The main town in the area is Krosno; there is much more information available about this area (which includes nearby Jasienica, Dormaradz, Brzozow and Jaslo), on the Krosno area page.
Korczyna is today a town in southern Poland that was once
home to many of our Jewish ancestors. Korczyna was in Galicia,
an Imperial Province of Austria Hungary from 1776 to 1919,
then was returned to a re-created Poland at the end of World
War I. Korczyna is located at latitude 49° 43´ longitude 21°
49´, about 3miles NorthEast of Krosno, 43 miles west of
Przemysl, and 178 miles south,southeast of Warsaw. Note the
map on the right.
I hope you will find all this interesting and helpful. Please
contact me if you have photos
or information to add, or any questions. As with any
genealogical research, this is an evolving project.
contact Jeff Alexander, South Carolina
Original page created by Phyllis Kramer (OBM) in October 2000; updated July 2019.
Copyright © (2022) Jeffrey Alexander. All rights
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According to Miriam Wiener's Routes to Roots Foundation web site (, the following records are available:
The Aliyah passports are available on the Jewish
Records Indexing--Project (JRI-P). Go to and search for
the town by name. Although Korczyna town records are not
available here, there are over 300 records of folks from
the town who lived elsewhere.
The following is a birth certificate from Korczyna dated 1907, for the birth in 1890 of Joseph Beer SPINDLER. To interpret the Polish and German Headings, go to JRI-P and download their file of formats at
I believe the birth certificate reads
You can contact the SPINDLER researcher
by clicking
Let me suggest a good method to search on JRI-P for indexes to vital records. What you are seeking are records not just from your own town, but from towns in the area, as marriages were most often arranged between neighboring towns. Here are the steps:
The photographs were taken by Ruben Weiser......Ruben's
great grandfather, Itzjak Elovitz (a descendent
of Rabbi Elimelej of Lizensjk) was born in
Zborov, Slovakia, and moved early in life to Krosno. There
Itzjak married Hana Pessel, who was born
in Korczyna.
For more information, please contact Ruben Weiser
in Argentina.
Jews in Korczyna in 1930:
And some modern day photographs of the town:
A postcard showing the rynec (town square) in 1910
appears below:
And finally, a corner of Korczyna:
For more information, please contact Tomasz Okoniewski in Poland.
Although it is 70 years since i spent some of my time in Domaradz, I cannot forget the good time i had there. I lived with my family in Korczyna. Every year for the Passover holidays the whole family packed up and hired a horse and wagon with a man to take us to Domaradz. We could not wait to get there to see our grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.
I remember the beautiful landscape, the river, woods and hills surrounding the area. For us children it was an especially exciting trip. The first thing when we arrived we ran to the stable to see the cow and goat. Then we played in the back of the house on the wagons. This was a big thrill. I still remember the smell of the stable, which seemed to me like a good perfume.
Our grandparets did not know what to do with us out of happiness. They were elated. They were poor people struggling for a living; they worked hard just to feed themselves. How can you forget this? They were very proud people. What a hobbible death. My grandfather was shot for protecting his children from separating from him. Then they shot each one of them with a pistol (per witnesses). Why? They did not bother anybody. They were honest people. The murderous german S.S. How could they live with themselves. They were shot on the cemetery in Jasienice Rosielne and are buried there. Over 1000 people were shot at that time. I was informed that the city has put up a marker plate on that spot. Not only the Jews from Domaradz died there, also Jews from the surrounding villages. My cousin Froim was a witness to this horrible tragedy. For the last 58 years i live with my family in the U.S.A. Life here is good. But i cannot foget the beautiful time i spent in Domaradz. My memory of the family is alwys in front of my eyes. In 1984 we visited Domaradz but I could not find any trace of the place they lived.
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Do you have roots in Korczyna or the surrounding area??? Would you like to connect with others researching the same community? Click the button to search the JewishGen Family Finder database. If you are not already registerred with JewishGen, please do so. It's free and painless! and that way you can add the surnames you are researching to the list, so that others can find you!!
Surnames: RAFF / SICHERMAN/ MEISNER/ KATZ / FISCH / GRUNSPANN / GREENSPAN / EICHNER / ZWICK / HILLER from Zmigrod Nowy / Bukowsko / Dukla / Dynow / Korczyna, Poland.
Great-Great Grandparents: Aron and Itte KATZ, who were day laborers in Korczyna. They had at least one child. Her name was Chaje (Chaya) Sara and she was my great-grandmother.
For More Information, email Debbie Raff, Calif.
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Dawid GOLDMAN married Minnie MARGOLES ( born circa. 1861). They had 6 children, born in Korczyna: Izzy, Jack, Hilda, Anna Harry and Louis.
According to his birth certificate, Louis was born Jan 23, 1880 in Korczyna, in House #641. He married Fanny Stecher in December of 1912 in NYC. Fanny was born Dec 21, 1894 at 275 Rivington Street in NYC. Louis died in NY on Apr 27, 1976