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Seeking descendants of the AJMINSKI family of Szczuczyn. My paternal grandfather Pesach Ajminski emigrated from Szczuczyn to Leeds, England in 1897. He was unmarried and came alone as far as I know. In England the name became Adaminsky, subsequently shortened to Adams. His sister Sarah married Meir Czapniki and emigrated to America. I have a lot of information from the Poland database and elsewhere that confirms the presence of a large family of Ajminski in Szczuczyn before 1900. First names repeated over generations included Pesach, Moshe, David and Sarah. Families who married into the Ajminskis included Shmidt, Lichtenstejn and Munk.
Shirley Holton

I'm looking for the BERGER family from, I think, Pietkowo. This is a shtetl near Lapy and in the Lomza area. I realize BERGER is a rather common name but there were several cousin marriages which might be a lead.  Sarah BERGER married Yosel Mendel BERGER in about 1882.
Len Pincus

COHEN, Eliakum Getzel  & Sarah Leah

Eliakum Getzel Cohen (1830-1892) and his wife Sarah Leah (1825-1901) immigrated in 1889 from (in or near) Szczucin to Utica, NY.  Eliakum's father was Nosen Note Cohen.  Sarah Leah's father was Yeroham.  Accompanying them were their children Nathan Cohen (1847-1919) and his wife Anna Leah (1852-1924), daughter of Shmuel Yosef Cohen; Nathan's children Rachel/Rae (1875-1939), Etel/Hattie (1881-1941), Goldie (1883-1960), and Moses (1884-1930); and Eliakum's unmarried daughter Ida Cohen (1869-1937), who in Utica married Isaac Denofsky/Dean (1870-1957) originally from Rajgorod . Eliakum was preceded in Utica by his daughter Rachel Cohen (1863-1918) who 
immigrated in 1883 and married Noach/Nathan Edelson (1860-1934) either in Poland or in Utica. 

Theodore Smith

COHEN & TAUB Families
I am seeking any information on a Taub family and a Cohen family(Bessie or 
Passie), who moved to London in the late 1800's, and ultimately came to US.
Betty J. Feir, Ph.D.

Born in December 1857 in believed to be Lomza, Poland) he was married to his wife STOLARCHICK, Etta (born in Poland abt 1859) in Lomza in abt 1878. They had a son GLUCROFT, Meyer in 1881 and between 1881 and 1885 they immigrated to New York City where he was naturalized in 1886. At the time they immigrated to the USA the name GLUCROFT was changed to GOLDSTEIN (family lore says this was because the GLUCROFT was too hard to pronounce...I suspect that GLUCROFT may have been spelled  totally differently if this was the case). I have checked the census records for the periods in question and have found these relatives but the information only identifies their place of Birth as either Poland  or Russ-Poland.
LEVIN, Joseph

May have been born in born in Wilna believed to now be Vilnius, Lithuania. He married CHEMNICK, Yetta (born abt 1876 in family lore claims Izbutki, Grudna-Geberna, Russ-Poland). 
Alternate family information says that they and the GLUCROFT'S were from the same area (Bialystok or Lomza). 
LEVIN and family immigrated to the USA via New York City and later settled in San Francisco, CA. Yetta's parents father (CHEMNICK, Yudel born in Bialystok) and mother (CULOSH, Malke Esther) may have followed her and Joseph to the USA.

Eric Wickberg

We are seeking descendents of the Goldziuk family in Lomza. My husband is the grandson of Oszej Goldziuk, born in 1886. We are wondering if there are descendents of his brothers or even uncles. 
Claudia Greif

My great grandfather, who was Samuel Bernstein in this country, was Samuel Golombeg in Lomza gubernia.  He emigrated to the USA in the late 1880s and lived in Ansonia, Connecticut. Any information about his ancestors would be greatly appreciated.

KAMIEN, Moszek Wolf
My grandfather,  Moszek Wolf, married Sora Bluma Dyber of Lubotyn probably in 1899.  He was a tall goodlooking man who ran from the Polish Army and came through Ellis Island c. 1905-1906.  Somewhere on that journey, passports were exchanged and he emerged in New York as Moszek Wolf Silverman. My grandfather told me a lot of interesting stories about the old country; but not his parents' names, or his siblings' names; or, indeed, anything substantive.  I know he had one brother who also emigrated and later moved to Chicago, using the name Silver.  If you know anything about Moszek Wolf Kamien or his family, please contact me. 
Marcia Kamien

LANGUS, Srol/Langus Family
Seeking information about Srol Langus or any members of the Langus family. They lived in the Lomza region.  Most of the family immigrated to the USA in the early 1900s.  The rest went to Israel.  We believe that some may have moved to CUBA.
Amy Rubin

I am researching the family of Joseph Lefkowitz, born in Lomza -- we think on October 25, 1880.  Joseph came to the US around 1893.
Brad Gordon

As far as I can tell, my great-grandfather would be Hershel Malina; a my mother who would be about 94 was named for him.  He had two wives, one of whom was a twin.
Evelyn Glanzberg

My great-grandfather was Abraham Markowitz, born c. 1844, who married Jane Vesker (or Viesker). Abraham's father was named Harry (probably Heshle). Jane Viesker's father was called Moishe, to the best of my knowledge. I believe Abraham actually came from Warsaw.  But he raised a family in Lomza. Unfortunately, Jane died young leaving three children, one of whom was my grandfather, Samuel. Abraham remarried and had five more children, all of whom, with the exception of Friedke (who married a man named Cywan, I believe), emigrated to America.  Friedke and her family are believed to have perished in the Holocaust.  If you have any information that can augment the above I would appreciate it.
William H. Markson

My grandfather Joseph R. Garden (Podruznick) was born in Lomza, Poland.  Aug. 23, 1865.  His father's name was Hersh Labe Podruznick. Upon coming to the United States his name was changed to Harry L. Garden.  His mother's name was Goldie Podruznick.  There were 6 brothers and sisters in this family.
Harold Siegfried

Looking for Aron Puchalski   s Jankiela  born about 1770 Lomza  wife Sora c. Gierszona 
Abraham Puchall

Max (Morris, Moshe) Rosenberg b. 1869 Lomza (from 1920 US Census)  died March 1925, Bronx, NY, buried Mt. Richmond, Staten Island, cloak operator, tailor, married 1890 New York - Sarah "Lily" Singman b. 1870  or 1873 Lithuania. Lived in Manhattan and the Bronx. (Essex, Cherry, Orchard, Monroe in Manhattan, Evergreen, Beck in the Bronx). Parents possibly Nathan and Rifka Rosenberg OR Israel Danvers and Leah Cohen. 9 children, Jacob, Eva (Evelyn), Herman (Hyman), Gussie (Gitel), Fannie, Louis (Isadore), William J. , Charles, Gertrude (Gitel).
Diane Glazer Jacobs

SILK, Solomon & Ethel

My grandfather and grandmother, Solomon Silk and Ethel Birnbaum Silk, emigrated about the  turn of the century.   Other names that recur in  the family are Yakob, Shmuel, Abel, Dvorah.

WARSHAWSKY, Mordechai & Hanna
My in-laws, Mordechai Moshe Warshawsky (changed to Warshaw in the USA) and  Hanna Elke Warshawsky, came to theUS sometime between 1910 and 1915. Other names include Maryam Elke, Chaia, David,Hershel, Adel, Golde.  Other last names include Barshawski, Baharski, Loewy.


I am looking to locate anyone else researching the SLUCKI family from Lomza.

I know of Iser Ickowicz/Jdzkowicz Slucki (presumably the son of someone called Ick/Jdzk = Isaac), my gggfather.  Married Zysla ROZENBERG/NOWINSKI in 1849.  5 known children: 
Nosek Wigdor b1850, Zelman Lejba b1852, Szapsa b1854 d1860, Herszk b1858, Judel b1858

Iser appears to have had a brother Judka who married into the PIENTKA family in 1871, having a daughter Malka Leja the same year.

Of Iser's children, I am most interested in Herszk (who emigrated to US) and Judel (my ggfather).  Judel married Fruma/Frumeh (her father's name was Jacob, but don't have a maiden name or date of marriage).  They had 4, possibly 5 children: Szmul Lejb; Israel (my grandfather),b. Nov 1902;
Bluma, b. Dec 1899; Zysla Mindla (we believe her to be older than Bluma).
It is unclear whether Szmul is born in 1905, or whether there is another child who was born in 1905.

Sharon (Slutzker) Roth

My family (Warchovchik) left Lomza for NYC in 1927 (Isidore) and 1928 (Esther, Jesn, Malka and David).
Alan Markowitz

My mother was born in Lomza, according to her in 1908 (she died in 1990). Her maiden name was Wengrowiz, Wengrowich. Her name was Esther Rachel. My Grandfather's name was Herschel, in Hebrew it was YomTov Zvi. He was a Levi. My grandmother's name was Kaile (I don't know the spelling). Michael Tobias tried to help me and he found an entry for my mother with those parents as born in 1901. My uncle (still living in Jerusalem), his name is Bezalel, he remembers nothing. He came to Israel (then Palestine) in 1936, with his parents. My mother came there in 1930. There was another aunt, who perished in the holocaust, her name was Hinde. 
Thalia Faye

I am trying to find out what happened to the family of my grandmother's first cousin,  Gitla WIDELEC, who married Abram WIERZBA of Lomza.  They do not appear in the Lomza Yizkor Book nor are they in the Polish Survivor Lists.  However, the family was still living in Lomza until at least the beginning of 1939 when their youngest child was registered. I am very anxious to know the fate of this family as they may have carried the beta-thalassemia trait and their descendants, if they survived, may be unsuspecting carriers.
Stanley M. Diamond
Descendants of Aron Wierzba
1   Aron Wierzba 
....... 2   Abram Juszk Wierzba     b: 1888 
...........     +Gitla Widelec             b: 1887 in Ostrow Maz.,  m: Bef. 1913 
.................   3   Dawid Wierzba   b: 1911 in Lomza  d: 3 Aug 1913 in Lomza 
.................   3   Pesza Wierzba     b: Jul 1913 in Lomza d: 24 Jan 1915 in Lomza 
.................   3   Dwoszka Wierzba     b: 15 Apr 1916 in Lomza 
.................   3   Elkona Wierzba         b: 28 Jul 1917 in Lomza, 
.................   3   Chaim Hersz Wierzba     b: 3 May 1920 in Lomza
.................   3   Dawid Aron Wierzba      b: 1 Mar 1922 in Lomza 
.................   3   Estera Wierzba      b: 28 Apr 1924 in Lomza 
.................   3   Samuel Wierzba     b: 31 Jul 1930 in Lomza 
.................   3   Chinka Wierzba      b: Aft. 1931 in Lomza    src: Jan 1939 Lomza 

  WIERZBOWICZ, Nosen (Nathan)
I am enquiring about Nosen (Nathan) Wierzbowicz who was born in Lomza in 1888 to Szolim and Ena (nee Farbarowicz). Nosen arrived at Ellis Island on 14 Aug 1902 to stay with his uncle Nathan Greenberg at 87 Ludlow Street New York. What happened to him and where are his descendants today?
S. A. Josovic

ZACHARAVICH (sp?), Morris 
My father Morris was from the town of Lomza. I know that he arrived in Chicago, Illinois via Canada.  I believe his family owned and operated the stock yards.  He was a butcher by trade.  When he arrived in the U.S.A. we understand that his name was shortened.  I am not sure how they spelled his name.  I had thought it was Zacharavich.  When I scanned the list of names sent to me from Avotaynu Soundex Search Result I found several possible spellings.  He was born in 1898.  I know he had siblings.  I do know that there were 2 nieces of his that survived.  One lived in Brussels Belgium and one went to Israel.  There she had a male child.  They came to America and settled in New York.
Elaine Ravich Funk

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