1930 Libau/Liepaja Firm and Trade List

The links below show pages from a 1930 Libau/Liepaja Firm and Trade List. The pages show business owners and business addresses in Latvian.

The records include:

--Business Owner's Surname

--Business Owner's First Name

--Business Owner's Father's First Name

--Business Street Address

--Business Description

Title Page

Introduction (in Latvian)


--Most of the business listings are by surname. A few businesses are listed by city or region, such as Liepaja or Kurzeme.

--All names in the links below are shown without diacritical marks, but the marks are shown in the directory pages that you will view.

--Surnames are listed in the alphabetical order of the Latvian alphabet.

--Consult a Latvian dictionary to learn how to pronounce Latvian names. There are a few critical rules you should know before looking at this directory: In Latvian, the letter "s" with a mark on top is pronounced "sh" as in "show." The letter "c" with a mark on top is pronounced "ch" as in "chalk." The letter "c" (without a mark on top) is pronounced "ts" as in "cats."

--Sometimes in the business directory, a capital "J" is used in place of a capital "I." For example, "Jcik" is printed instead of "Icik" ("Itzik" in English). This probably occurred because original sources were in Gothic German typeset. In the popular Gothic German Fraktur typeset, the capital "I" and "J" look identical.

--The father's name follows the business owner's name. For example: "Zara Mendela meita" means "Zara, Mendel's daughter." "Jakob Arona dels" means "Jacob, Aron's son." To make the father's name possessive, an "a" is added on the end of his name. If the name ends in a vowel, the vowel is removed first before adding the "a." For example, the possessive of "Leibe" is "Leiba." "Dels" means son. "Meita" means daughter.

--Click on a surname link below.

--Abels-Abelits through Afelders

-- Ahijs through Ansons

-- Antoms through Aronstams

-- Aronstams (continued) through Balcunas

-- Balodis through Basmans

-- Baskins through Bergs

-- Bergs (continued) through Bernics

-- Bers through Birgers

-- Birkhans through Blumbergs

-- Blumbergs (continued) through Bonics

-- Bonks through Brekters

-- Bremsons through Bruns

-- Bruskins through Cepurit

-- Cesmans through Cirinskis

-- Cirinskis (continued) through Damje

-- Danciger through Decs

-- Deics through Dimme

-- Dinsons through Donberg

-- Donnings through Dursts

-- Dursts (continued) through Egmans

-- Eidel through Epsteins

-- Erbe through Farina

-- Feierabends through Feldhuns

-- Feldhuns (continued) through Fisers

-- Flakss through Freijs

-- Freimans through Fridrichs

-- Fuktmans through Garoza

-- Garoza (continued) through Girsovics

-- Gitelsons through Goldbergs

-- Goldfains through Gotlibs

-- Gotsalks through Grebers

-- Grekova through Grinkers

-- Grinovskis through Grumpler

-- Gurtlaus through Gutmans

-- Gutmans (continued) through Havesons

-- Hegemans through Henke

-- Henkhusen through Hirsmans

-- Hikova through Hirshorns

-- Hirsmans through Hurvics

-- Hurvics (continued) through Izakovics

-- Izaksons through Jakobsons

-- Jakobsons (continued) through Jankovskis

-- Jankovskis (continued) through Jaungietis

-- Jaunzems through Joffe

-- Jokoi through Judelsons

-- Judins through Kacs

-- Kacelniks through Kalnenieks

-- Kalnins through Kans

-- Kanters through Kazaks

-- Kazemans through Kiake

-- Kiece through Klava

-- Klava (continued) through Kochs

-- Kokins through Kozlovskis

-- Kozlovskis (continued) through Kreija

-- Krikmans through Kruza

-- Kruzens through Kurzemes

-- Kurzemes (continued) through Landers

-- Landmans through Lazers

-- Latrus through Latvijas

-- Latvijas (continued) through Leftins

-- Leftins (continued) through Lengefers

-- Lepke through Levi

-- Levi (continued) through Libeks

-- Libeks (continued) through Liepajas

-- Liepajas (continued)

-- Liepajas (continued)

-- Liepajas (continued) through Lippert

-- Lipsics through Luncs

-- Lurie through Malachs

-- Malders through Marausks

-- Marausks (continued) through Matizs

-- Matizs through Meiersons

-- Meiersons (continued) through Mers

-- Mezenburgs through Minkovskis

-- Minkvics through Mucenieks

-- Mucenieks (continued) through Neifelds

-- Neimans through Ogle

-- Olimpija through Ozolins

-- Ozols through Paskus

-- Pasta through Perlmans

-- Perlmans (continued) through Petrovskis

-- Petrovskis (continued) through Plotkins

-- Plume through Priede

-- Prieda (continued) through Pupenaite

-- Purenins through Rams

-- Range through Reps

-- Rericha through Rige

-- Riks through Roscis

-- Rozalers through Rozevics

-- Rozevics (continued) through Ruja

-- Rupnieks through Seglins

-- Senins through Sisenis

-- Skabe through Sokovolskis

-- Sokovolskis (continued) through Stanislavs

-- Stankevics through Strautnieks

-- Strelics through Sangro

-- Sangro (continued) through Sers

-- Sers (continued) through Slemers

-- Slesers through Smuskovics

-- Snabovics through Steins

-- Steins (continued) through Sumachers

-- Sumanis through Zakss

-- Zale through Zeidels

-- Zeidels through Zemzars

-- Zentins through Zilvards

-- Zimbachs through Zidu

-- Zidu (continued) through Tecs

-- Telens through Tomasevskis

-- Tomrops through Tuvje

-- Udris through Vainers

-- Vakermans through Vasermans

-- Vasermans (continued) through Veinreichs

-- Veinreichs (continued) through Vestermanis

-- Vestnesis through Vilmanis

-- Vilms through Volkovs

-- Vulfs through Vzesnevskis