and went to live in Plonsk. They were in Ghetto of Plonsk and died with four of their children (you can see them in Meier testimony). The testimony was given by her son Moshé Moszkovitz, jun. 22,1955.

15) Rechcza MOSZKOWITZ (nee SPERLING) was born in Plonsk in 1894 to Meier SPERLING. She married and had one child who was murdered with her. The testimony was given by her brother in law Moshé Moszkovitz, Jun22,1955.



FAMILY NUTA/NUTTA/NUTTE/NUTO/NOTA: this information was given by their descendant Ana Nuta and researchers on Jewish Gen and Jri-Poland. Originally this surname was written with two "T" and not with one. In the Yizkor Book it were put with two "T" as NUTTE.(Nute ia a version in Yiddish) Her father Maier NUTA told her that his father said to him, as an oral history from father to son, that this family came from the Northern Italy region of Lombardía-Venetto and all the family NUTA went to two countries:

Poland, and in this country principally in region of Plonsk and Warszawa. Is the only family NUTA in all the world; and to

Romania. But in Romania there are Nuta's who are Jews and Christians. It is possible that the family during the Inquisition converted; and the people who actually live there didn't know anything about this convertion. The Jews who Ana Nuta found had moved to Israel or were murdered in the Shoáh.

The region from North Italy (it is an Italian name) was under the Empire Austro-Hungarian and may be it was very bad for Jewish people with wars and pogroms.

What is the meaning of this surname: There is different opinions:

1) the first said at it is an Italian name.In Italian the word Nutta means naked. And may be it can be from Spain. This is very surprising for Ana, because in her family never she heard they could be sephardic. Always the family said they are askenazim.

2) The second opinion said as this is a polish word, because in polish means "melody" or "musical note." It can be Italian, or Polish, but this surname for many researchers must came from Nathan, like nosik, nusynn, noske, notko, etc. The person who provided this information is a researcher whose name is Ana Raquel Nuta, she was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina where she lives. She was born in June 21,1939, is a lawyer in Real State Law, Family Law and Notary Law, she had two PhD's in Law, two Masters Degrees, and was Profesor in different Universities in Argentina, in the Schools of Law and in Post Graduate studies; she was married in fist time and had two children; then she divorced from her first husband and have her GET. She was alone 10 years and in 1978 she had married with a second husband.

Chaim NUTA died in 1831.

Icyck Eliazn NUTA who was born in Plonsk in 1828;

Brana NUTA was born in Plonsk in 1829.

David NUTA married Ruchla and had many children:

Syma (born in Plonsk in 1842);

Szlama (born in 1850);

Dina Yila NUTA (born in 1850) Szlama and Dina were twins.

Motel Markus NUTA who married Feand had children:

Judes NUTA (born in 1842).

Maier Abraham NUTA (born in 1829-1880) married and had many children: Szlama;

Jakel Leib (born in 1874);

Rucha Lea NUTA (born in 1877);

Mosek Jankel NUTA (born in 1889).

Mosiek NUTA who was married Estera KLYMAN in Plonsk in 1849.

Jacob NUTA married Chana Laja SZYDLO in Plonsk in 1861.

Nusen NUTA married Szejna Hinda ROTSZTEIN in Plonsk in 1864.

Abram NUTA married Necha CYLKA KOEILEB in Plonsk in 1863.

Michail NUTA married Cyba KREMER in 1873. They had many children: Abraham Nuta was born in 1874; Szajna Fala who was born in Plonsk in 1879; and Szandla NUTA was born in Plonsk in 1888.

There are many more, but Ana Nuta wants to give the history of his descendents in this moment. Bajla NUTA was born in Plonsk in 1857 and married Sadia BOGATY in 1874. They are my .g.g.grandparents. Abel Moshé NUTA married with unknown. He was my .g.grandfather. He had many children: Tzvi Meier NUTA or Hersh Meier NUTA (He is the same person because Hersh is in Yiddish and Tzvi in Hebrew) married Nycha KANE (Menucka) in 1888. They had many children:

1) Faiga (Fela) NUTA was born in Plonsk and married Hersh or Herman ROSENBLIT and had three children but Ana Nuta knows only one: Justyna ROSENBLIT who was born in 1921 in Warsaw.and married Mietek GOLDSZTAJN they were survivors and moved to Venezuela.He was survivor from Auschwitz; She was survivor from the Ghetto of Warsaw and four Camps more. They had one son: Harry Jack GOLDSZTAJN who get married Ivonne ECKSTEIN in 1974 and they had three children: Michel Godsztajn; Margaret who married Daniel BENHAYON LANES in 2006; and Bernardo GOLDSZTAJN. The two eldest moved to USA and Bernardo lives in Venezuela with his parents and his grandmother Justyna.

2) Israel David Daniel NUTA was born in 1892 and married Nomcha BIGOS. They had two sons: Artek or Adam NUTA who was married Irena (Irka) GOLDZTEJN. They died in USA Irena in 2004 and Artek in 2005. They had two sons: Vladimir NUTA who was born in Warsaw and he married in first time Lea and had three children: Naomi Rachel NUTA; Jonathan NUTA and Natalie NUTA. Then Vladimir was divorced and married Svetlana (Svetia) NUTA and had with her one daughter: Nastazia (Naztia) NUTA.They live in Warsaw. Jacob NUTA who was born in Warsaw too and married Nushi , they had three children: Alexander David NUTA, Benjamin Maxime NUTA and Sara Estelle NUTA. Jacob was divorced from his first wife and live in NJ USA.

Jacob NUTA who was the youngest brother from Artek was murdered by the nazis but he didn't know when and where.

Moshe Yacob NUTA who was born in Plonsk in 1894, married IOTA VITA who was born in 1905. They had four children:

Avram or Abraham NUTA, who was born in Plonsk in 1919, was single. In ghetto of Plonsk and then taken to Auschwitz where he was murdered in 1942 at 23 years old.;

Simcha NUTA who was murdered in Auschwitz too in 1942;

Shmuel NUTA (17 years) was killed in Auschwitz too in 1942;

Volf or Welwl NUTA (16 years) was murdered by the nazis in Auschwitz in 1942 with all his family;

Szendyl NUTA was born in Plonsk in 1920 was murdered in Auswchwitz in 1942. This testimony was given in Yad Vashem by Khana Golda sister of Iota VITA in Oct.4, 1955. She was a survivor and lived in Zurich.Ana Nuta want to taken contact with her but their descendant said her as she was died. The testimony of Szendyl NUTA was given by her aunt Yehudit TKHOREK in 1955.

Raizl NUTA married Jankl KRUZNER and died in Uzbekistan in 1944. They had one son: Abraham KRUZNER who married Valerie and moved to Canadá. Abraham died in Oct.3, 2000. They had two children: Rosanne KRUZNER who married Colin Bernard and had two children: Zoe BERNARD and Evan BERNARD Jeffrey KRUZNER who married Alexandra ABER and had three children: Dalia KRUZNER, Natan KRUZNER and Adi KRUZNER. Icchok Leib NUTA who was born in 1901, got married and had four children. All they were murdered in Auschwitz in 1942.

Chawa NUTA who was born in Plonsk in 1901 and was Twin with Icchok. She married and had two children. They were in the Ghetto of Plonsk, like her twin brother, and then the nazis take all them to Auschwitz where they were murdered in 1942.

Simja NUTA married Faiwl FRANKESZTAJN. They were in the Ghetto of Plonsk and then they was taken to Auschwitz were Simja and her two children were murdered and Faiwl was survived and lived in Israel.

Abraham NUTA, Ana's grandfather, was born in Plonsk, married Estera Dobre GRINBAUM in Plonsk in 1893 (Akt.9). Both were murdered in Auschwitz in 1942. The testimony from their death at Yad Vashem was given by their granddaughter Ana Nuta in 2004. They had many children:

1) Moszek Jenkel NUTA who was born in Plonsk around 1897, married Tema or Tama and had two children but Ana knows only one: Mania NUTA who get married and had two children. All they were in the Ghetto of Plonsk and then were taken to Auschwitz where they were murdered in 1942/1943. The testimony at Yad Vashem was signed by their niece and cousin Ana Nuta, in 2004.

2) Shoshana NUTA was born in Plonsk in 1900 and married Abraham KOHN They had many children. Like all the family they were in the Ghetto of Plonsk and then were taken to Auschwitz where they were killed in Dic.17th.1942. The testimony from Abraham death was given by his sister in law. The testimony from Shoshana and her children was given by her niece Ana Raquel Nuta in 2004.

3) Luis or Leib NUTA was born in Plonsk in 1901 and moved to NY.USA in 1922 .He change his name to Louis NATHIN. There he married Polly and had one son: Donald NATHIN who was born in NY in 1937, married Myrna and had three children: Debra (Debbie) NATHIN who married David SOLOMONS and had with him two daughters: Samantha and Hayley SOLOMONS and they lived in NY.USA. Robert (Bob) NATHIN who was married Suzanne and had with her three sons: David, Michel and Andrew NATHIN.and live in NJ, USA. Steven NATHIN who was married with Tracie and had with her two sons: Marck and Mathew NATHIN and they live in Boston.USA Louis and Polly died in NY, USA.

4) Maier or Mejer NUTA who was born in Plonsk in May, 25, 1903 .He moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1926, He works and can sent the tickets to his fiancée in Plonsk ,as she can came to Argentina, Faiga IZRAELOWICZ in 1930 and they get married in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in Apr.16, 1931. They had two daughters: Mery Haydée NUTA who was born in March 15,1932, married Armando JAIS and had with him three sons: Nestor Alberto JAIS who married Monica Poplawski and had three children: Alan JAIS, Hernán JAIS and Evelyn JAIS. Norberto Jorge JAIS who married Matilde Azaar and had two children: Jonathan and Jessica JAIS. Ariel JAIS who married Perla Ydeses and had two daughters: Cindy and Nicole JAIS. Then Ariel and Perla were divorced. Ana Raquel NUTA who was born in Buenos Aires in Jun.21, 1939, married the fist time and had two children: Debora WEISSTAUB (Debbie) who married Federico ROCHWERGER They had four children and moved to Boca Ratón; FL, USA where they had one son more: Romina, Nicolas, Camila, Lucía and Lucas ROCHWERGER. Sergio Gerardo WEISSTAUB NUTA who was the eldest and was single. He lives in Chile. Ana Nuta was divorced from her first husband and had the Get. Then she was alone during 10 years and get married in second time with Nicolas ROTONDARO. They married in 1978. Ana’s parents Maier Nuta and Faiga Izraelowicz died in 1972, her mother, and in 1979 her father.

5) Miriam NUTA who was born in Plonsk in 1905 and she get married and had children. They were in the Ghetto of Plonsk and then were taken to Auschwitz where they were murdered by the nazis in 1942/1943. The testimony at Yad Vashem was given by their niece and cousin Ana Nuta in 2004.

6) Chana, Anna, Khana NUTA was born in Plonsk in 1907. She married Hersh BLUM who was born in Plonsk in 1882 to Mordekhai BLUM and Feiga MALKA. They had three children: Khava (17), Lea (13) and Mordekhai (5) who were murdered with there parents in Auschwitz in 1942-1943. All them were in Ghetto of Plonsk and then taken to Auschwitz in 1942 where they were killed by the nazis. The testimony at Yad Vashem was given by their niece and cousin Ana Nuta in 2004.

7) Rachel Nuta was born in Plonsk in 1909, married and had a son 8 month before the beginning of the war. She gave this son to a very close friend, christian ,who lived in the same house. The parents didn't maked the Brit Milá to his son, thinking about the possible consequences. Ana Nuta's parents one time, in Israel, found the brother of Rachel's husband who was survivor, and told them this history. They didn't know the name and surname from this family, Rachel’s brother in law after the WWII went to Plonsk but they were not living any more in this Shtetl and had moved from this town…. The testimony of Rachel murdered in Auschwitz in 1942 with her husband, was given by their niece Ana Nuta at Yad Vashem in 2004. But Ana doesn't know the name and surname of Rachel's husband.

8) Josif Mailej NUTA was the youngest son from Abraham and his wife Estera Dobra, who was born in Plonsk in 1911. He moved to Argentina in 1937, in 1939 he married Dobze RZEZAK from Plonsk too. and they had two children: Raquel Nuta who married Roberto SUEZ and had three children: Uriel SUEZ who get married and had two or three childrens; Tamara SUEZ who get married with a Rabbie and they moved to Israel. They had about 10 childrens or more… Jonathan SUEZ who married and had two or three children. The sons from Raquel live in Argentina. Then Roberto SUEZ passed away in Argentina and after 5 or 6 years Raquel married again, but Ana doesn't know the name of her 2nd. husband.

Alberto Mario NUTA was born in Nov. 9, 1950 and she was single many years, and after it, he married Adriana and had two sons: Joel Dan NUTA and Alan Manuel NUTA. Alberto died in 2002 when age 52 years old.

Rivka BIK (nee NUTA) was born in 1913 and her parents were Melej NUTA and Klara, when WWII was begining they escape to Ukraine, URSS, but they were taken by the nazis and they were murdered in Auschwitz in 1942. The testimony was given from her brother, who was survivor, at Yad Vashem in 1957.

Abraham NUTA /NUTE married Gittel NUTA, She married Einsenberg. They had many children: Adolph NUTA; Regina NUTA; Joseph NUTA and Charlotte NUTA…..They had a daughter Jeannette who lives in USA. Moshé NUTA, married Faiga NUTA (nee Eisenberg) widow. Who was born in 1893 and her mother name was Zlata Eizenberg. She was murdered in Auschwitz in Dec. 1942. The testimony of her death was given at Yad Vashem her son Jaacov NUTA who was born in 1919, was a survivor and lived in Israel.

There are other names from the family NUTA who were not born in Plonsk or lived there, because they were from another Shtetl or town in Poland or in Romania, Ana did not list them here. Ana Nuta has made a genealogical tree from all the families from her four grandparents: NUTA-GRINBAUM; IZRAELOWICZ-ZELIGMAN, and one from her great grandmother from mother side BERGSON. The mother of Ruda Zeligman was Tova Bergson.


FAMILIES TAUB - NACHMANOVICH - KAMIN: Lillian HART sent Ana Nuta the names from her family in Plonsk and their descendant with pictures. They were: Moses Aaron ROSENBERG was born in Plonsk in 1855 and was married Ester Malyah KAMIN in Plonsk . Their daughter Ita Leah KAMIN was married Leib Meyer TAUB in Plonsk too. They lived in Plonsk and died in the Shoah. They had four children: 1) Simcha (Samuel) TAUB was born on 26/10/1896.He moved from Plonsk, Poland in 1920 to Montreal, Canada and was married Sara NACHMANOVICH on 19/06/1924. Sara’s parents was from Plonsk too and they were Joseph Nachmanovich and Rivka Leah who was died in Plonsk of typhus before Sara moved to Canada. Joseph, his wife Rivka, his daughter Gitel Ailenberg, her huband Moshe Yaakov and their 3 children were murdered in the Shoah , the other daughter Tsevetel Levine (nee Nachmanovich), her husband Gdalayahu Levine and two children were killed in the Shoah too. The others sons from Joseph and his first wife Rivka Leah, Moshe and Yisrael Nachmanovitz , went to Palestine and there they change their names to NACHMANI. Simcha, then Samuel or Sam, and Sara Taub (nee Nachmanovich) had five children, all were born in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. There are: Baruch (Bobby)TAUB born in 1925 and died in 1931 of spinal meningitis at the age of 6. Lillian (Leah) born on 4/06/1928 She is the person who wrote to Ana Nuta. Rose (Rochel) born on 14/5/1930; Jeanette (Yocheved) born on 3/09/1932 and died on 28/10/1966; Harold Morris (Tzvi Moshe) born on 26/10/1933; 2) Jacob TAUB. 3) Aharon TAUB. Both moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina, because the borders of USA and Canada were closed to Jewish immigrants. 4) Philip TAUB went to USA , never married and he died in Detroit in a mental Institution. He suffered a mental breakdown. 5) Helen (Hinde) TAUB went to Palestine where she was married, widower, and had one only daughter Judith who died leaving a husband and three young children Simcha ; Lillian’s father apprenticed himself to a photographer at the age of 15 in Plonsk. Later on he teach this profession to his two brothers Jacob and Aaron, who took over TAUB PHOTOS in Plonsk, after Simcha left; and when they went to Argentina, in Buenos Aires, they had the same profession. Ana Nuta’s parents and all the Plonsker Farein knew them.and were close friends. Lilian mother’s two brothers went to Palestine very young, but her two sisters and their families perished in the Shoah. Lillian TAUB was married Isaac John Hart (who was born in London, England) and had with him four children: 1) Lawrence Michael Hart was born on 20/11/ 1951 who married Shira Dambrot and had two children: one son Eric Asher Hart ; and one daughter, Rachel Erin Hart. He died of a sudden heart attack when he had only 54 years old. His family lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2) Janis (Gitel, changed to Yaffa in Hebrew) was born on 30/06/1953. She was married Morris Golden and had two children: 1 son, Aaron Samuel Golden, and 1 daughter Dara Golden. Dara was married Michael Harrison. The Golden family lives in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 3) Philip Joel (Yeshua Peretz) was born on 11/06/1957 , he married Ruth Malamet and had three children: 1 son, Adam Hart, and 2 daughters, Jordana Hart and Talia Hart. They lived in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 4) David Robert Hart (David Baruch) was born on 28/09/1963. He married Galia Ben Mordechi and had three daughters, Summmer, Ciera and Jada Hart. They live in Totonto, Ontario, Canada. Rose TAUB was married Charles Lawrence Tabachnick and had three daughters: Lori, Karen and Sandra Tabachnick. They live in Toronto ,Ontario, Canada. Lori Tabachnick married Robert Goodman and had two sons and one daughter,Mitchell, Jordan and Danielle. This part of the family lives in Beverly Hills, California. Karen Tabachnick married Andrew Brown and had one son Shawn. Shown Brown married Simone had one son, Jacob. All they live in California, USA. Sandra Tabachnick married Steven Moranis and had three daughters: Jessica, Corey and Rachel Moranis. They live in Toronto, ON, Canada. Harold TAUB married Paula Levine and had one son and one daughter. They live in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Jeffrey TAUB married Renée and had three daughters: Carly, Sarah and Ella TAUB. They live in Birmingham, Michigan, USA. Sharyl TAUB (b.5/09/1960) married Alan Ackerman and had one daughter and two sons: Elana, Matthew and Daniel Ackerman. They live in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA. Jeanette TAUB married Stanley Finkelstein and had one son and two daughters, Alan, Debra and Ronda Finkelstein.They live in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, USA. Alan Finkelstein married Cherie and had two daughters: Jillian and Elyssa. Debra Finkelstein married Richard Sincere and had one son: Alex Sincere. They live in Chicago, ILL, USA. Ronda Finkelstein married Michael Smyth and had two sons: Kevin and Sean Smyth. They live in Murietta, California, USA. From the brothers Aaron and Jacob who went to Buenos Aires, Argentina, one of them Aaron TAUB after his wife died in Argentina, he made Aliyah to Israel with his family Jakob TAUB married in Buenos Aires, and had one daughter and two sons: Rachel, Jaime and Isidoro TAUB. Jakob died like his wife in Buenos Aires , Argentina. Simcha TAUB , then Samuel or Sam, died in spring 1979 and his wife Sara TAUB (nee Nachmanovich) died in 1970.


FAMILY NACHMANOWICZ: Ana Nuta found in Yad Vashem this persons from this family: 1) Chava BLACHMAN (nee NACHMANOWICZ) was born in Plonsk in 1906 to Nachman. She was married to Eliezer BLACHMAN and they had 4 children. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk, but the submitter didn’t know when or where she was murdered. The testimony was given by her sister in law Chava BLEKHMAN, 25/4/1957. 2) Bela NACHMANOWICZ was born in Plonsk in 1882. She was married to Nahman and had three children. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk, and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp in 1942 where she was murdered at the age of 66. The testimony was given by her nephew Moshe NAKHMANOVITZ, 25/12/1956. 3) Nahman NACHMANOWICZ was born in Plonsk in 1876 to Yaakov and Yokheved. He married to Bela and had three children. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk, and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where he was murdered in 1942. The testimony was given by his nephew Moshe NAKHMANOVITZ, 25/12/1956. 4) Yosef NACHMANOWICZ was born in Plonsk in 1874 to Yaakov and Yoheved. He was married to Lea GROSMAN and had 5 children . They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where he was murdered in 1942. The testimony was given by his son Moshe NAKHMANOVITZ, 25/12/56. 5) Malka SHIDLO or SZYDLO (nee NACHMANOWICZ) was born in Plonsk in 1884 to Yaakov and Yokheved. She was married to Yitzkhak SHIDLO or SZYDLO. They went to Warsaw but during the war they were taken to Poniatow, Turek, Lodz where she was died in 1943. The testimony was given by her daughter Sara MEIRI, 20/3/1956 who was survived and lives in Israel. 6) Rivka Lea NAKHMANOVITZ (nee SHOLMAN) was born in Radzymin to David and Dina SHOLMAN . She was married to Joseph NAKHMANOVITZ. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then were taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered. The testimony was given by her grandniece Rina SVAN, 24/4/1999 who lives in Israel. 7) Sara SHIDLO (nee NAKHMANOVITZ) was born in Plonsk in 1884 to Yaakov and Yokheved. She was married to Menakhem SHIDLO and had 3 children. They lived in Plonsk, but during the war they went to Warsaw, was in Warsaw Ghetto and then she was taken to Treblinka Camp of Death where she was murdered in 1942 at the age of 58. The testimony was given by her niece Shoshana SHIDLO KAHANA, 2/5/1999 who was survived and lives in Israel.



Ana Nuta wrote to Aliza STRAZ HOCHMAN and to her brother Tzvi, but her daughter and grandson Aliza’s son BARUCH GONEN STRAZ answered. Aliza was born in Plonsk in 1916 and passed away in 2006. Her name when she was born was Brucha Franka HOCHMAN (named Freidl), but in the Kibbutz, her name changed to Aliza. Her brother Avrum Hirsh HOCHMAN changed his name in the Kibbutz, to Tzvi. In Hebrew the name Franka means Aliza, and Hirsh means Tzvi. Their parents were: Baruch HOCHMAN and was born in Plonsk. He had a baby called Faiga or Fela, in Hebrew Tzipora HOCHMAN. He married, and lost his first wife at her labour and remained alone with a daughter Ruza or Rachel TCHARNA FALC, was born to Cyril and Moshe Aron FALC. She was married first to a man named DOBZINSKI who died very young and left her with a very little daughter. Both decided to marry because they were two widowers; each one of them had a little daughter. Because that Aliza said in Yad Vashem her mother had four children. Baruch (who sent this story) told her that her mother died (Cyril) when she was a little girl, and the sister of her died mother, had not children of her own, took her and raised her with her husband Shlomo NELKIN. Her brother Tzvi Hochman moved to Israel in 1933 and was member of kibbutz Ein-Hashofet, he was married and had three children and five grandchildren, and five great grandchildren, most of them live in Israel and part of them went to live in USA, but Baruch isn’t in contact with them. His uncle Tzvi died in 2006. Aliza Hochman was the only one who survived of her family in Poland. She married Yoseph Straz, from Byalistock, after the war in 1946, she went to Israel after the war, in 1945. They were members of the kibbutz Gal-On for a few years, and they had Baruch Gonen Straz in 1948, who wrote to Ana Nuta, and when he was a little child, they moved to live in Ness-Ziona. they has in 1951 a daughter Sara Straz, and in 1955 they had another daughter Rachel Straz. Then happen a terrible event in this family because sara died in 1965 from bone-cancer and this was terrible for all but more for their parents. Baruch and his sister Rachel treated their old parents in their home until they died, their father at the age of 92 died in may 2006, and their mother Aliza at the age of 90 died in Nov 2006; Rachel and Baruch missing them very much. Baruch was married and had 3 children and 2 grandchildren. He is a medical doctor, a pediatrician, and works as the head of emergency-pediatric department in Kaplan hospital of Rehovot. Rachel was married too and had three children but not grandchildren yet. She is a social worker and holds a high position in a social worker company.


FAMILY NORDENBERG: Ana Nuta found in Yad Vashem this persons from this family: 1) Ester NORDENBERG was born in Plonsk in 1919 to Yitzkhak and Khana. She was a pupil, lived in Plonsk with her family, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered In 1942. The testimony was given by her cousin Mordekhai PER, 8/11/1955. 2) Daniel NORDENBERG was born in Plonsk to Yitzkhak Yaakov and Khana in 1913.Prior the WWII he lives in Kowel but during the war he went to Plonsk. He was married before the war and had two children, one of them Emanuel (2). He was with his family in Ghetto of Plonsk but he escape to Russia and the nazis taked him and shott . He died. The testimony was given by his sister Tzipora TANENBAUM, 25/7/1955. 3) Yitzkhak Yaakov NORDENBERG was born in Plonsk in 1890 to Daniel and Rakhel. He was married to Khana TZUKERKORN and had children: The eldest Daniel (28); Ester (23); Gitel or Gizela (15) and the submitter. They lived in Czerwinsk, Plonsk, but during the war they went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where he was murdered. The testimony was given by his daughter and sister Tzipora TANENBAUM 25/7/1955. 4) Chana or Khana NORDENBERG (nee TZUKERKORN) was born in Plonsk In 1893 to Shlomo and Rakhel TZUKERKORN. She was married to Yitzkhak Yaakov NORDENBERG and had children. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk, where she died in 1941. The testimony was given by her daughter Tzipora TANENBAUM, 25/7/1955.


Ana Nuta found in the Archives of Yad Vashem these names.

1) Ester NORDENBERG was born in Plonsk in 1919 to Yitzkak Yaakov and Khana. She was a student, lived in Plonsk with her parents, was in Ghetto of Plonsk, and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered in 1942. The testimony was given by her cousin Mordekhai PER, 8/11/55.
2) Daniel NORDENBERG was born in Plonsk in 1913 to Yitzak and Khana. He was a teacher and married Sara BLUM, had one son: Emanuel who had 2 years old. They went to Kowel and went back to Plonsk during the war, they were in Ghetto of Plonsk, but they escaped to Russia (URSS) nobody knows why. The testimony was given by his sister Tzipora TANENBAUM, 25/7/55.
3) Sara NORDENBERG (nee BLUM) was born in Plonsk in 1914. She married Daniel and had one son: Emanuel (2). They escaped to Russia (URSS) where she died with her son. The testimony was given by her sister in law and aunt Tzipora TANENBAUM, 25/7/55.
4) Yaakov Yitzkak NORDENBERG was born in Czerwinsk, Plonsk in 1890 to Daniel and Rakhel. He married Khana TZUKERKORN and had many children: Daniel (28); Ester (23); Gitel or Gizela (15). They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where they were murdered. The testimony was given by his daughter Tzipora TANENBAUM, 25/7/55.
5) Chana or Khana NORDENBERG (nee TZUKERKORN) was born in Plonsk in 1893 to Shlomo and Rakhel. She married Yaakov Yitzak and had many children with him: Daniel (28); Ester (23); Gitel or Gizela (15). They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk, Daniel escaped with his family to Russia (URSS) and the rest were taken to Auschwitz Camp where the nazis were murdered them, but Khana died in the Ghetto of Plonsk in 1941. The testimony was given by her daughter Tzipora TANENBAUM, 25/7/55.



Ana Nuta found in the Archives of Yad Vashem this names:

1) Dwora NAJMARK was born in Plonsk in 1914 or 1916 to Avraham Yehuda and Hinda Bela NAJMARK (nee BROL). She lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp of Extermination where she was murdered. The testimonies were given by her brother Natan NOIMARK, 25/12/55, first, and after him her sister in law Khana NEIMARK on 1/1/1991 who lives in Israel.
2) Riwka NAJMARK was born in Plonsk to Abraham Yehuda and Hinda Bela on 7/3/1919. She lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then she was taken to Auschwitz Camp of Extermination where she was murdered by the nazis. The testimonies were given by her brother Natan NOIMARK, 25/12/55; after him , her sister in law Khana NEIMARK, 1/1/1991, and after ,her cousin Jerry NEIMARK, 21/1/1999.
3) David NAJMARK was born in Plonsk on 6/3/1912 to Avraham Yehuda and Hinda Bela. He married Miriam Natalia NUTA. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken with his wife to Auschwitz Camp where they were murdered. The testimony was given by his brother Natan NEIMARK in 1991.
4) Hinda Bila NAJMARK (nee BROL or BRUL) was born in Plonsk in 1894 to Moshe. She married Avraham Yehuda NAJMARK and had children. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered. The testimony was given by her son Natan NOIMARK or NEIMARK fist on 25/12/55, and then 1/1/1991.
5) Chana Gela NAJMARK was born in Lipno, 1914 to Efraim and Batia. He was single, lived in Lipno, but during the war the family went to Plonsk, he was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where he was murdered. The testimony was given by her acquaintance Simcha MEIRI, 22/4/56
6) Sara NAJMARK was born in Lipno in 1918 to Efraim and Batia. She was single, lived in Lipno, but during the war she with her family went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk, and then she was taken to Auschwitz Camp in 1942 where she was murdered. The testimony was given by Shimcha MEIRI, 22/4/55; and by her cousin Jerry NEIMARK, 21/1/1999 who lives in USA and Ana Nuta have his address.
7) Avraham Yehuda NAJMARK was born on 6/9/1888 in Plonsk to Moshe Aharon. He married Beila Hinda BRUL, BOLA or BRIL and had children. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk where she died. The testimonies were given by her son Natan NEIMARK who lives in Israel on 25/12/55, and then in 1991; and her nephew Jerry NEIMARK on 21 /1/1999 who lives in USA.
8) Batia NAJMARK was born in Mlawa; Plonsk in 1890. She was married to Efraim and had children. They lived in Lipno, but during the war they went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered in 1942. The testimony was given by Simcha MEIRI, 22/4/56.
9) Rajzel Roza NAJMARK was born in Lipno in 1912 to Efraim and Batia. She was single, lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered. The testimony was given by Simcha MEIRI, 22/4/56.
10) Sara NAJMARK was born in Plonsk on 4/8/1941. She lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken with her parents to Auschwitz Camp of Extermination where she was murdered at the age of 1. The testimony was given by her cousin Jerry NEIMARK, 21/1/1999.
11) Sara NAJMARK was born in Plonsk on 10/5/1889. She lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp in 1942 where she was murdered. The testimony was given by her cousin Jerry NEIMARK 21/1/1999 in based as his father told him.
12) Riwka NEIMARK was born in Plonsk on 7/3/1920. She was single, lived In Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered . The testimony was given by her cousin Jerry NEIMARK, 21/1/1999.
13) Golda NEIMARK was born in Plonsk on 9/3/1918. she was single, lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto Of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered. The testimony was given by her cousin Jerry NEIMARK, 21/1/1999.
14) Miriam NEIMARK (nee FREDMAN) was born in Plonsk on 5/5/1912. She was married, lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered. The testimony was given by her cousin Jerry NEIMARK, 21/1/1999 who lives in USA and Ana Nuta have his address.
15) Fishel NEIMARK was born in Dobrin, Plock on 7/8/1887. He was married to Riwka, lived there and was taken to Auschwitz Camp where they was murdered him. The testimony was given by his son Jerry NEIMARK, 21/1/1999 who lives in USA.
16) Schlomo Fishel NEIMARK was born in 1905; he was married and had children. They went to live in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where he was murdered. The testimony was given by his brother Jerry NEIMARK, 21/1/1999.
17) Sara NEIMARK (nee KOSOBOCKI) was born in Plonsk in 1907. She was married and had children. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Treblinka Camp where she was murdered. The testimony was given her relative Jerry NEIMARK, 21/1/1999.
18) Lusia NEIMARK was born in Plonsk in 10/5/1933. She was a child and lived with her family, was in Ghetto of Plonsk, and then was taken to Treblinka Camp of Extermination where she was murdered. The testimony was given by her uncle Jerry NEIMARK, 21/1/1999.
19) Mendel NEIMARK was born on 5/8/1909 to Fishel and Riwka. Prior the war he lived in Dobrin , but then he went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Treblinka Camp where he was murdered. The testimony was given by Jerry NEIMARK, 21/1/1999.
20) Riwka NEIMARK (nee BLOOM) was born in Plonsk on 5/4/1888. During the war she was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered. The testimony was given by her grandson Jerry NEIMARK, 21/1/1999.



Ana Nuta found in the Archives of Yad Vashem these persons:

1) Rachel FASKOWICZ or PASKOWICZ (nee NEIER) was born in Plonsk in 1885 to Baruch. He married Baruch FASKOWICZ. They lived in Plonsk but during the war they went to Warsaw, was in Warsaw Ghetto where she died. The testimony was given by her brother in law Zeev FASKOVITZ.
2) Jesheskiel Yitzkhak NAIAR was born in Plonsk. He married Feiga Yeta MELONCHIK and they went to live in Neustadt and had children: Fishel (8) and Zelig (10). They was taken to Auschwitz Camp of Extermination in 1942 where they were murdered. The testimony was given by his niece Miriam IOHANES, 16/1/57.
3) Moshe Sender NAIER or NAYER was born in Plonsk to Mordekhai and Gitel or Gizela. He was married and went to Sochocin, Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk where he died. The testimony was given by his niece Khana NEIMAN KLAGSBALD on 27/4/1999.



Ana Nuta found this family in the Archives of Yad Vashem:

1) Hinda NUTKEVITZ (nee RABINOVITZ) was born in Plonsk to Israel and Malka RABINOVITZ. She was widow of Yitzkak and had with him 7 children. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk but the submitter didn’t know when or where she died, but it was at the age of 83. The testimony was given by her granddaughter RAKHEL NUTKEVITZ SHRAIBER, 16/1/2000.
2) Khava Ewa NOTKOVITZ was born in Plonsk in 1920 to Henoch and Feiga. She went to studied in Warsaw, during the war she was in Warsaw Ghetto but the submitter didn’t know when or where she perished in the Shoah. The testimony was given by her sister RAKHEL NUTKEVITZ SHRAIBER 16/1/2000. who isn’t a survivor and live in Israel.
3) Feiga Tzipora NOTKOVITZ (nee WARSZAWJAK) was born in Przasnysz; Poland , in 1886 to Mendel and Sara. She was married to Henoch and they had three children and lived in Plonsk. Then they moved to Warsaw, and she died in Brezezany, Tarnopol in 1943 at the age of 57. The testimony was given by her daughter RAKHEL NUTKEVITZ SHRAIBER 16/1/2000.
4) Henoch NUTKEVITZ was born in Plonsk in 1886 to Yitzkak Nute and Hinda. He was married to Feiga Tzipora WARSZAWJAK and had three children. They lived in Plonsk and then they moved to Warsaw, was in Warsaw Ghetto where he perished in 1941 at the age of 55. The testimony was given by his daughter RAKHEL NUTKEVITZ SHRAIBER, 16/1/2000.
5) Rachel STEINHAUS (nee NUTKEVITZ) was born in 1892 in Bielsk Plock, to Menakhem NUTKEVITZ and Nechama LENO. She was married to Moshe and had two children. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk, and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered in 1942 at the age of 50. The testimony was given by her niece Tirza MATUSOV, 5/5/1999, who isn’t a survivor and lives in Tel Aviv, Israel.



Ana Nuta recived from Linda Klein an email saing as her grandfather Phillip NEWMAN was born in Plonsk in 1898. He moved to USA in 1924 and so followed his brother Sam NEWMAN , and his two sisters: Bertha and Molly.
Ana told Ana this surname is possible that was changed in USA and in Plonsk may had another one like Neuman or Noiman or another, but she had not any dates from names, only which she send to Ana asking to put these names in the web page. Linda asked her mother, and she replied that the surname from the family in Plonsk was Neuman.




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