Proskurov Poor Jews Donations 1912-1914

Preamble to the list of the names of poor Jews who received the charity assistance in pre-revolutionary Proskurov 1912-1914

Yaroslav Mikhaylovsky,
Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine

In the early 20th century, almost all more or less large Jewish communities of the Russian Empire officially established charity societies which provided material assistance to the poor and sick Jews, women in childbirth, etc., members of the local communities. The society of such type under the name “The Relief Society for poor Jewish residents” was created in the city of Proskurov. The donors of charitable funds were well-to-do Jewish residents of Proskurov. The family of Rapoports was among them. Some of its members were also involved in distributing the collected funds. Certainly, all money transactions were thoroughly documented. Recently, the Rapoports domestic Archives were miraculously discovered during the roof repair in the house which had belonged to the family long ago. The archival papers have contained financial documentation. There were discovered a number of stubs of so-called “assignovkas” (Russian «ассигновка» means a document of strict form, which fixed the data of each definite payment provided by the “Relief society”) [Link examples of "stub"]. On the found stubs, some important data, at least, names of aid recipients were presented, as well. On the stubs, we also can find dates of giving any charitable donation (all dates were fixed between January 4, 1912 and April 2, 1914). Those recipients’ names, in the alphabetic order, are collected into the following list. We can follow the sad fate some of them. For example, we know that the aid recipient Chaya Natanzon (her patronymic was Moshkovna) was brutally murdered in pogrom on February 16, 1919; she was only 40).
Translation by Eugenia Sheinman

List of Aid Recipients

Oct 1, 2017 update - added/modifed 1,5,11,12,16,20,23,28,29,31,36,45,46,53,59,67

Surname Surname

1 AIZMAN Айзман Ш
2 BORSUK Борсук М. 
3 BRAUN Браун Сося
4 VAINER Вайнер Ханца
5 VINIKUR Виникур  
6 GEL'PAN Гельпан Гитил
7 GERSHENTSVEIG Гершенцвейг Голда
8 GILIBTERMAN Гилибтерман М.
9 GOLD Голд  
10 GOL'DENBERG Гольденберг Эта (Эстер)
11 GRAITSER Грайцер  Ш. 
12 GRINBERG Гринберг Тойба 
13 GUZ Гуз Буня
14 GUZ Гуз М.
15 DEREVOED Деревоед  
16 ZALTSMAN  Зальцман  Нехама
17 ZIZMAN Зизман Г.
18 ZISMAN Зисман М.
19 ZUZMAN, ZUSMAN Зузман М.(Зусман М.)
20 KANTER, KANTOR Кантер Ш. (Кантор Ш.)
21 KATSMAN Кацман Янкель
22 KVASHA Кваша Сося
23 KLURFEL'D Клурфельд  М.
24 KOGAN, KOGEN  Коган Эта (Коган Этиль, Коген Э.)
25 KOGON Когон Р.
26 KORSHCHIVER Коршчивер Хая
27 KRUPNIK Крупник Х.
28 KURLAND Курланд  Г.
29 MAIDANIK, MAIDANEK Майданик В. (Майданек В.)
30 MARGULIYUS, MARGULIS Маргулиюс Б.Г. (Маргулис Б.Г.)
31 MASENKIS Масенкис Б.Г.
32 MEZHBA Межба Т.
33 MEIL'MAN Мейльман Шей(и/л)ва
34 MELAMUD, MALAMUD Меламуд А. (Маламуд А.) 
35 MELAMUD Меламуд М.
36 MELMAN Мельман Р. 
37 MESHONSHNIK, MESHONZHNIK  Мешоншник Г. (Мешонжник Г.)
38 MIL'SHTEIN, MIL'TSHTEIN   Мильштейн П. (Мильтштейн П.)
39 MINDLIS Миндлис Цирила
40 MITKIVITSER Миткивицер М.
41 NATANZON Натанзон Хая (see Note1:)
42 OKSMAN Оксман С.А.
43 OKSMAN Оксман М.
44 PIN' Пинь  
45 POLTUN Полтун  Р.
46 POSACHINSKIY Посачинский  М.
47 RABIN Рабин Д.
48 RAPOPORT Рапопорт М.
49 RAPOPORT Рапопорт Р.
50 ROIZENBERG Ройзенберг Б.
51 ROIZENTULER Ройзентулер Х.
52 RUKH Рух М.
53 RUKHEL', RUKHIL, RIKHIL Рухель Э. (Рухил Э., Рихил Э.)
54 SEGAL Сегал Б.
55 SIGAL Сигал Т.
56 SOIFER Сойфер  
57 FEL'DMAN Фельдман Д.
58 FELDMAN, FEL'DMAN, FEL'MAN   Фелдман Р. (Фельдман Р. Фельман Р.)
59 SHAIN Шайн М.
60 SHAFIR Шафир Б.А.
61 SHEINBERG Шейнберг Ш.М.
62 SHEINKMAN Шейнкман М.
63 SHEPOPET Шепопет К.М.
64 SHIRSHIN Ширшин Янтца
65 SHISHKER, SHIMKER   Шишкер (Шимкер) Акумака
66 SHPIGEL' Шпигель Малка
67 SHTIMER Штимер Ш. 
68 ESTRAYKH   Эстрайх И.

Note 1: patronymic - Moshkovna, died on February 16, 1919 at the age of 40 (Number 41)

These are two examples of the "stubs" from which the list of names was made.
stub 1
Pic 2

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