Kupishok Benevolent Society of
Cape Town
Personal Memories of the
Kupishok Benevolent Society, Cape Town, South Africa
By: Debby Ozinsky Myers, September 11, 2000
It is a Sunday night and my brother Don Ozinsky and I are staying up as late
as possible to be awake when the card players leave – or, at best, finish
eating – so that we can enjoy the snacks they have not partaken of. It is the
end of another Kupishok Benevolent Society fundraising meeting that is being
held at our home in Vredehoek, South Africa.
It is the 1950s - not long after the war - and the landsleit of Kupishok, a
shtetl in northeastern Lithuania, are kept busy fundraising for those
Kupishokers who had survived the Holocaust – some in Russia, some in Vilna,
Lithuania, and others already in Israel.
The South African Jewish Chronicle
of July 25, 1957, reported that at . .
"the annual meeting of the Kupisker Benevolent Society held last week at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Zalman Epstein (Bertha Levin). . . a large
gathering was addressed by the outgoing chairman Mr. Percy Berger, who stated
that parcels had been dispatched on several occasions to Kupishoker landsleit in
At the same meeting, the following were elected: Mr. Velve Sachar (Hon. Life
President), Mrs. Hilda Meyerowitz Glass (Tevya) (Chairman), Mrs. Dora
Esrachovitz Schapiro (Nathan) and Mrs. Hilda Sachar Geffin (Joel) (Vice
Chairmen), Messrs. Nathan Kahn and B. Epstein (Treasurers), Mrs. Arnold Meyers
(Secretary) and the committee – Mrs. Chana Moskowitz (Joseph), Mrs. Rosie
Altman (Solomon), Mrs. Chaya Zieper Sachar (David), Mrs. A. Kagan, Mrs. Paula
Resnik Kahn (Nathan), Mrs. Ida Sachar Schaverin (Hymie), Mrs. Bertha Levin
Epstein (Zalman), Mrs. A. Jacobs, Mrs. Leah Levin, Mrs. Molly Narwitz, Mrs.
Vittel Berman, Mrs. Ida Berger Perkin, Mrs. Becky Myers, Messrs. Percy Berger,
A. Kagan, W. Berman, Solomon Altman, Joseph Moskowitz, A. Jacobs.
Mr. Velve Sachar had founded the Kupisker Benevolent Society in the early
1930s to help those fellow Jews in need in Kupishok and Israel. The Society also
served as a meeting place for the landsleit to fill in on happenings relating to
Kupishok and to reminisce.
In March, 1948, a Cabaret Ball was held in the Cape Town City Hall to raise
funds. The ball was a huge success attended by thousands of guests and a
substantial sum of money was raised. The convenors of the Ball were Mr. and Mrs.
Hymie (Ida Sachar) Schaverin, Mrs. Dora Esrachovitz Schapiro (Nathan), the
then Chairlady of the Society, and her Vice Chair, Mrs. Chana Moskowitz
(Joseph). The excellent supper was provided by Mrs. Haide Heller, Mr. and Mrs.
Nathan Kahn (Paula Resnik), Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Altman (Rosie), Mr. and Mrs.
Tevya Glass (Hilda Meyerowitz), Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Myers, Mr. and Mrs. B.
Green, Mr. Percy Berger and Mr. I. Berger.
My granny, Bertha Levin Epstein, was born in Kupishok in 1900,
but left there in 1915 as many others were forced to do during the War years.
She ended up in Polotsk, Belarus, and then lived in Nevel, Russia. She
married and had a daughter and left Nevel for South Africa in 1929.
Her family had lived in Kupishok for many generations. In fact, my great
grandfather Motte Hessel Jaffe’s headstone is one of the few still standing in
what once was the Jewish Cemetery of the shtetl. His father and grandfather had
lived there before him. My granny’s stories of life there continue to
engage my imagination even today and eventually fostered my interest in my roots
which culminated in my 1994 visit to Kupiskis, as the shtetl is now called.
There were always wonderful and sad memories too of the shtetl that my granny
related to me. She was very active in the Kupishok Benevolent Society and often
hosted Society meetings at our home – both committee meetings and fundraising
meetings. The latter were usually card evenings where the ladies, except my
granny, played rummy and the men played poker, clubejas or solo. My granny
always played with the men. Tea was usually served early on in the evening with
little cakes, taiglach, and other delicacies, but later towards midnight more
substantial hot and cold meats were served.
According to Percy Berger, the annual subscription fee to the Society was two
and sixpence, but some gave as much as 5 shillings. Before the war, the monies
raised by the Kupishok Benevolent Society were sent to a Mr. Dinnerman in
London, who acted as their agent. He bought rolls of material, nylon stockings,
and underwear and sent these goods to Kupishok. In Kupishok, these items were
then sold to raise money for the recipients and their families. After the war,
the money was sent to wherever there was a Kupishoker in need – Vilna,
Lithuania, Russia, Israel. Mr. Israel Trapido was in charge of distributing the
money in Israel.
Not only did the Society make contributions towards Kupishoker charities, but
other as well as is seen in the August, 1958, issue of the South African
Jewish Chronicle which reported that "... Mrs. Tevya Glass (Hilda),
then Chairman of the Society handed a cheque for £50 to the Cape Town branch of
the Israel Maritime League. This represented the final installment of a bursary
endowment for a cadet-trainee at the Israel Nautical College at Acre. Mrs. Hilda
Meyerowitz Glass paid particular tribute to Mrs. Chana Moskowitz (Joseph) and
Mrs. Ann Karabus of the Society, who had been instrumental in raising this
The Kupishok Benevolent Society kept alive the spirit of the shtetl and
memories of a land and a time far off. They continued to play an important role
in keeping the Kupishoker landsleit together well into the 1970s. They were
always on hand to wish a bride and groom their best for a long life, a couple
congratulations on an anniversary and were there for all the various highlights
of Jewish family life. In fact, at my brother Don's Bar Mitzvah in 1965, the
Society presented him with a silver becher (a ceremonial wine goblet)
inscribed with their best wishes.
A few years later, the Society seems to have disbanded as the members either
passed away or left South Africa and as the need for charitable contributions
for fellow Kupishokers diminished. The last secretary of the Society, Mrs. Lily
Kahn Marcus (Lionel), has no idea what happened to the Society records and all
that remains are a few newspaper clippings of Society activities, rare
photographs of members and their gatherings and a Society address book of Velve
Sachar, the founder of the Society.

Benevolent Society Ball

Top Row, Left to Right: Lily Kahn Marcus, Ella Oppenheimer, Hymie Schaverin,
Fannie Eisman, Ida Sachar Schaverin, Alfred Oppenheimer
Bottom Row, Left to Right: Velve (Woolf) Sachar, Haide Heller, Rae Gradner,
Louis Gradner, Dora Schapiro, Chana Moskowitz, Unknown
As reported in the South African Jewish
Chronicle, March 26, 1948
... On 9th March, the Kupisker Benevolent Society held a Charity
Cabaret Ball in City Hall.
This function was a huge success and amongst the thousand guests present was
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gradner. Mr. Gradner spoke in glowing terms of the good work
done by all members of this Society. In particular, he mentioned that although
the K.B.S., which was founded by the Hon. Life President and foundation members,
Mr. Woolf Sachar, was a small Organization, this Ball was undertaken by a mere
Particular gratitude for their hard work is due to the conveners of the Ball,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Schaverin; Mrs. D. Schapiro, the Chairlady of the Society, and
Mrs. A. Moskowitz, the Vice-Chairlady. The excellent supper provided for the
guests was due to the untiring efforts of Mrs. H. Heller, S. Altman, Mr. and
Mrs. T. Glass, Mr. and Mrs. A. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. B. Green, Messrs. Percy and
Issy Berger.
A unique Cabaret turn arranged by Vic Davis and his Orchestra presented 7
year-old Jean Olivier, in a selection of South American dances; vocal renderings
of popular songs was sung by Miss Anita Zukka. This was greatly appreciated by
A substantial sum of money was raised, which will help to send parcels to our
unfortunate brethren wherever they can be reached.

Membership List
This information was obtained from the address book of Velve Sachar,
Honorary Life President and Foundation Member, by Ann Rabinowitz.
Last Name |
First Name |
Street Address |
City |
State/Country |
Abramowitz |
D. & Ch |
Uitgaenstrift, O.F. |
SA |
Ainbinder |
Gena Sakorori |
Totorus 32/10 Michailovna |
Lita |
Bady |
Helen |
601 W. 141 Street |
New York 30 |
NY |
Berger |
Mrs |
54 Saunder Street |
Yeoville, Johannesburg |
SA |
Berkowitz |
Zipora |
188 Yben Guzrel Street |
Tel Aviv |
IS |
Bloch |
L. |
9 Belmol Court, Miner Street |
Yeoville, Johannesburg |
SA |
Bloch |
Minucha |
Memuno 17/8 |
Kaunas |
Lita |
Blochaite |
P. |
Govska 6/10 |
Warsawa 36 |
Polska |
Bod |
Sara |
Ul Nowaowiejska 92/4 |
Warsawa |
Polska |
Body |
Helen |
601 W. 141 Street |
New York 31 |
NY |
Bormin |
Nechama |
Bortz |
87 Breitenbach Street |
Nigel, Transvaal |
SA |
Brener |
P. |
Botha Street |
Elsies River |
SA |
Budil |
M. |
54 Yudith Road |
Emmerencia, Johannesburg |
SA |
Budil |
Mr. |
27 Erlswold Way |
Bulkin |
R. |
3 Brighten Court, President Street, |
Sunnyside, Pretoria |
SA |
Chvocki |
G. |
Malunu 4/13 |
Vilnius |
Lita |
Chvotzkin |
G. |
Basanavicaus 24/4 |
Panevezys |
Lita |
Davidowitz |
22 Yeoville Road |
Vredehoek |
SA |
Dorfman |
Feiga Chonolovna |
Gedraicio 36/1 |
Vilnius |
Lita |
Emenene |
Chana Leibovna |
Pozeleo 36/67 |
Vilnius |
Lita |
Epstein |
Palerma Haus, Exner Avenue |
Vredehoek |
SA |
Ezroch |
A. |
South African Shirts & Underwear Manufacturers, 23 Hanau Street |
Jeppe, Johannesburg |
SA |
Finkel |
Nechama |
62 Crown Street |
Fairville, Johannesburg |
SA |
Forman |
D. |
60 Market Street |
Johannesburg |
Gerber |
Malka |
M. Melnikaite 10-1 Gatve |
Vilnius |
Lita |
Gersowsky |
Rochel |
34 Dafiela Mansion, Yeo St. |
Yeoville, Johannesburg |
SA |
Gertnerene |
Sheina |
Puskina 13a/11 |
Kaunas |
Lita |
Glass |
G. |
32, Alexander Road |
Parow |
SA |
Gordon |
S. D. |
4662 Park Heights Ave |
Baltimore |
MD |
Greitzer |
Malka |
P.O. Affula Settlement |
Geva |
IS |
Hurewitz |
B. |
336 Main Street |
Yeppe, Johannesburg |
SA |
Itzkowitz |
Mitel |
2629 N. Ridgeway Ave |
Chicago 27 |
IL |
Kan |
Dina |
6 Milner Road |
Kan |
N. |
Clarence Road, Haus Bascombe |
Sea Point, Cape Town |
SA |
Kaspy |
P. |
16 Simon Carginer Street |
Tel Aviv |
Is |
Katzef |
M. |
Livuo 57/5 |
Vilnius |
Lita |
Kazpolazkosel |
S. |
Groberto 18/6 |
Vilnius |
Lita |
Kil |
Rivka & Chana |
Kodesh |
Sloma |
IS |
Kreitzer |
Maia |
27 Camp Street |
Gardens, Cape Town |
SA |
Krok |
N. |
C/O Barret & Baker, York Road |
Muizenberg |
SA |
Krokaite |
A.M. |
Luodogius 34/25 |
Vilnius |
Lita |
Levinene |
N. |
Teatro 6, But. 3 |
Panevezys |
Lita |
Lipshitz |
N. |
Churek Street, West Bank |
Oudtshoorn |
SA |
Lipshitz |
5 Yames Street |
Vriedhoek |
SA |
Lotkin |
G. |
N. 7 Norfolk Street |
Maitland |
SA |
Margolis |
S.P. |
Delmos, Transvaal |
SA |
Marrill |
Harry |
215 W. 98 Street |
New York 25 |
NY |
Marrill |
Mrs. E. |
1632 48 Street, Side Entrance |
Brooklyn |
NY |
Mayers |
M. |
Bromton Ave |
Sea Point, Cape Town |
SA |
Meinkin |
B. |
64 Nachmaine Street |
Melamed |
Ber |
Milner |
H. |
Verietestore |
Milner |
Hene |
C/O H. Fisher, Verietestore |
Milner |
R.S. |
2 Deauville Street |
Mowbray |
SA |
Milunski |
B. |
117 Cumberland Road |
Kensington, Johannesburg |
SA |
Musiker |
L. |
280 Louis Botha Avenue |
Orange Grove, Johannesburg |
SA |
Nachamowitz |
N. |
55 N. Walk |
Pinelands, Cape Town |
SA |
Napoleone |
Malka |
P.O. Affula Settlement |
Geva |
IS |
Oshry |
Max |
21 Wilhelemina Street |
Yeoville, Johannesburg |
SA |
Padowitz |
B. |
38 Contercure Street |
Padowitz |
J. |
119 President Street, Olga Building |
Johannesburg |
SA |
Paishack |
Ch. |
62 Adderly Street |
Worcester |
SA |
Perkin |
12 Kanpora Court, Davenport Road |
Vredehoek |
SA |
Portnoy |
Yudka |
Dzieraionio Ul Koscilna 34 |
Poland |
Portnoy |
Jahuda |
Settlement Springak 20/7 |
Israel |
Rapaport |
M. |
4203 Tuxedo |
Detroit |
MI |
Rekoach |
Z. |
19 Michal Street |
Reznicow |
P.O. Box 137 |
Middelburg, Transvaal |
SA |
Rothman |
Herman |
41 Harding Terrace |
Newark |
NJ |
Rothman |
Melynn M. |
41 Harding Terrace |
Newark 12 |
NJ |
Sachar |
Edward |
119 Watchung Avenue |
Plainfield |
NJ |
Sachar |
Feige |
Sacks |
Vivian |
2629 N. Ridgeway Ave |
Chicago 27 |
IL |
Schkolne |
E. |
92 Main Road |
Wellington |
SA |
Segel |
Y. |
41 Hight Street |
Doornfontein, Johannesburg |
SA |
Shagal |
Y. |
St. Georges Street |
Durbin |
SA |
Sindler |
T. |
P.O. Box 61 |
Oudtshoorn |
SA |
Stein |
Israel |
2 Oberfield Road |
Kensington, Johannesburg |
SA |
Stern |
N.B. |
Sharon Court, Victoria Walk |
Woodstock |
SA |
Stern |
S. |
Fruit Exporters, 909 Gruit Kerk Bldg |
Stern |
Sy |
2034 Hancock Vista |
Tucson |
AZ |
Susterman |
Eva Zusovna |
Trapido |
Y. |
21 Elray Street |
Raedene, Johannesburg |
SA |
Trapido |
M. |
30 Main Road |
Fishers Hole, Johannesburg |
SA |
Traub |
M. |
Prospekt Stalina 35/5 |
Vilnius |
Lita |
Treskunowa |
Leja |
Malo Demidowski Pe 1/35 |
Moskowa B66 |
Russ |
Waineres |
Slomas |
Prospekt Lenino 26/3 |
Kaunas |
Lita |
Zin |
Rabbi Saul |
262 Clinton Place |
Newark 8 |
NJ |

The following are newspaper clippings from a variety of South African Jewish
Thanks to Professor Reuben Musiker and Naomi Musiker, South African Jewish Board of Deputies, and Helen Glass Katz for these clippings and permission to use them.
The following are memorabilia from the
Kupishok Benevolent Society of Cape Town

Benevolent Society Letterhead

Kupisker Benevolent Society Raffle Ticket

Kupisker Benevolent Society Receipt
Benevolent Society Receipt



1964 Kupisker Benevolent Society Event
1965 Kupisker Benevolent Society Event
Kupiskis Get-Together in Cape Town, South
This photo was taken by Cheryl Goldberg, the
daughter of Leah Bunn, on the occasion of the screening of the Kupiskis DVD at
the Cape Town Holocaust Centre, Tuesday, November 14, 2006. There were a
total of forty participants in this event, of which twenty-five are shown in
the photo.
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