Plonsk Poland Residents with surname beginning "A"

FAMILY AARONT: The information was sent to Ana Nuta by his descendant Irwin Schneider. His grandfather Abraham AARONT was born in Plonsk, about 1874. He moved to United States in 1890 with his parents.



Ana Nuta found in Yad Vashem these names:

1) Sara RABINOWICZ (nee ABRAMOWICZ) was born in Lachowiec, Plonsk in 1894, to Avraham and Sifra (Sifre). She married Jacob or Yaakov . They lived in Lachowiec and was killed by the nazis in her own town in 1941, at the age of 47. The testimony was givenby her son Charles RABINOVICH, 9/10/85, who lived in Puerto Rico but he died and had three daughters , one lives in Puerto Rico and two of them in Miami, USA.
2) Riwka ABRAMOVITZ was born in Czerwinsk, Plonsk to Betzalel and Roza Bluma. She married Mikhal or Mikhael. They lived in Bodzanow, Plock, but during the war they went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk, and then was taken to Auschwitz-Birkenau where she was murdered in 1942. The testimony was givenby her brother: Shmuel ABRAMOVITZ, 2/7/1998.
3) Bluma Roza ABRAMOVITZ (nee BRAUM) was born in Czerwinsk, Plonsk in 1880, to Hersh Josef BRAUM. She married Betzalel ABRAMOVITZ. They lived in Czerwinsk, Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered in Oct. 1942. The testimony was givenby her son Shmuel ABRAMOVITZ, 2/7/1998 who lives in Israel.
4) Leibel ABRAMOVITZ was born in 1914 in Czerwinsk, Plonsk, to Betzalel and Roza Bluma. He married Regina and they went to live in Warsaw, was in Warsaw Ghetto and then was taken by the nazis to Treblinka Camp of Death where he was murdered in 1942/1943 at the age of 28. The testimony was givenby his brother Shmuel ABRAMOVITZ, 1/1/1998.
5) Sara ABRAMOVITZ was bborn in Czerwinsk, Plonsk in 1918. She was single and prior the WWII she lived in Plonsk, but during the war she went to Warsaw and was in Warsaw Ghetto. Then she was taken by the nazis to Treblinka where she was murdered in 1942/1943 at the age of 23. The testimony was givenby her brother Shmuel ABRAMOVITZ, 2/7/1998.
6) Lea GARFINKEL (nee ABRAMOVITZ) was born in Czerwinsk, Plonsk in 1912 to Betzalel and Roza Bluma. She married Shaye or Shaia Volf GARFINKEL. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz-Birkenau where she was murdered in 1942 at the age of 30. The testimony was givenher brother Shmuel ABRAMOVITZ, 2/7/1998.
7) Rakhel RIKHTER (nee ABRAMOWITZ) was born in Czerwinsk, Plonsk in 1910 to Betzalel and Roza Bluma. She married Mordekhai RIKHTER. They went to live in Warsaw and was in Ghetto of Warsaw and then was taken to Treblinka Camp of Death, where she was killed in 1941/1942. The testimony was givenby her borther Shmuel ABRAMOVITZ, 2/7/1998.


FAMILY ADLER: Ana Nuta found this only person from this family: Michla ADLER (nee MUSHKAT) was born in Plonsk in 1896 to Zalman and Dvora. She married Jakow. They lived in Plonsk but during the war they went to Warsaw,was in Warsaw Ghetto where she died in 1942 at the age of 46. The testimony was given by her sister Sara KHAZKANI, 1/1/1956.


FAMILY AIZIK- NELKIN: Information given to Ana Nuta by Gal Vardi who lives in Israel, and Nitsan Vardi who lives in Denmark. They sent her a picture and put it in the link of photos. Simcha AIZIK and Shoshe NELKINS daughter, Rachel BEIT HALACHMI (nee NELKIN) was Gal and Nitsan Vardi great grand mother. They immigrated to Palestine in 1906, so they had a big branch of the family who survived the Shoáh. Simcha AIZIK was the founder of the Hovevei Zion Group in Plonsk. This Zionist group wrote and spoke Hebrew already, while in Poland. They had three children: Eliezer NELKIN, Tzvi (Hersh) Leib NELKI and Rachel BEIT HALACHMI. Eliezer NELKIN had Yoma and Tili (Tehila) NELKIN. The firs of them had Shlomo and Tzagrir NELKIN; the second had Shalom and Me'ir NELKIN. Rachel BEIT HALACHMI & Yecheskel BEIT HALACHMI had Esther Itzhar (1911-1991) married Dov ITZHAR. Tirza VARDI and David VARDI had four children Nitsan VARDI , Ishay VARDI, Gal Vardi and Ikzhar VARDI. Nitzan married Hanne and had Daniel and Sara VARDI. Ishay married Orit Cohen and had Adi, Sol and Hilah VARDI. Gal married Efrat VARDI and had Tom, Or, Tal and Gaia VARDI. Ikzhar married Shuli VARDI and had Li'or, Gil'ar, Tamuz and another one. The head of this branch from Plonsk was Rachel who was born in Plonsk as NELKIN. The family had different business in Plonsk. All the children were already born in Palestine or in the United States. Gaia and Nitsan VARDI sent Ana Nuta a picture from Rachel with her husband and give her all the names, and other photos. Ana Nuta found in Yad Vashem this information: SZLOMO NELKIN who was born in Plonsk, married Gitel. He was in the Ghetto of Plonsk during the war and then he was taken to Treblinka Camp of Extermination where he was murdered by the nazis. This testimony was given at Yad Vashem by Aliza Brutchia HOCHMAN-STRAZ in Apr. 13, 1999 and she lives in Israel.



Ana Nuta found this persons from the family Elbert:

1) Sara Finkelsztajn ( nee ELBERT) was born in Plonsk to Shmuel and Rakhel ELBERT. She married to Yisrael FINKELSZTAJN, they had one son named Yosef (b.1932). They went to live in Warsaw, was in Ghetto of Warsaw where Sara died at 1942. The testimony was given by her daughter KLIGER, 29/3/57.
2) Shamai ELBERT was born in Plonsk in 1923 to Moshé and Naomi. He lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz 2/12/1942 where he was murdered. The testimony was given by his cousin BER DOV ELBERT (Berl), 10/6/1999.
3) Lea ELBERT (nee SZEDLO) was born in Golymin, Ciechanow, in 1893 to Berl and Basha. She was a widow from Yosef , lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered 2/12/1942 at the age of 49. She had 5 children. The testimony was given by her son BER DOV ELBERT, 10/6/1999, who was a survivor and lives in Israel.
4) Moshe ELBERT was born in Plonsk to Rakhel and Shmuel in 1890. He married Nekhama and had with her 5 children. Was with him: Gnana (12).They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk where he died in 1942. The testimony was given by his nephew KLIGER or KLUGER, 29/03/57.
5) Kalman ALBERT or ELBERT was born in Plonsk to Moshé and Nekhama. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk where he died at the age of 14. The testimony was given by his cousin KLIGER or KLUGER, 29/3/57.
6) Noma or Nekhama ALBERT or ELBERT was born in Nowy Dwor Mazowieki in 1892. She married to Moshé. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk where she died at the age of 50 in 1942. The testimony was given her nephew KLIGER or KLUGER, 29/3/57.
7) Naomi ALBERT or ELBERT was born in Plonsk to Kalman and had 8 children. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered in 2/12/1942 at the age of 52. The testimony was given by her nephew BER DOV ELBERT, 10/06/1999 who lives in Israel.
8) Shmuel ALBERT or ELBERT was born in Plonsk in 1925 to Moshé and Naomi. He was a pupil and single. Lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where he was murdered 2/12/1942 at the age of 17. The testimony was given by his cousin BER DOV ELBERT, 26/6/1999.
9) Batia or Basha ALBERT or ELBERT was born in Plonsk in 1921 to Yosef and Lea LEOPOLD. She was single, lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered in 1942 at the age of 21. The testimony was given by her brother BER DOV ELBERT (Berl) 2/5/1999.
10) Sara Hendel Khana ALBERT or ELBERT was born in Plonsk in 1930, to Yosef and Lea LEOPOLD. She was a pupil and single, lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp of Extermination where she was murdered 2/12/1942, at the age of 12. The testimony was given by her brother BER DOV ELBERT, 13/5/1999 who was survived and lives in Israel.
11) Kalman ALBERT or ELBERT was born in Plonsk in 1921 to Moshé and Naomi. He was single, lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where he was murdered in 2/12/1942 at the age of 21.
The testimony was given by his cousin DOV TZION ELBERT, 10/6/1999 who was a survivor and lives in Israel.
12) Ezra ALBERT was born in Plonsk in 1933 to Moshe and Naomi. He was a child, lived in Plonsk with his family, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where he was murdered in 2/12/42 at the age of 9. The testimony was givved by his cousin BER DOV ELBERT who was a survivor and lives in Israel, 30/6/1999.
13) Pesia ALBERT or ELBERT was born in Plonsk in 1919 to Moshe and Naomi. She lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered in 2/12/1942 at the age of 23. The testimony was given by her cousin BER DOV ELBERT, 10/6/99 who was a survivor and lives in Israel.
14) Rosa ALBERT or ELBERT was born in Plonsk in 1935 to Moshe and Naomi. She was a pupil and lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered with her family in 2/12/1942 at the age of 7.
15) Perel ALBERT or ELBERT was born in Plonsk in 1917 to Moshe and Naomi. She was single, lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered at the age of 25, in 2/12/42. The testimony from both Rosa and Perel was given their cousin BER DOV ELBERT 10/6/99 who was a survivor and lives in Israel.
16) Perale ALBERT or ELBERT was born in Plonsk in 1927 to Yosef and Lea (Laio) SHEDLO. She was a pupil, lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and was taken to Auschwitz Camp where he was murdered at the age of 15. The testimony was given his brother DOV ELBERT 13/5/1999.
17) Rakhel ALBERT or ELBERT was born in Plonsk in 1932 to Moshe and Naomi. She was a pupil, lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered 2/12/1942 at the age of 10. The testimony was given by her cousin BER DOV ELBERT, 30/6/99
18) Moshe ALBERT or ELBERT was born in Plonsk in 1890 to Shmuel and Rakhel. He married to Naomi . They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and was taken to Auschwitz Camp where he was murdered 2/12/42 at the age of 52. The testimony was given by his nephew DOV TZION ELBERT, 13/5/99 who was a survivor and lives in Israel.
19) Shamu ALBERT or ELBERT was born in Plonsk in 22/9/1923 to Leopold and Lea. He was single and lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk but he perished in 6/3/1943 in Tashkumin, Kirghisztan (URSS) at the age of 19. The testimony was given by his brother DOV BER ELBERT, 25/5/2000.
20) Hendel FINKELSHTEIN(nee ELBERT) was born in Plonsk in 1888 to Rakhel. She married to Yisrael FINKELSHTEIN. They lived in Warsaw, but during the war they went to Plonsk, had 4 children, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and was taken to Auschwitz Camp where he was murdered in 1942 at the age of 54. The testimony was given by his nephew BER TZION DOV ELBERT, 30/11/99
21) Mindl FELDMAN (nee ELBERT) was born in Plonsk in 1898 to Rakhel. She married Yitzkhak FELDMAN. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered in 1942 at the age of 44. The testimony was given by her nephew BER DOV ELBERT, 15/11/1999, who was survived and lives in Israel.



ALENBERG (Ajlenberg, Elenburg) Family Tree
Moses Alter Alenberg 1861-1933 (born Plonsk, died in Lodz) Married Maria Ginsburg 1863 - 1929, daughter of Moses Ginsburg probably from Plonsk. She died in Lodz. Both she and her husband are buried in the Jewish Cemetery in Lodz.
They had two children:
1) Rywka (born in Plonsk in 1882 akt 52) died in 195? In TelAviv, She married Abram Yoda Brzezinski born in 1881 in Bielsk Podlaski and died in 195? In Tel Aviv.
Rywka and Abram Yoda had three children:
A) Isaac 1902 (Lodz)-195? Israel, married Bela Landau,
B) Sonia 1906 (Lodz) - 1995 Montreal, married Oles Szwarc.
Sonia and Oles had three children
i) Lillian died at age 2 - buried in the Jewish Cemetery in Lodz
ii)George who married Sylvia, then Barbara George and Sylvia had two sons
a) Glenn Suart who married Michele - They have three children: Connor, Cole, and Madison
b) John Suart who married Natalie and they have a daughter, Bozhena. He subsequently married Theresa and they have two children: Celeste and Michael
iii) Mary who married Phil Seeman. They had three sons:
a) Marc married Ellen and they have two sons: Ahron and Geoffrey
b) Bob married Nicola and they have a daughter Ciara and a son, Ronan
c) Neil married Sarit and they have a son, David and a daughter, Dori.
C) Arek (third child of Rywka and Abram Yoda Brzezibnski) 1910 (Lodz) - 1963 Jerusalem married Rachela.
They had two sons: Amnon and Rafi. Rafi died during adolescence. Amnon married Poni and they have two children: Noa and Rafi
2) Menachem Alenberg (second child of Moses Alter Alenberg and Maria Ginsburg) 1883 (Plonsk)-1936 (Lodz) married Guta
They had three children.
i) Mina married Mr. Makower and had a son Adzik who died during adolescence
ii) Josek who married Fela - no children
iii) Sonia who married Mr. Gafter. They had two children:
a) Reuben who had a daughter, Talila, and ?subsequently ?twins
b) Alona who married Mr. Shevach, no children.

Ana Nuta found at Yad Vashem this person:
Malka ALENBERG or ELENBERG was born in Plonsk in 1890 to Shmuel Leib and Rakhel. She married Maier. They had many children, but two of them were murdered with her Lea and Yaakov ALENBERG. This testimony was given by her brother in law Kalman KOLONIMUS KUCHINSKI in 1956.



Ana Nuta found in Yad Vashem these names:

1) David ARONOVITZ or ARONOVIC was born in Neishtat, Lithuania in 1903, He married Miriam SHITKO and went to live in Sochocin, Plonsk, but during the war they went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and was taken to Auschwitz Birkenau where he was murdered in 1943 at the age of 40. The testimony was givenby his sister in law Feiga DZHALDOV, 24/8/1986.
2) Aharon ARONOVITZ or ARONOVIC was born in Sochocin, Plonsk in 1917 to David and Miriam SHITKO or SHATKO. He was a pupil , lived in Sochocin and during the war he went with his parents to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk, and was taken to Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp where he was murdered. The testimony was givenby his aunt Feiga DZHALDOV, 24/8/1986.
3) Miriam ARONOVIC (nee SHITKO) was born in Plonsk in 1904 to Simkha and Sara. She married David ARONOVIC. They lived in Sochocin, Plonsk, but during the war they went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk , where she was died in 1942. at the age of 38. The testimony was givenby her sister Feiga DZHALDOV, 24/8/86
4) Sheine Dvora ARONOVITZ was born in Sochocin, Plonsk to David and Miriam. She lived in Sochocin and during the war she went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp of Death where she was murdered.The testimony was givenby her aunt Feiga or Tzipora DZHALDOV, 11/8/1986.
5) Fajga ARONOWICZ (nee GOLDMAN)was born in Raciaz in 1886. She married to Sender ARONOWICZ and had three children ,and during the war they went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk, and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered. The testimony was givenby her niece Ester BROIDE, 1/1/1956.
6) Rivka ARONOWICZ was born in Raciaz in 1922 to Feiga and Sender. She was single and during the war they went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk where she died in 1942. The testimony was given by her neighbour Shmuel LAPMAN, 21/5/57
7) Sender ARONOWICZ was born in Zuronim, Plonsk in 1886 to Shmuel and Sheine Hinda. He married Faiga GOLDMAN and had three children. They lived in Zuronim, but during the war they went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp of Death where he was killed. The testimony was givenby his niece Ester BROIDE, 18/6/1956.
8) Roza ARONOWICZ was born in Raciaz in 1920 to Sender and Feiga. She was single, lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk where she died at the age of 22. The testimony was givenby her neighbour Shmuel LESMAN, 21/5/57
9) David ARONOWICZ was born in Sochocin, Plonsk in 20/4/1894. He went to live in Berlín, Germany. During the war he was deported with Tranport from Berlin to Auschwitz-Birkenau where he was murdered on 19/4/1943. List of Deportation from Berlin. Edition Hentrich, Berlín 1995.
10) Sender ARONOWICZ was born in Raciaz in 1897. He married PUA. They lived in Raciaz, but during the war they went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk where he was died in 1942. The testimony was givenby his neighbour Shmuel LESMAN, 21/5/57.
11) Fajga ARONOWICZ was born in Raciaz. She married Aleksander. They lived in Raciaz but during the war they went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk where she perished in 1942. The testimony was givenby her neighbour Shmuel LESMAN, 21/5/57.
12) Chana Gitel LEMPKOWICZ (nee ARONOVITZ) was born in Zuronim in 1870 to Shmuel Aharon ARONOVITZ and Sheine Hinda. She married Yosef LEMKOWICZ. They lived in Raciaz but, during the war they went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Birkenau in 1942 where she was murdered. The testimony was givenby her daughter Ester LEMPKOVITZ, 14/3/1956.
13) Tauba or Tova ZELAK or ZALK (nee ARONOVITZ) was born in Ozorkov in 1902. She married Avraham ZALK and they went to live in Lipno, Poland, But during the war they went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp of Extermination in 1942 where she was murdered at the age of 40. The testimony was givenher brother in law Mordekhai ZALK, 10/1/1956 who was survived.


FAMILY APEL: Ana Nuta found from this family in Yad Vashem all this persons: 1) Riwka APPEL was born in Warsaw in 1926 to Yaakov APPEL and Gutia BILMAN. She was single . They went to Live in Sochocin, Plonsk and during the war they went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and was taken to Auschwitz Camp in 1942 where she was murdered at the age of 16 The testimony was given her nephew Shmuel BILMAN. 2) Gitel APEL was born in Plonsk in 1912 to Ber and Riwka .She was married to Yaakov and had two children. They went to live in Sochocin, Plonsk but during the war they must went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk where she died at the age of 30, in 1942. The testimony was given her sister Ester SHEINI, 1/10/1956. 3) Yaakov APEL was born in Leoncin, Sahaczew, Warsaw in 1900 to Hirsh Leib APEL and Roza Lea PIERZNIANKO. He was married to Gitel BULMAN and they lived in Sochocin, Plonsk but during the war they must went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp in 1942 where she was mureded at the age of 42. The testimony was given by his sister Rivka KALMANOVITZ, 1/1/56. 4) Yekhezkel APEL was born to Yaakov and Gitl in 1918. He was a child and a pupil. They lived in Sochocin, Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk, where he died in 1942 .The testimony was given by his aunt Ester SHENI, 1/1/1956. 5) Rivka APEL was born in Plonsk in 1908 to Yaakov and Gitel. They lived in Sochocin, Plonsk, they must went to Plonsk during the war, was in Ghetto of Plonskand then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where he was murdered. The testimony was given by her aunt Ester SHENI, 1/1/1956. 6.- Yaakov APEL was born in Sochocin, Plonsk in 1908 to Zeev and Rivka. He was married to Gitl or Gitel. They lived in Sochocin, Plonsk and had two children: Rivka (15) , unknown (13) During the war they went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was sended to Auschwitz Camp in 1942 where he was murdered . The testimony was given by his sister in law Ester SHENI, 1/1/1956. 7.) Rachel APEL was born in Lipno in 1914. She was married to Chaim. They went to live in Zakroczyn but during the war they must went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then she was taken with her family to Auschwitz in 1942 where she was murdered. The testimony was given by her sister in law Riwka KALMANOVITZ 1/1/57. 8) Sara APEL (nee KUBEL) was born in Plonsk in 1917 to Itzik KUBEL and Bracha . She was married to David APEL. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then she was taken to Auschwitz Camp in 1942 where she was murdered. The testimony was given by her sister in law Riwka KALMANOVITZ, 1/1/1957. 9) Jacob APEL was born in Czerwinsk, Plonsk in 1896. He went to France. But during the war he was deported with Transport No 12 from Drancy Camp to Auschwitz Camp on 29/07/1942 where he was murdered. List of Deportation from France found in the Le Memorial de la Deportation des juifs des France. Beate et Serge KLARSFELD, Paris 1978. 10) Ester Malka APEL was born in Czerwinsk, Plonsk. Prior the war she lives in Brussels, Braband ,Belgium, but she was deported and perished in Poland in 8/1944 at the age of 49.with her husband Yaakov KOFMAN The testimony was given by their granddaughter Claudine KAHAN who was a Shoah survivor in 2/3/2007, who lives in Brussels, Belgium.



Ana Nuta found this persons in the records from Yad Vashem. 1) Golda ALTMAN (nee MLYN) was born in Rypin to Moshe and Ita. She was married to Moshe Hirsh ZISKIND. They lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where she was murdered at the age of 30. The testimony was given by her relative Ester Shapira, 1/01/57. 2) ZISKIND ALTMAN was born in Plonsk, He was a lawyer. They went to live in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk, where he died at the age of 30. The testimony was given by his relative Ester Shapira, 1/01/57.



Ana Nuta found this only person in Yad Vashem from this family: Freida or Frida MINCBERG (nee MINTZBERG) was born in Krysk, Plonsk in 1905 to Efraim Meir and Raizl AJZENSZTEIN. She was married to Edek or Adek or Eduardo and went to Otwock, Warsaw, she was in Warsaw Ghetto where she died. The testimony was given by her sister in law Atara MEI TZUR in 1993.



Ana Nuta found in Yad Vashem this two persons from this family:

1) Josef ARFE was born in Raciaz to Pola in 1897. He married Feiga and had childrens. During the war they went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk and then was taken to Auschwitz Camp where he was murdered. The testimony was given by Khana LESMAN, 19/6/57.
2) Israel ARFE was born in Raciaz in 1922 to Josef and Feiga. He was single. During the WWII they must went to Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk, and then were taken to Auschwitz Camp where he was killed in 1942. The testimony was given by Khana LESMAN, 19/6/57.



Ettie Gilard (nee Atikai) send her cousin Ana Nuta the names from her family in Plonsk.

Aharon STAROGOBSKI was born in Raciaz to Nakhman and Gitel. He was married to Gitel or Gizela KURTA and had two children: Hadasa (14) and other with name she didn’t remember. During the war they went to Warsaw, was in Warsaw Ghetto, and then were taken to Maidanek Camp of Extermination where they were murdered. The testimony was given by his brother in law Shmuel KURTA, on 16/1/56 who survived and lived in Israel until he died, about three years ago, in 2006.
Shmuel KURTA was her grandmother’s brother.
Moszek KURTA was born in Plonsk to Pinchas and Gitel or Gizela. He was married to Bela Frimet YISRAELOWICZ, the sister of Ana Nuta’s grandfather from mother side Nusyn Natan ISRAELOWICZ. They lived in Plonsk and had six children; was in Ghetto of Plonsk where she died at the age of 70. The testimony was given by their son Shmuel KURTA who was survived, on 16/1/1956.
Ettie’s father Pinchas Israel STAROGOBSKY, son from Moshé and mother Ester KURTA., but when he came to Israel he change his surname to Pinchas ATIKAI. Esther KURTA, before her marriage and she was the sister of Jenia or Genia KURTA, came to Israel before the WWII. Hadassa STAROGOSKY was my father’s sister. Ettie’s father signed the testimonies at Yad Vashem from his wife. Ettie was Esther in hebrew from her grandmother, and her only sister Hadas was after her aunt, Hadassa, her father’s sister. Ettie Atikai was married to….


Ana Nuta found in the Archives of Yad Vashem:

Yosef ALTSHTEIN was born in Plonsk in 1919. He was single, lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk where he was died. The testimony was given by his friend Ber Dov ELBERT , 22/12/1999.
1) Josef ALTSHTEIN was born in Plonsk in 1919, he was single and a tailor, lived in Plonsk, was in Ghetto of Plonsk where he died 1939 - 1942 he didn’t remember well.
2) Menachem ALTSHTEIN was born in Plonsk in 1880. He was married to Golda.



© Copyright 2008-9 Ana Nutta