November 2012


Dear Fellow Kremenetsers:

We have added a greatly expanded births spreadsheet for towns of the Kremenets District to our Google KDRG Contributors website ( This spreadsheet now includes records of births that occurred in Belozerka, Katerinovka, Oleksinets, Velikiye Berezhtsy, and Vyshgorodok as well as Kremenets. In one case, the new records take us to 1938, right at the eve of the Shoah. The birth records spreadsheet now has almost 12,500 entries, each with multiple names.

I hope you are as fortunate as I was with these new records. My paternal grandfather, Avraham Diokhter left Kremenets for the US in 1900. I knew from earlier birth records that he had a half brother, Yekusiel Pesach. The new records produced two other half siblings. They also allowed me to trace the movements of my gggrandfather and his children and grandchildren from Oleksinets to Kremenets and on to Katerinovka and Bazaliya. And, they display 7 different ways my ancestral surname was spelled in the records.

We also have added the most recent update of our Revision List translation spreadsheet. A table at the top of the spreadsheet identifies the records that are included as well as records that have been translated but are not yet in the spreadsheet. The latter currently are being processed. Currently, the Revision List translation spreadsheet has more than 60,000 entries. Translation of our original revision list data is almost complete. We are in the process of obtaining new data that will extend the revision list set from 1868 to 1880.

All of the new records are in the updated Concordance, which also is available for downloading. The Concordance now has more than 160,000 entries. The next update, in about 6 months, will bring the total to about 190,000 entries. The Concordance is searchable using Steve Morse's One-Step search engine. The search page is available free to everyone at:

The KDRG Contributors website on Google is accessible only to those who have contributed in some way to our work ... by making a donation or providing documents or a service. One of our members, who wishes to be anonymous, has offered to match your contributions dollar-for-dollar, up to $1,000. Please help us take advantage of this very generous offer. We have a deadline of 1 December to receive matching funds. Many of our members have made generous donations to help us meet our goal by the deadline. However, we still are a little short of the $1,000 we need to reach the matching total. Will you please make a donation today to help us get over the top?

Make your donation to our Kremenets account at JRI-Poland. Contributions to "Jewish Records Indexing - Poland" may be by check, bank draft, money order, or credit card. Be sure to specify that your contribution is for the Kremenets Shtetl CO-OP. Send your donation or credit card information to:

Jewish Records Indexing - Poland, Inc.
c/o Sheila Salo, Treasurer
5607 Greenleaf Road
Cheverly, MD 20785 USA

Telephone:  (301) 341-1261
Fax: 1-810-592-1768 (24 hours)
Donations Webpage:

Be sure to specify that your contribution is for the Kremenets Shtetl CO-OP. When you send your donation, please send me an e-mail message to let me know the amount you contribute and the date of mailing so that we can be sure the donation gets applied properly. If your employer has a matching gift program, please think about matching your donation through that program.

The Kremenets Shtetl CO-OP is affiliated with Jewish Records Indexing - Poland, Inc. (JRI-Poland), which is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible in the U.S. and Canada to the extent permitted by law.

Please let me know if you make any great discoveries in the new data. I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Ron Doctor
Co-Coordinator, Kremenets Shtetl CO-OP/Jewish Records Indexing-Poland
An activity of the Kremenets District Research Group
Portland, Oregon USA

Researching DOCTOR (DIOKHTER), VARER, AVERBAKH, KORENFELD ... all from Kremenets, Oleksinets, Yampol, Vishnevets
and KAZDOY (KOSODOY), DUBINSKI, DUBOWSKY ... all from Kiev, Uman, Odessa