Dear Fellow Kremenetsers, Shumskers, Vishnevetsers et al,


Sheree Roth and I are pleased to announce that the Kremenets Shtetl CO-OP's new Discussion List is now available on RootsWeb. It is easy to subscribe: Just click on one of the shortcut links below, 

·        Subscribe to UKR-KREMENETS-L

·        Subscribe to UKR-KREMENETS-D (digest)

The Digest accumulates messages during the day and sends all of them to you in a single e-mail, instead of sending them one at a time as they come in.


If your browser doesn't understand these links, try these manual instructions:

·        To join UKR-KREMENETS-L, send mail to with the single word subscribe in the message subject and body.

·        To join UKR-KREMENETS-D, do the same thing with

If you have any difficulty, contact me at or at and I'll get you subscribed.


Once you are subscribed, you can post a message to the list by sending your e-mail to:


Keep in mind that all messages posted to this mailing list also are added to the list archives on

Until now, Sheree and I have been using e-mail to communicate with all of you whose ancestors came from Kremenets and surrounding shtetlach. That has worked ok, but it hasn't allowed for much open discussion among our 398 members. With the new list, members will be able to communicate directly without first going through Sheree or me.


We will use the list to discuss new developments in the various projects that we have underway. As most of you know, we are accumulating and translating genealogical and historical documents relating not just to Kremenets, but also to the surrounding shtetlach. Our Indexed Concordance of Personal Names and Town Names now has 693 town name entries, representing 4934 different towns. Besides Kremenets, here are the top 20 towns, each mentioned at least 200 times in the records.

Vishnevets                                                 Rakhmanov

Shumskoye                                                Lanovtsy (Lanovets)

Katerinovka (Katerburg)                             Berestechko

Chervonoarmeysk (Radzivilov)                      Verba

Velikiye Berezhtsy (Berezhets/Brezits)       Ostrog  

Yampol                                                       Kozin

Dubno                                                        Lutsk

Pochayev                                                    Rivne (Rovno, Rowna)

Vyshgorodok                                               Olyka

Oleksinets                                                  Pavlovka (Poritsk)

So, if your ancestors were from one of these towns (or the others in our Concordance), there is a good chance that we have records for you. We invite you to discuss this and other topics on our new List.

By the way, if you haven't visited our Kremenets Shtetlinks website recently, please be sure to take a look at it. Ben Buckwold and Adam Bronstein have done an excellent job of redesigning and updating the website ... but be patient, it takes time to add all the content that we have. To get to the website, point your browser to:

The searchable and soundexed Indexed Concordance is at:

We post updated versions regularly. We'll announce them on the Discussion List.

Sheree and I are looking forward to hearing from you.

Ron Doctor

Co-Coordinator, Kremenets Shtetl CO-OP/Jewish Records Indexing-Poland

an activity of the Kremenets District Research Group