Page created December 2006; Copyright © 2006. Since December 2006 you are visitor #:
The Polish Cemetery Site at has an excellent writeup of the Rymanow Cemetery. Text and photos are contributed by local Poles. The following are exerpts:
The Jewish cemetery in Rymanów - known by the residents as colloquially "a trench" - is located on the southern outskirts of the city, about 500 m from its center, south-east of ul. Calvary. The cemetery occupies a land plot No. 3143, with an irregular shape and an area of ??25176 sq m, located on a steeply falling hill in the west....[Some]graves became the goal of pilgrimages.... Until the mid-18th century, the cemetery served as a burial place for the deceased from Rymanów and towns subject to the local kehilla, among others from Brzozowa, Bukowska, Jacmierz, Jasienica Rosielna, Jasliska, Nowotaniec, Rogów and Zarszyn....Around 1915, a war cemetery was erected at the southern end of the cemetery. Soldiers of the Austro-Hungarian army who were killed in a battle near Rymanów were buried there.
...During the Holocaust, the cemetery became a place of execution....In the 90s ohele was renovated and the cemetery area was fenced. The investment was carried out with the involvement of, among others rabbi Mendel Reichberg and the Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish Heritage. Current cleaning works are carried out by a resident of Rymanów, Wojciech Bialas. ...In 2008, students from the Department of Culture and History of Jews at UMCS under the supervision of dr hab. Andrzej Trzcinski made an inventory of about 100 tombstones. The area of ??the cemetery is fenced with an iron fence. At the entrance there are two ohels, covered with a gable roof.
Ohel on the left protects the graves of: - tzaddik Zvi Hirsz son of Jehuda Lejb ha-Kohen, who died on November 20, 1846 (1 kislew 5607) - his son Josef ha-Kohen Friedman, after the death of the tsaddik's father in Rymanów, who died on May 1 1913 (24 Nisan, 5673).
In the ohel on the right side are: - tzaddik Menachem Mendel, son of Josef Charif from Rymanów, died on May 29, 1815 (19 ijar 5575), - Rebbe Rebeka, wife of Menachem Mendel.
...In the south-eastern part of the cemetery, the tombstones dated back to the 17th century have survived.... According to estimates, there are several hundred tombstones in different condition on the cemetery. It can be assumed that they constitute a small percentage of the pre-war number.
Dear Phyllis,
On 27th of October 2006 four members of the Society (I, my brother
Adam, Jakub and Szczepan Materniak)
tried to make some order at the
Jewish Cemetery at Rymanow. We concentrated on the
soldiers quarter, which was in a miserable condition.
See the pictures below.
We cut the trees, we trimmed the bushes,
we cut the grass and we cleaned all around the area.
Our purspoe was to clear a wide path to the monument.
You can see the shapes of the 8 tombs.
We have left two hawthorn trees (bushes?); they are attached strongly to the
earth of Rymanow, as are the graves. The only remaining thing left is a
macewa with German and Jewish letters on it.
Now we are collecting the pictures and the documents from the
archives about the monument. We want to make the next project to restore
it. The Foundation from Warsaw and Austrian Black Cross want
to help us to make it happen soon. You can find more information about the Foundation for the
Preservation of Jewish Heritage in Poland at
We have some pictures and memories about the monument but we need more information from Your archives.
We have some pictures and memories about the monument but we need more information from
Your archives.
Please give us an information soon if you have anything about the soldiers plot on Jewish cemetery.
A lot to do in a front of us but we’ve made a first step!
You are always welcome to Rymanow, there are the people who are
waiting for you. Rymanow and its past just deserve it.
Michal Lorenc
The Society is called Spotkanie-Rymanow what means “Meeting-Rymanow”,
meeting of the cultures and religions, meeting of our dreams and thoughts.
We want to create the positive spirit around the city. We need to
take care of the Synagogue and the Cemetery and we would like to involve
the young people from Rymanow.
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The following is extracted from a report by Larry Marks in October of 1997:
The cemetery is about 7 blocks south of the town square, in a field 100 meters east of the Catholic cemetery. No current Jewish population. Caretaker with key: M. BIALAS at ul. Grundwaldzka, 9, 38-250, Rymanow Poland. The gate around it was funded by a Jewish charity (the one that is rebuilding the Kazimierz district.)
Noteworthy historical events involving or affecting the Jewish Community: 1) Two famous Hasidic rabbi's. 2)Birthplace of Nobel Physicist I. Rabi. 3) Noteworthy individuals who lived in this Jewish community and are buried in the cemetery: Rabbi Zwi Hirsch, and Rabbi Menachem Mendl. According to a sign the last known Jewish burial there was in 1942. Zarszyn, 9 km away, also used this cemetery. The cemetery is about 9 blocks from the synagogue. The cemetery is landmarked.
The cemetery location is in the small village, in a field 7 blocks south of town square. The cemetery is located on a hillside, but not too steep, more an incline. The opening of the gate is at the crown of the side of a hill. The cemetery is separate, but near other cemeteries and marked by a sign in Hebrew with a Star of David, and another sign in Polish. The sign reads as follows: "Stary smentarz zydowski na ktorym sa pochowani snani rabini meszkancy miasta oraz zolnerze ktorzy padli walczac o nepodlelosc polski smentarz byl czynny do 1942 r kiedy niemcy wypedzili zydow celem zaglady czesc ich pamieci". The cemetery is reached by turning off the street, parking across from the Catholic cemetery, walking east 100 meters through a field. The field land in owned by a public trust which allows the land to lie fallow. Access to the cemetery is open to all who go to see the caretaker to unlock the gate. The cemetery is surrounded by a relatively new continous cement wall with iron bars potruding vertically up from the cement base for about 7 feet and a gate that locks. Approximately 150 gravestones in a lot of brush. Many were removed for road work. The vegetation overgrowth in the cemetery is a constant problem which is disturbing stones and damaging stones (moss is growing on them). The cemetery contains tombstones that are flat shaped stones, common stones with carvings of animals, etc., finely smoothed and inscribed stones, flat stones with carved relief decoration, and double tombstones. Inscriptions on tombstones are in Hebrew and Yiddish.
The cemetery property is now used for Jewish cemetery use only. Properties adjacent to the cemetery are agricultural and residential, with about 6 wooden homes with agricultural plots. The cemetery is visited rarely. The cemetery is known to have been vandalized (stones overturned, broken or stolen, graffiti painted on walls or stone, etc.; graves desecrated). The cemetery has a regular caretaker. On my visit (unannounced) the caretaker was clearing brush from the cmetery and burning leaves. Within the limits of the cemetery there is more than one ohel.
The cemetery in Rymanow is 500 meters southward of the market square. The caretaker for the Jewish Cemetery is: M. Biatas, ul. Grunwaldzka 9, 38-520 Rymanow.
The earliest known Jewish Community was in the 15th century. The Jewish population in 1921 was 1412. Two noteworthy Jews are buried in the cemetery: Menahem Menolel and Cwi Hirsch. The cemetery was used for Orthodox Jews. It is not listed as a monument. The cemetery's location is suburban, at the crown of a hill and isolated. There are no signs or markers. The cemetery is reached by turning directly off a public road. It is open to all. There are no walls, fences and gates.
The approximate size of the cemetery, 2.6ha; there are 100 to 500 gravestones, 50-75% of the stones remain. The cemetery is not divided into sections. Tombstones are dated in the 19th and 20th century. They are made of granite and some of sandstone. There are rough stones or boulders, finely smoothed and inscribed stone and flat stones with carved relief decoration. The inscriptions are in Hebrew and the cemetery contains a Memorial to Jewish Soldiers. There are also marked mass graves. It is used as a Jewish Cemetery. Ajacent properties are agricultural. The cemetery is visited frequently by organized groups or tours and private visitors. The cemetery is known to have been vandalized during WWII. In 1982 two
ohels were built. There is no maintenance. Occasional clearing by private individuals, keeps the cemetery clean. Vegetation overgrowth is a constant problem, damaging stones. Vegetation and vandalism are considered very serious threats. The cemetery is overgrown with young trees destroying gravestones.
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The Internet holds many new wonders. The following table of "Rymanowscy" results were retrieved from There were 237 Rymanow resident results from this archive.
Surname, First Name | Source | Occupation | Translation | Achtel, Chaja | 1942 list of Jews | Adler, Leib | 1939 business list | Gemischtwarenladen | Groceries | Adler, Leib | 1939 business list | Getreidelager | grain storage | Berger, Josef | 1939 business list | Seidenwarenladen | silk store | Berteniel, Boruch | 1939 business list | Schlosserwerkstatt | locksmith shop | Bielecki, Ignacy | other | city council member in 1938 | Bodenstein, Leib | 1939 business list | Bäckerei | bakery | Bodenstein, Moses | 1939 business list | Laden für Erdölprodukte | shop for oil products | Bodenstein, Nachum | 1939 business list | Bäckerei | bakery | Braun, Izrael Hersz | 1939 business list | Seidenwarenladen | silk store | Bucher, Aron | 1939 business list | Fleischerei (jatka miesna) | butchers | Bucher, Jozef | 1939 business list | Fleischerei (jatka miesna) | butchers | Bucher, Józef | 1939 business list | Fleischerei (jatka miesna) | butchers | Buksbaum, Josef | 1939 business list | Molkereiwarenladen | dairy store | Burstynowicz, Cywia | 1942 list of Jews | Burstynowicz, Herschel | 1942 list of Jews | Burstynowicz, Jakub | 1942 list of Jews | Burstynowicz, Jonas | 1942 list of Jews | Burstynowicz, Moniek | 1942 list of Jews | Burstynowicz, Rozia | 1942 list of Jews | Burstynowicz, Ruchla | 1942 list of Jews | Cetnarski, Szymon | other | city council member in 1938 | Chill, Moses | 1939 business list | Getränkeladen | liquor store | Chill, Samuel | other | city council member in 1938 | Cwas, Hana | 1942 list of Jews | Dab, Hersz | 1939 business list | Handel mit Kälbern | trade with calves | Debiec, Maria | 1942 list of Jews | Edelheit, Cywa | 1942 list of Jews | Edelheit, Esta | 1942 list of Jews | Edelheit, Estera | 1942 list of Jews | Edelheit, Herman | 1942 list of Jews | Edelheit, Jakub | 1942 list of Jews | Edelheit, Leib | 1942 list of Jews | Edelheit, Mala | 1942 list of Jews | Edelheit, Motek | 1942 list of Jews | Edelheit, Perla | 1942 list of Jews | Engerhard, Aron | 1939 business list | Lebensmittelladen | grocery store | Epstein, Juda | 1939 business list | Schulzubehörhandlung | school supplies for action | Estern, Bercer | 1939 business list | Kolonialwarenhandlung | ??? | Etra, Herszko | 1939 business list | zwei Restaurants | two restaurants | Feit, Blima | 1942 list of Jews | Feit, Fryda | 1942 list of Jews | Feit, Herman | 1942 list of Jews | Feit, Isok | 1942 list of Jews | Feit, Jakub | 1942 list of Jews | Feit, Tauba | 1942 list of Jews | Fessel, Chuna | 1942 list of Jews | First, Mosze | 1939 business list | Eisenwarenladen | hardware store | Fischel, Mates | 1939 business list | Ziegelei | brickyard | Fluhr, Chaja | 1942 list of Jews | Fluhr, Juda | 1942 list of Jews | Fluhr, Reila | 1942 list of Jews | Fluhr, Ruchla | 1942 list of Jews | Fluhr, Ryfka | 1939 business list | Eisenwarenladen | hardware store | Frankel, Izaak | 1939 business list | Molkereiwarenladen | dairy store | Frankel, Juda | 1939 business list | Seidenwarenladen | silk store | Friedman, Józef | other | kleine Erzählungen von ihm | short stories by him | Fuerer, Benzion | other | Erinnerungen sind abgedruckt | his memories were printer | Fuerer, Józef Mosze | TBD | Garfunkel, Izaak | 1939 business list | Schuhladen | shoe shop | Garfunkel, Zysio | other | Makabi soccer player during 1930s | Gatzler, Hera | 1939 business list | Galanteriewarenladen | ??? | Gersten, Helena | 1942 list of Jews | Gersten, Heni | 1942 list of Jews | Gersten, Leon | 1942 list of Jews | Gersten, Maks | 1942 list of Jews | Getzler, Cywia | 1939 business list | Gemischtwarenladen | groceries | Glazer, Boruch | 1939 business list | Glaserei | glazing | Glazer, Izaak | 1939 business list | Glaserei | glazing | Glazer, Ryfka | 1939 business list | Schneiderwerkstatt | sewing workshop | Gold, Szyja | 1939 business list | Backwarenladen | pastry shop | Goldschmit, Moses | 1939 business list | Schlosserwerkstatt | sewing workshop | Günzberg, Roza | 1939 business list | Süsswarenladen | confectionery shop | Günzberg, Ryfka | 1939 business list | Süsswarenladen | confectionary shop | Günzwig, Chaskel | 1942 list of Jews | Gutman, Izrael | 1939 business list | Handlung für Schuhmacherzubehör | action for shoe accessories | Halpern, Itzhak | other | wrote memoirs | Halpern, Jozef | 1939 business list | Getränkevertrieb | beverage sales | Halpern, Naftali | other | city council member in 1938 | Haskell, Gomindla | 1939 business list | Lederwarenladen | leather goods store | Haskell, Moses | 1939 business list | Getränkeausschank | beverage serving | Haskell, Mosze | 1939 business list | Baustoffhandlung | building plot | Haskell, Srul | 1939 business list | Schuhmacherwerkstatt | shoemaker's workshop | Helawi, Mosze | 1939 business list | Gemischtwarenladen | groceries | Hessek, Stanislaw | other | city council member in 1938 | Hillet, Benjamin | 1942 list of Jews | Horowitz, Alter Mosze Eliezer | TBD | Horowitz, Chaim | 1942 list of Jews | Horowitz, Juda | 1939 business list | Papierwarenladen | stationery store | Hupert, Hilda | other | wrote memoirs | Jakobowicz, Estera | 1942 list of Jews | Jakobowicz, Józef | 1942 list of Jews | Jakobowicz, Rafal | 1942 list of Jews | Jakubowicz, Izaak | 1939 business list | Süsswarenladen | confectionery shop | Jakubowicz, Pessah | other | wrote memoirs | Katz, Herman | 1939 business list | Hutladen | milliner | Keller, Mosze | 1939 business list | Übernachtungsgewerbe | accomodation business | Keller, Naftali | 1939 business list | Maschinen- und -zubehörhandel | machinery and accessories trade | Kestenbaum, Josek | 1939 business list | Gemischtwarenladen | groceries | Kohen, Cwi Hirsch | other | TBD | little stories of him | Kohn, Leib | 1942 list of Jews | Kohn, Tauba | 1942 list of Jews | Kornreich | 1942 list of Jews | Kosonocki, Jan | other | city council member in 1938 | Kuflik, Chaim | 1939 business list | Keramikladen | ceramic shop | Landau, Hersz | 1939 business list | Molkereiwarenhandlung | dairy goods act | Landau, Mosze | 1939 business list | Lederwarenladen | leather goods store | Leib, Szyja | 1939 business list | Süsswarenladen | confectionery shop | Leiner, Moses | 1939 business list | Gemischtwarenladen | groceries | Lejbowicz, Herman | 1939 business list | Gemischtwarenladen | groceries | Lieb, Aron | 1939 business list | Getränkeladen | liquor store | Liff, Reisla | 1942 list of Jews | Majer, Jenta | 1939 business list | Lebensmittelladen | grocery store | Maltenfort, Peisech | 1942 list of Jews | Mann, Jakub | 1939 business list | Schlosserwerkstatt | locksmith shop | Margules, Baruch | 1939 business list | Tapetenladen | wallpaper store | Margules, Izaak Salomon | 1939 business list | Mehlhandlung | flour action | Margules, Naftali | 1939 business list | Restaurant mit Billard | restaurant with billiards | Markel, Binem | 1939 business list | Fleischerei (jatka miesna) | butchers | May, Ascher | 1939 business list | Gemischtwarenladen | groceries | Maziarka, Feiga | 1939 business list | Getränkeausschank | beverage serving | Mendel, Menachem | other | TBD | Michalowski, Jerzy | other | city council member in 1938 | Mincer, Aron Leizer | 1939 business list | Friseurladen | barbershop | Monaster, Moses Samuel | 1939 business list | Farbenhandlung | colors act | Moszkowicz, Srul | 1939 business list | Bekleidungshaus | clothing store | Nadziekiewicz, Pawel | other | city council member in 1938 | Nagler, Sasche | 1939 business list | Gemischtwarenladen | groceries | Noger, Reine | 1939 business list | Gewürzhandlung | spice action | Orenstein, Ruchla | 1939 business list | Seidenwarenladen | silk store | Ostram, Berta | 1942 list of Jews | Ostram, Margot | 1942 list of Jews | Ostram, Toni | 1942 list of Jews | Pelzig, Alter | 1942 list of Jews | Pelzig, Berta | 1942 list of Jews | Pelzig, Jakub | 1942 list of Jews | Pelzig, Klara | 1942 list of Jews | Pelzig, Osias | 1942 list of Jews | Pelzig, Ruchla | 1942 list of Jews | Penner, Choim | 1942 list of Jews | Penner, Herbert | 1942 list of Jews | Penner, Regina | 1942 list of Jews | Perl, Ryfka | 1939 business list | Seidenwarenladen | silk store | Pinkas, Bronia | 1942 list of Jews | Pinkas, Hersz | 1939 business list | Getreidehandlung | grain store | Pistrag, Hera | 1939 business list | Seidenwarenladen | silk store | Rabi, Isaac Isidor | photo/other | American physicist | Rechler, Berko | 1939 business list | Handel mit Därmen | trade in intestines | Robinsohn, Hersch | 1939 business list | Getreidelager | grain storage | Rosen, Chaja | 1942 list of Jews | Rosen, Jakub | 1939 business list | (special) | Rosen, Jakub | 1939 business list | trade in raw hides | Rosen, Sara | 1942 list of Jews | Rosen, Vetti | 1942 list of Jews | Rosenzweig, Choim | 1942 list of Jews | Rosenzweig, Hana | 1942 list of Jews | Rosenzweig, Jakub | 1942 list of Jews | Rotem, Jozef | wrote memoirs | Rottenberg, Leib | 1939 business list | Lederwarenladen | leather goods store | Rottenberg, Meir | 1939 business list | Möbelladen | furniture store; also wrote memoirs | Rottenberg, Sara | 1939 business list | Galanteriewarenladen | ??? | Rozenblat, Mosze | 1939 business list | Getreidehandel | grain trade | Rubinsohn, Sara | 1942 list of Jews | Rymer, Szaja | 1939 business list | Süsswarenladen | confectionery shop | Sandecki, Franciszek | other | city council member in 1938 | Sapecki, Stanislaw | other | city council member in 1938 | Schachner, Idale Zinger | 1939 business list | Schirmreparaturwerkstatt | screen repair shop | Schachner, Lazar | 1939 business list | Hebräisch-Schule | Hebrew school | Schachner, Moses | 1939 business list | Seidenwarenhandlung | silks act | Scharmot, Ruchla Estera | 1939 business list | Leinenhandlung | line of action | Schechter, Roza | 1939 business list | Seidenwarenladen | silk store | Scherer, Cecylia | 1942 list of Jews | Schreiber, Josek | 1939 business list | Backwarenladen | pastry shop | Schwarz, Mozes | 1942 list of Jews | Seelenfreund, Mosze | wrote memoirs | Seelenfreund, Salomon | other | Kaufmann und Gemeindevorsteher | businessman and community leader; also city council member in 1938 | Silberman, Chaim | 1939 business list | Süsswarenladen | confectionery shop | Simon, Boruch | 1939 business list | Kalkhandel | lime trading | Singer, Pesia | 1939 business list | Getränkeladen | liquor store | Soltysik, Jan | other | city council member in 1938 | Spiera, Juda | 1942 list of Jews | Spiera, Lea | 1942 list of Jews | Spiera, Zygmunt | 1942 list of Jews | Spira | other | goalkeeper in Makabi soccer team during 1930s | Spira, Rachela | 1939 business list | Gemischtwarenladen + Uhrmacherwerkstat | groceries + ??? | Sponder, Chaim | 1939 business list | Schneiderwerkstatt | sewing workshop | Sponder, Herman | other | Gallentry store??? | city council member in 1938 | Sponder, Szaja | 1939 business list | Schneiderwerkstatt | sewing workshop | Sponder, Tobias | 1939 business list | Fischhandlung | fishmonger | Staff, Mosze | 1939 business list | Sägewerk | sawmill | Stary, Abram | 1939 business list | Bäckerei | bakery | Stidel, Franciszek | other | city council member in 1938 | Stoff, Samuel | other | city council member in 1938 | Szczek, S. | TBD | Szmyd, Andrzej | other | city council member in 1938 | Teitelbaum, Alter | 1942 list of Jews | Teitelbaum, Jakub | 1942 list of Jews | Teitelbaum, Rosa | 1942 list of Jews | Tobiasz, Josek | 1939 business list | Böttcherwerkstatt | cooper's workshop | Tuchman, Jakub | 1939 business list | Getränkeausschank | beverage serving | Verständig, Berta | 1942 list of Jews | Verständig, Dawid | 1942 list of Jews | Verständig, Józef | 1942 list of Jews | Verständig, Mania | 1942 list of Jews | Verständig, Miskel | 1942 list of Jews | Vogel Stary, Fryda | TBD | Wald, Hersz | other | paint shop | city council member in 1938 | Waltman, Dawid | 1939 business list | Lebensmittelladen | grocery store | Wasielewski-Polonina, Jedrek | TBD | Wasielewski-Polonina, Jedrek | TBD | Wassenstrug, Abram | 1939 business list | Bekleidungshaus | clothing store | Weinberger, Israel | 1939 business list | trade in raw hides | Weinrel, Bronislawa | 1942 list of Jews | Weinrel, Helena | 1942 list of Jews | Weinzberger, Cwi | TBD | Weinzberger, Jakov | TBD | Weinzberger, Nahum | TBD | Weitzman, Rachele | 1939 business list | Baustoffhandlung | building plot | Wenig, Josek | other | Makabi soccer player during 1930s | Wimer, Chana | 1939 business list | Seidenwarenladen | silk store | Wimme, Dawid | other | city council member in 1938 | Windholz, Helena | 1942 list of Jews | Wlodarczyk, Mariusz | TBD | Wolf, Abraham | 1939 business list | Schuhladen | shoe shop | Wolf, Gucia | 1939 business list | Süsswarenladen | confectionery shop | Wolf, Markel | 1939 business list | Viehhandel | cattle trade | Wolf, Markel | 1939 business list | Friseurladen | barbershop | Wolf, Menasche | 1939 business list | Gemischtwarenladen | groceries | Wolf, Moses | 1939 business list | Gemischtwarenladen | groceries | Wolski, Józef | TBD | Zigler, Chaja | 1939 business list | Schulzubehörhandlung | school supplies for action | Zitronenbaum, Chawa | 1939 business list | Posamentenladen | ??? | Zitronenbaum, Izaak | 1939 business list | Gemischtwarenladen | groceries | Zukerman, Blima | 1939 business list | Gemischtwarenladen | groceries |
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